blob: 0700d097154d082b312f3471914cc4986595b58d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chrome/browser/common/cancelable_request.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/android/android_history_types.h"
#include "sql/statement.h"
class Profile;
// This class provides the methods to communicate with history backend service
// for the Android content provider.
// The methods of this class must run on the UI thread to cooperate with the
// BookmarkModel task posted in the DB thread.
class AndroidHistoryProviderService : public CancelableRequestProvider {
explicit AndroidHistoryProviderService(Profile* profile);
virtual ~AndroidHistoryProviderService();
// The callback definitions ------------------------------------------------
typedef base::Callback<void(
Handle, // handle
bool, // true if the query succeeded.
history::AndroidStatement*)> // the result of query
typedef CancelableRequest<QueryCallback> QueryRequest;
typedef base::Callback<void(
Handle, // handle
bool, // true if the update succeeded.
int)> // the number of row updated.
typedef CancelableRequest<UpdateCallback> UpdateRequest;
typedef base::Callback<void(
Handle, // handle
bool, // true if the insert succeeded.
int64)> // the id of inserted row.
typedef CancelableRequest<InsertCallback> InsertRequest;
typedef base::Callback<void(
Handle, // handle
bool, // true if the deletion succeeded.
int)> // the number of row deleted.
typedef CancelableRequest<DeleteCallback> DeleteRequest;
typedef base::Callback<void(
Handle, // handle
int)> // the new position.
typedef CancelableRequest<MoveStatementCallback> MoveStatementRequest;
// History and Bookmarks ----------------------------------------------------
// Runs the given query on history backend, and invokes the |callback| to
// return the result.
// |projections| is the vector of the result columns.
// |selection| is the SQL WHERE clause without 'WHERE'.
// |selection_args| is the arguments for WHERE clause.
// |sort_order| is the SQL ORDER clause.
Handle QueryHistoryAndBookmarks(
const std::vector<history::HistoryAndBookmarkRow::ColumnID>& projections,
const std::string& selection,
const std::vector<string16>& selection_args,
const std::string& sort_order,
CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
const QueryCallback& callback);
// Runs the given update and the number of the row updated is returned to the
// |callback| on success.
// |row| is the value to update.
// |selection| is the SQL WHERE clause without 'WHERE'.
// |selection_args| is the arguments for the WHERE clause.
Handle UpdateHistoryAndBookmarks(const history::HistoryAndBookmarkRow& row,
const std::string& selection,
const std::vector<string16>& selection_args,
CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
const UpdateCallback& callback);
// Deletes the specified rows and invokes the |callback| to return the number
// of row deleted on success.
// |selection| is the SQL WHERE clause without 'WHERE'.
// |selection_args| is the arguments for the WHERE clause.
// if |selection| is empty all history and bookmarks are deleted.
Handle DeleteHistoryAndBookmarks(const std::string& selection,
const std::vector<string16>& selection_args,
CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
const DeleteCallback& callback);
// Inserts the given values into history backend, and invokes the |callback|
// to return the result.
Handle InsertHistoryAndBookmark(const history::HistoryAndBookmarkRow& values,
CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
const InsertCallback& callback);
// Deletes the matched history and invokes |callback| to return the number of
// the row deleted from the |callback|.
Handle DeleteHistory(const std::string& selection,
const std::vector<string16>& selection_args,
CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
const DeleteCallback& callback);
// Statement ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Moves the statement's current row from |current_pos| to |destination| in DB
// thread. The new position is returned to the callback. The result supplied
// the callback is constrained by the number of rows might.
Handle MoveStatement(history::AndroidStatement* statement,
int current_pos,
int destination,
CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
const MoveStatementCallback& callback);
// Closes the statement in db thread. The AndroidHistoryProviderService takes
// the ownership of |statement|.
void CloseStatement(history::AndroidStatement* statement);
// Search term --------------------------------------------------------------
// Inserts the given values and returns the SearchTermID of the inserted row
// from the |callback| on success.
Handle InsertSearchTerm(const history::SearchRow& row,
CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
const InsertCallback& callback);
// Runs the given update and returns the number of the update rows from the
// |callback| on success.
// |row| is the value need to update.
// |selection| is the SQL WHERE clause without 'WHERE'.
// |selection_args| is the arguments for WHERE clause.
Handle UpdateSearchTerms(const history::SearchRow& row,
const std::string& selection,
const std::vector<string16>& selection_args,
CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
const UpdateCallback& callback);
// Deletes the matched rows and the number of deleted rows is returned from
// the |callback| on success.
// |selection| is the SQL WHERE clause without 'WHERE'.
// |selection_args| is the arguments for WHERE clause.
// if |selection| is empty all search be deleted.
Handle DeleteSearchTerms(const std::string& selection,
const std::vector<string16>& selection_args,
CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
const DeleteCallback& callback);
// Returns the result of the given query from the |callback|.
// |projections| specifies the result columns, can not be empty, otherwise
// NULL is returned.
// |selection| is the SQL WHERE clause without 'WHERE'.
// |selection_args| is the arguments for WHERE clause.
// |sort_order| the SQL ORDER clause.
Handle QuerySearchTerms(
const std::vector<history::SearchRow::ColumnID>& projections,
const std::string& selection,
const std::vector<string16>& selection_args,
const std::string& sort_order,
CancelableRequestConsumerBase* consumer,
const QueryCallback& callback);
Profile* profile_;