blob: 83c22f5bf24b9dc8f6534d029d41a4bef4ecbc58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "chrome/browser/task_manager/task_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/table_row_nsimage_cache.h"
@class WindowSizeAutosaver;
class TaskManagerMac;
namespace gfx {
class ImageSkia;
// This class is responsible for loading the task manager window and for
// managing it.
@interface TaskManagerWindowController :
NSTableViewDelegate> {
IBOutlet NSTableView* tableView_;
IBOutlet NSButton* endProcessButton_;
TaskManagerMac* taskManagerObserver_; // weak
TaskManager* taskManager_; // weak
TaskManagerModel* model_; // weak
base::scoped_nsobject<WindowSizeAutosaver> size_saver_;
// These contain a permutation of [0..|model_->ResourceCount() - 1|]. Used to
// implement sorting.
std::vector<int> viewToModelMap_;
std::vector<int> modelToViewMap_;
// Descriptor of the current sort column.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSSortDescriptor> currentSortDescriptor_;
// Creates and shows the task manager's window.
- (id)initWithTaskManagerObserver:(TaskManagerMac*)taskManagerObserver;
// Refreshes all data in the task manager table.
- (void)reloadData;
// Callback for "Stats for nerds" link.
- (IBAction)statsLinkClicked:(id)sender;
// Callback for "End process" button.
- (IBAction)killSelectedProcesses:(id)sender;
// Callback for double clicks on the table.
- (void)selectDoubleClickedTab:(id)sender;
@interface TaskManagerWindowController (TestingAPI)
- (NSTableView*)tableView;
// This class listens to task changed events sent by chrome.
class TaskManagerMac : public TaskManagerModelObserver,
public TableRowNSImageCache::Table {
explicit TaskManagerMac(TaskManager* task_manager);
~TaskManagerMac() override;
// TaskManagerModelObserver
void OnModelChanged() override;
void OnItemsChanged(int start, int length) override;
void OnItemsAdded(int start, int length) override;
void OnItemsRemoved(int start, int length) override;
// Called by the cocoa window controller when its window closes and the
// controller destroyed itself. Informs the model to stop updating.
void WindowWasClosed();
// TableRowNSImageCache::Table
int RowCount() const override;
gfx::ImageSkia GetIcon(int r) const override;
// Creates the task manager if it doesn't exist; otherwise, it activates the
// existing task manager window.
static void Show();
// Hides the task manager if it is showing.
static void Hide();
// Returns the TaskManager observed by |this|.
TaskManager* task_manager() { return task_manager_; }
// Lazily converts the image at the given row and caches it in |icon_cache_|.
NSImage* GetImageForRow(int row);
// Returns the cocoa object. Used for testing.
TaskManagerWindowController* cocoa_controller() { return window_controller_; }
// The task manager.
TaskManager* const task_manager_; // weak
// Our model.
TaskManagerModel* const model_; // weak
// Controller of our window, destroys itself when the task manager window
// is closed.
TaskManagerWindowController* window_controller_; // weak
// Caches favicons for all rows. Needs to be initalized after |model_|.
TableRowNSImageCache icon_cache_;
// An open task manager window. There can only be one open at a time. This
// is reset to NULL when the window is closed.
static TaskManagerMac* instance_;