blob: bfe242c3f7b94b17f5714c58407cd53c895ceeff [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
config("sdk") {
if (sysroot != "") {
cflags = [ "--sysroot=" + sysroot ]
ldflags = [ "--sysroot=" + sysroot ]
# Need to get some linker flags out of the sysroot.
ldflags += [ exec_script("",
[ rebase_path("//build/linux/", root_build_dir),
sysroot ],
"value") ]
pkg_config("dridrm") {
packages = [ "libdrm" ]
config("fontconfig") {
libs = [ "fontconfig" ]
pkg_config("freetype2") {
packages = [ "freetype2" ]
pkg_config("glib") {
packages = [ "glib-2.0", "gmodule-2.0", "gobject-2.0", "gthread-2.0" ]
pkg_config("gtk") {
# Gtk requires gmodule, but it does not list it as a dependency in some
# misconfigured systems.
packages = [ "gmodule-2.0", "gtk+-2.0", "gthread-2.0" ]
pkg_config("pangocairo") {
packages = [ "pangocairo" ]
pkg_config("udev") {
packages = [ "libudev" ]
# Note: if your target also depends on //dbus, you don't need to add this
# config (it will get added automatically if you depend on //dbus).
pkg_config("dbus") {
packages = [ "dbus-1" ]
if (use_evdev_gestures) {
pkg_config("libevdev-cros") {
packages = [ "libevdev-cros" ]
pkg_config("libgestures") {
packages = [ "libgestures" ]
config("x11") {
# Don't bother running pkg-config for these X related libraries since it just
# returns the same libs, and forking pkg-config is slow.
libs = [
config("xcomposite") {
libs = [ "Xcomposite" ]
config("xext") {
libs = [ "Xext" ]
config("xrandr") {
libs = [ "xrandr" ]
config("libcap") {
libs = [ "cap" ]
config("libresolv") {
libs = [ "resolv" ]
pkg_config("gconf") {
packages = [ "gconf-2.0" ]
defines = [ "USE_GCONF" ]
# name: Name to use for the value of the --name arg.
# output_h/output_cc: Names for the generated header/cc file with no dir.
# header: header file to process. Example: "<foo/bar.h>"
# functions: List of strings for functions to process.
# config: Label of the config generated by pkgconfig.
template("generate_library_loader") {
output_h = "$root_gen_dir/library_loaders/" + invoker.output_h
output_cc = "$root_gen_dir/library_loaders/" + invoker.output_cc
action_visibility = ":$target_name"
action("${target_name}_loader") {
visibility = action_visibility
script = "//tools/generate_library_loader/"
if (defined(invoker.visibility)) {
visibility = invoker.visibility
outputs = [ output_h, output_cc ]
args = [
"--output-h", rebase_path(output_h),
"--output-cc", rebase_path(output_cc),
"--header", invoker.header,
# Note GYP build exposes a per-target variable to control this, which, if
# manually set to true, will disable dlopen(). Its not clear this is
# needed, so here we just leave off. If this can be done globally, we
# can expose one switch for this value, otherwise we need to add a template
# param for this.
] + invoker.functions
source_set(target_name) {
direct_dependent_configs = [ invoker.config ]
sources = [ output_h, output_cc ]
deps = [ ":${target_name}_loader" ]
pkg_config("gio_config") {
packages = [ "gio-2.0" ]
defines = [ "USE_GIO" ]
ignore_libs = true # Loader generated below.
# This generates a target named "gio".
generate_library_loader("gio") {
name = "LibGioLoader"
output_h = "libgio.h"
output_cc = ""
header = "<gio/gio.h>"
config = ":gio_config"
functions = [
# pkgconfig doesn't return anything interesting for this other than -lpci
# on suppotred systems, so we hardcode.
config("libpci_config") {
# This is not needed as long as we're setting link_directly=0 for the library
# loaders.
#libs = [ "pci" ]
# This generates a target named "libpci".
generate_library_loader("libpci") {
name = "LibPciLoader"
output_h = "libpci.h"
output_cc = ""
header = "<pci/pci.h>"
config = ":libpci_config"
functions = [