blob: 1f516c83852f5b695f8099b21a0cebfe66eed051 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/indexed_db/indexed_db_leveldb_coding.h"
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/sys_byteorder.h"
#include "content/common/indexed_db/indexed_db_key.h"
#include "content/common/indexed_db/indexed_db_key_path.h"
// LevelDB Coding Scheme
// =====================
// LevelDB stores key/value pairs. Keys and values are strings of bytes,
// normally of type std::string.
// The keys in the backing store are variable-length tuples with different
// types of fields. Each key in the backing store starts with a ternary
// prefix: (database id, object store id, index id). For each, 0 is reserved
// for metadata. See KeyPrefix::Decode() for details of the prefix coding.
// The prefix makes sure that data for a specific database, object store, and
// index are grouped together. The locality is important for performance:
// common operations should only need a minimal number of seek operations. For
// example, all the metadata for a database is grouped together so that
// reading that metadata only requires one seek.
// Each key type has a class (in square brackets below) which knows how to
// encode, decode, and compare that key type.
// Strings (origins, names, etc) are encoded as UTF-16BE.
// Global metadata
// ---------------
// The prefix is <0, 0, 0>, followed by a metadata type byte:
// <0, 0, 0, 0> => backing store schema version [SchemaVersionKey]
// <0, 0, 0, 1> => maximum allocated database [MaxDatabaseIdKey]
// <0, 0, 0, 2> => SerializedScriptValue version [DataVersionKey]
// <0, 0, 0, 3>
// => Blob journal
// The format of the journal is:
// {database_id (var int), blobKey (var int)}*.
// If the blobKey is kAllBlobsKey, the whole database should be deleted.
// [BlobJournalKey]
// <0, 0, 0, 4> => Live blob journal; same format. [LiveBlobJournalKey]
// <0, 0, 0, 100, database id>
// => Existence implies the database id is in the free list
// [DatabaseFreeListKey]
// <0, 0, 0, 201, origin, database name> => Database id (int) [DatabaseNameKey]
// Database metadata: [DatabaseMetaDataKey]
// ----------------------------------------
// The prefix is <database id, 0, 0> followed by a metadata type byte:
// <database id, 0, 0, 0> => origin name
// <database id, 0, 0, 1> => database name
// <database id, 0, 0, 2> => IDB string version data (obsolete)
// <database id, 0, 0, 3> => maximum allocated object store id
// <database id, 0, 0, 4> => IDB integer version (var int)
// <database id, 0, 0, 5> => blob key generator current number
// Object store metadata: [ObjectStoreMetaDataKey]
// -----------------------------------------------
// The prefix is <database id, 0, 0>, followed by a type byte (50), then the
// object store id (var int), then a metadata type byte.
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 0> => object store name
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 1> => key path
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 2> => auto increment flag
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 3> => is evictable
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 4> => last "version" number
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 5> => maximum allocated index id
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 6> => has key path flag (obsolete)
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 7> => key generator current number
// The key path was originally just a string (#1) or null (identified by flag,
// #6). To support null, string, or array the coding is now identified by the
// leading bytes in #1 - see EncodeIDBKeyPath.
// The "version" field is used to weed out stale index data. Whenever new
// object store data is inserted, it gets a new "version" number, and new
// index data is written with this number. When the index is used for
// look-ups, entries are validated against the "exists" entries, and records
// with old "version" numbers are deleted when they are encountered in
// GetPrimaryKeyViaIndex, IndexCursorImpl::LoadCurrentRow and
// IndexKeyCursorImpl::LoadCurrentRow.
// Index metadata: [IndexMetaDataKey]
// ----------------------------------
// The prefix is <database id, 0, 0>, followed by a type byte (100), then the
// object store id (var int), then the index id (var int), then a metadata
// type byte.
// <database id, 0, 0, 100, object store id, index id, 0> => index name
// <database id, 0, 0, 100, object store id, index id, 1> => unique flag
// <database id, 0, 0, 100, object store id, index id, 2> => key path
// <database id, 0, 0, 100, object store id, index id, 3> => multi-entry flag
// Other object store and index metadata
// -------------------------------------
// The prefix is <database id, 0, 0> followed by a type byte. The object
// store and index id are variable length integers, the names are variable
// length strings.
// <database id, 0, 0, 150, object store id>
// => existence implies the object store id is in the free list
// [ObjectStoreFreeListKey]
// <database id, 0, 0, 151, object store id, index id>
// => existence implies the index id is in the free list [IndexFreeListKey]
// <database id, 0, 0, 200, object store name>
// => object store id [ObjectStoreNamesKey]
// <database id, 0, 0, 201, object store id, index name>
// => index id [IndexNamesKey]
// Object store data: [ObjectStoreDataKey]
// ---------------------------------------
// The prefix is followed by a type byte and the encoded IDB primary key. The
// data has a "version" prefix followed by the serialized script value.
// <database id, object store id, 1, user key>
// => "version", serialized script value
// "Exists" entry: [ExistsEntryKey]
// --------------------------------
// The prefix is followed by a type byte and the encoded IDB primary key.
// <database id, object store id, 2, user key> => "version"
// Blob entry table: [BlobEntryKey]
// --------------------------------
// The prefix is followed by a type byte and the encoded IDB primary key.
// <database id, object store id, 3, user key> => array of IndexedDBBlobInfo
// Index data
// ----------
// The prefix is followed by a type byte, the encoded IDB index key, a
// "sequence" number (obsolete; var int), and the encoded IDB primary key.
// <database id, object store id, index id, index key, sequence number,
// primary key> => "version", primary key [IndexDataKey]
// The sequence number is obsolete; it was used to allow two entries with the
// same user (index) key in non-unique indexes prior to the inclusion of the
// primary key in the data.
// Note: In order to be compatible with LevelDB's Bloom filter each bit of the
// encoded key needs to used and "not ignored" by the comparator.
using base::StringPiece;
using blink::WebIDBKeyType;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeArray;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeBinary;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeDate;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeInvalid;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeMin;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeNull;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeNumber;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeString;
using blink::WebIDBKeyPathType;
using blink::WebIDBKeyPathTypeArray;
using blink::WebIDBKeyPathTypeNull;
using blink::WebIDBKeyPathTypeString;
namespace content {
// As most of the IndexedDBKeys and encoded values are short, we
// initialize some std::vectors with a default inline buffer size to reduce
// the memory re-allocations when the std::vectors are appended.
static const size_t kDefaultInlineBufferSize = 32;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte = 0;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyStringTypeByte = 1;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyDateTypeByte = 2;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyNumberTypeByte = 3;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyArrayTypeByte = 4;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyMinKeyTypeByte = 5;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyBinaryTypeByte = 6;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyPathTypeCodedByte1 = 0;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyPathTypeCodedByte2 = 0;
static const unsigned char kObjectStoreDataIndexId = 1;
static const unsigned char kExistsEntryIndexId = 2;
static const unsigned char kBlobEntryIndexId = 3;
static const unsigned char kSchemaVersionTypeByte = 0;
static const unsigned char kMaxDatabaseIdTypeByte = 1;
static const unsigned char kDataVersionTypeByte = 2;
static const unsigned char kBlobJournalTypeByte = 3;
static const unsigned char kLiveBlobJournalTypeByte = 4;
static const unsigned char kMaxSimpleGlobalMetaDataTypeByte =
5; // Insert before this and increment.
static const unsigned char kDatabaseFreeListTypeByte = 100;
static const unsigned char kDatabaseNameTypeByte = 201;
static const unsigned char kObjectStoreMetaDataTypeByte = 50;
static const unsigned char kIndexMetaDataTypeByte = 100;
static const unsigned char kObjectStoreFreeListTypeByte = 150;
static const unsigned char kIndexFreeListTypeByte = 151;
static const unsigned char kObjectStoreNamesTypeByte = 200;
static const unsigned char kIndexNamesKeyTypeByte = 201;
static const unsigned char kObjectMetaDataTypeMaximum = 255;
static const unsigned char kIndexMetaDataTypeMaximum = 255;
const unsigned char kMinimumIndexId = 30;
inline void EncodeIntSafely(int64 nParam, int64 max, std::string* into) {
DCHECK_LE(nParam, max);
return EncodeInt(nParam, into);
std::string MaxIDBKey() {
std::string ret;
EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte, &ret);
return ret;
std::string MinIDBKey() {
std::string ret;
EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyMinKeyTypeByte, &ret);
return ret;
void EncodeByte(unsigned char value, std::string* into) {
void EncodeBool(bool value, std::string* into) {
into->push_back(value ? 1 : 0);
void EncodeInt(int64 value, std::string* into) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Exercised by unit tests in debug only.
DCHECK_GE(value, 0);
uint64 n = static_cast<uint64>(value);
do {
unsigned char c = n;
n >>= 8;
} while (n);
void EncodeVarInt(int64 value, std::string* into) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Exercised by unit tests in debug only.
DCHECK_GE(value, 0);
uint64 n = static_cast<uint64>(value);
do {
unsigned char c = n & 0x7f;
n >>= 7;
if (n)
c |= 0x80;
} while (n);
void EncodeString(const base::string16& value, std::string* into) {
if (value.empty())
// Backing store is UTF-16BE, convert from host endianness.
size_t length = value.length();
size_t current = into->size();
into->resize(into->size() + length * sizeof(base::char16));
const base::char16* src = value.c_str();
base::char16* dst =
reinterpret_cast<base::char16*>(&*into->begin() + current);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i)
*dst++ = htons(*src++);
void EncodeBinary(const std::string& value, std::string* into) {
EncodeVarInt(value.length(), into);
into->append(value.begin(), value.end());
DCHECK(into->size() >= value.size());
void EncodeStringWithLength(const base::string16& value, std::string* into) {
EncodeVarInt(value.length(), into);
EncodeString(value, into);
void EncodeDouble(double value, std::string* into) {
// This always has host endianness.
const char* p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value);
into->insert(into->end(), p, p + sizeof(value));
void EncodeIDBKey(const IndexedDBKey& value, std::string* into) {
size_t previous_size = into->size();
switch (value.type()) {
case WebIDBKeyTypeArray: {
EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyArrayTypeByte, into);
size_t length = value.array().size();
EncodeVarInt(length, into);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
EncodeIDBKey(value.array()[i], into);
DCHECK_GT(into->size(), previous_size);
case WebIDBKeyTypeBinary:
EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyBinaryTypeByte, into);
EncodeBinary(value.binary(), into);
DCHECK_GT(into->size(), previous_size);
case WebIDBKeyTypeString:
EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyStringTypeByte, into);
EncodeStringWithLength(value.string(), into);
DCHECK_GT(into->size(), previous_size);
case WebIDBKeyTypeDate:
EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyDateTypeByte, into);
EncodeDouble(, into);
DCHECK_EQ(9u, static_cast<size_t>(into->size() - previous_size));
case WebIDBKeyTypeNumber:
EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyNumberTypeByte, into);
EncodeDouble(value.number(), into);
DCHECK_EQ(9u, static_cast<size_t>(into->size() - previous_size));
case WebIDBKeyTypeNull:
case WebIDBKeyTypeInvalid:
case WebIDBKeyTypeMin:
EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte, into);
void EncodeIDBKeyPath(const IndexedDBKeyPath& value, std::string* into) {
// May be typed, or may be a raw string. An invalid leading
// byte is used to identify typed coding. New records are
// always written as typed.
EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyPathTypeCodedByte1, into);
EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyPathTypeCodedByte2, into);
EncodeByte(static_cast<char>(value.type()), into);
switch (value.type()) {
case WebIDBKeyPathTypeNull:
case WebIDBKeyPathTypeString: {
EncodeStringWithLength(value.string(), into);
case WebIDBKeyPathTypeArray: {
const std::vector<base::string16>& array = value.array();
size_t count = array.size();
EncodeVarInt(count, into);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
EncodeStringWithLength(array[i], into);
void EncodeBlobJournal(const BlobJournalType& journal, std::string* into) {
BlobJournalType::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = journal.begin(); iter != journal.end(); ++iter) {
EncodeVarInt(iter->first, into);
EncodeVarInt(iter->second, into);
bool DecodeByte(StringPiece* slice, unsigned char* value) {
if (slice->empty())
return false;
*value = (*slice)[0];
return true;
bool DecodeBool(StringPiece* slice, bool* value) {
if (slice->empty())
return false;
*value = !!(*slice)[0];
return true;
bool DecodeInt(StringPiece* slice, int64* value) {
if (slice->empty())
return false;
StringPiece::const_iterator it = slice->begin();
int shift = 0;
int64 ret = 0;
while (it != slice->end()) {
unsigned char c = *it++;
ret |= static_cast<int64>(c) << shift;
shift += 8;
*value = ret;
slice->remove_prefix(it - slice->begin());
return true;
bool DecodeVarInt(StringPiece* slice, int64* value) {
if (slice->empty())
return false;
StringPiece::const_iterator it = slice->begin();
int shift = 0;
int64 ret = 0;
do {
if (it == slice->end())
return false;
unsigned char c = *it;
ret |= static_cast<int64>(c & 0x7f) << shift;
shift += 7;
} while (*it++ & 0x80);
*value = ret;
slice->remove_prefix(it - slice->begin());
return true;
bool DecodeString(StringPiece* slice, base::string16* value) {
if (slice->empty()) {
return true;
// Backing store is UTF-16BE, convert to host endianness.
DCHECK(!(slice->size() % sizeof(base::char16)));
size_t length = slice->size() / sizeof(base::char16);
base::string16 decoded;
const base::char16* encoded =
reinterpret_cast<const base::char16*>(slice->begin());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i)
*value = decoded;
slice->remove_prefix(length * sizeof(base::char16));
return true;
bool DecodeStringWithLength(StringPiece* slice, base::string16* value) {
if (slice->empty())
return false;
int64 length = 0;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &length) || length < 0)
return false;
size_t bytes = length * sizeof(base::char16);
if (slice->size() < bytes)
return false;
StringPiece subpiece(slice->begin(), bytes);
if (!DecodeString(&subpiece, value))
return false;
return true;
bool DecodeBinary(StringPiece* slice, std::string* value) {
if (slice->empty())
return false;
int64 length = 0;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &length) || length < 0)
return false;
size_t size = length;
if (slice->size() < size)
return false;
value->assign(slice->begin(), size);
return true;
bool DecodeIDBKey(StringPiece* slice, scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey>* value) {
if (slice->empty())
return false;
unsigned char type = (*slice)[0];
switch (type) {
case kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte:
*value = make_scoped_ptr(new IndexedDBKey());
return true;
case kIndexedDBKeyArrayTypeByte: {
int64 length = 0;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &length) || length < 0)
return false;
IndexedDBKey::KeyArray array;
while (length--) {
scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> key;
if (!DecodeIDBKey(slice, &key))
return false;
*value = make_scoped_ptr(new IndexedDBKey(array));
return true;
case kIndexedDBKeyBinaryTypeByte: {
std::string binary;
if (!DecodeBinary(slice, &binary))
return false;
*value = make_scoped_ptr(new IndexedDBKey(binary));
return true;
case kIndexedDBKeyStringTypeByte: {
base::string16 s;
if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &s))
return false;
*value = make_scoped_ptr(new IndexedDBKey(s));
return true;
case kIndexedDBKeyDateTypeByte: {
double d;
if (!DecodeDouble(slice, &d))
return false;
*value = make_scoped_ptr(new IndexedDBKey(d, WebIDBKeyTypeDate));
return true;
case kIndexedDBKeyNumberTypeByte: {
double d;
if (!DecodeDouble(slice, &d))
return false;
*value = make_scoped_ptr(new IndexedDBKey(d, WebIDBKeyTypeNumber));
return true;
return false;
bool DecodeDouble(StringPiece* slice, double* value) {
if (slice->size() < sizeof(*value))
return false;
memcpy(value, slice->begin(), sizeof(*value));
return true;
bool DecodeIDBKeyPath(StringPiece* slice, IndexedDBKeyPath* value) {
// May be typed, or may be a raw string. An invalid leading
// byte sequence is used to identify typed coding. New records are
// always written as typed.
if (slice->size() < 3 || (*slice)[0] != kIndexedDBKeyPathTypeCodedByte1 ||
(*slice)[1] != kIndexedDBKeyPathTypeCodedByte2) {
base::string16 s;
if (!DecodeString(slice, &s))
return false;
*value = IndexedDBKeyPath(s);
return true;
WebIDBKeyPathType type = static_cast<WebIDBKeyPathType>((*slice)[0]);
switch (type) {
case WebIDBKeyPathTypeNull:
*value = IndexedDBKeyPath();
return true;
case WebIDBKeyPathTypeString: {
base::string16 string;
if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &string))
return false;
*value = IndexedDBKeyPath(string);
return true;
case WebIDBKeyPathTypeArray: {
std::vector<base::string16> array;
int64 count;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &count))
return false;
DCHECK_GE(count, 0);
while (count--) {
base::string16 string;
if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &string))
return false;
*value = IndexedDBKeyPath(array);
return true;
return false;
bool DecodeBlobJournal(StringPiece* slice, BlobJournalType* journal) {
BlobJournalType output;
while (!slice->empty()) {
int64 database_id = -1;
int64 blob_key = -1;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &database_id))
return false;
if (!KeyPrefix::IsValidDatabaseId(database_id))
return false;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &blob_key))
return false;
if (!DatabaseMetaDataKey::IsValidBlobKey(blob_key) &&
(blob_key != DatabaseMetaDataKey::kAllBlobsKey)) {
return false;
output.push_back(std::make_pair(database_id, blob_key));
return true;
bool ConsumeEncodedIDBKey(StringPiece* slice) {
unsigned char type = (*slice)[0];
switch (type) {
case kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte:
case kIndexedDBKeyMinKeyTypeByte:
return true;
case kIndexedDBKeyArrayTypeByte: {
int64 length;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &length))
return false;
while (length--) {
if (!ConsumeEncodedIDBKey(slice))
return false;
return true;
case kIndexedDBKeyBinaryTypeByte: {
int64 length = 0;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &length) || length < 0)
return false;
if (slice->size() < static_cast<size_t>(length))
return false;
return true;
case kIndexedDBKeyStringTypeByte: {
int64 length = 0;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &length) || length < 0)
return false;
if (slice->size() < static_cast<size_t>(length) * sizeof(base::char16))
return false;
slice->remove_prefix(length * sizeof(base::char16));
return true;
case kIndexedDBKeyDateTypeByte:
case kIndexedDBKeyNumberTypeByte:
if (slice->size() < sizeof(double))
return false;
return true;
return false;
bool ExtractEncodedIDBKey(StringPiece* slice, std::string* result) {
const char* start = slice->begin();
if (!ConsumeEncodedIDBKey(slice))
return false;
if (result)
result->assign(start, slice->begin());
return true;
static WebIDBKeyType KeyTypeByteToKeyType(unsigned char type) {
switch (type) {
case kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte:
return WebIDBKeyTypeInvalid;
case kIndexedDBKeyArrayTypeByte:
return WebIDBKeyTypeArray;
case kIndexedDBKeyBinaryTypeByte:
return WebIDBKeyTypeBinary;
case kIndexedDBKeyStringTypeByte:
return WebIDBKeyTypeString;
case kIndexedDBKeyDateTypeByte:
return WebIDBKeyTypeDate;
case kIndexedDBKeyNumberTypeByte:
return WebIDBKeyTypeNumber;
case kIndexedDBKeyMinKeyTypeByte:
return WebIDBKeyTypeMin;
return WebIDBKeyTypeInvalid;
int CompareEncodedStringsWithLength(StringPiece* slice1,
StringPiece* slice2,
bool* ok) {
int64 len1, len2;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice1, &len1) || !DecodeVarInt(slice2, &len2)) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
DCHECK_GE(len1, 0);
DCHECK_GE(len2, 0);
if (len1 < 0 || len2 < 0) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
DCHECK_GE(slice1->size(), len1 * sizeof(base::char16));
DCHECK_GE(slice2->size(), len2 * sizeof(base::char16));
if (slice1->size() < len1 * sizeof(base::char16) ||
slice2->size() < len2 * sizeof(base::char16)) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
// Extract the string data, and advance the passed slices.
StringPiece string1(slice1->begin(), len1 * sizeof(base::char16));
StringPiece string2(slice2->begin(), len2 * sizeof(base::char16));
slice1->remove_prefix(len1 * sizeof(base::char16));
slice2->remove_prefix(len2 * sizeof(base::char16));
*ok = true;
// Strings are UTF-16BE encoded, so a simple memcmp is sufficient.
int CompareEncodedBinary(StringPiece* slice1,
StringPiece* slice2,
bool* ok) {
int64 len1, len2;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice1, &len1) || !DecodeVarInt(slice2, &len2)) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
DCHECK_GE(len1, 0);
DCHECK_GE(len2, 0);
if (len1 < 0 || len2 < 0) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
size_t size1 = len1;
size_t size2 = len2;
DCHECK_GE(slice1->size(), size1);
DCHECK_GE(slice2->size(), size2);
if (slice1->size() < size1 || slice2->size() < size2) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
// Extract the binary data, and advance the passed slices.
StringPiece binary1(slice1->begin(), size1);
StringPiece binary2(slice2->begin(), size2);
*ok = true;
// This is the same as a memcmp()
static int CompareInts(int64 a, int64 b) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Exercised by unit tests in debug only.
DCHECK_GE(a, 0);
DCHECK_GE(b, 0);
int64 diff = a - b;
if (diff < 0)
return -1;
if (diff > 0)
return 1;
return 0;
static inline int CompareSizes(size_t a, size_t b) {
if (a > b)
return 1;
if (b > a)
return -1;
return 0;
static int CompareTypes(WebIDBKeyType a, WebIDBKeyType b) { return b - a; }
int CompareEncodedIDBKeys(StringPiece* slice_a,
StringPiece* slice_b,
bool* ok) {
*ok = true;
unsigned char type_a = (*slice_a)[0];
unsigned char type_b = (*slice_b)[0];
if (int x = CompareTypes(KeyTypeByteToKeyType(type_a),
return x;
switch (type_a) {
case kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte:
case kIndexedDBKeyMinKeyTypeByte:
// Null type or max type; no payload to compare.
return 0;
case kIndexedDBKeyArrayTypeByte: {
int64 length_a, length_b;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice_a, &length_a) ||
!DecodeVarInt(slice_b, &length_b)) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
for (int64 i = 0; i < length_a && i < length_b; ++i) {
int result = CompareEncodedIDBKeys(slice_a, slice_b, ok);
if (!*ok || result)
return result;
return length_a - length_b;
case kIndexedDBKeyBinaryTypeByte:
return CompareEncodedBinary(slice_a, slice_b, ok);
case kIndexedDBKeyStringTypeByte:
return CompareEncodedStringsWithLength(slice_a, slice_b, ok);
case kIndexedDBKeyDateTypeByte:
case kIndexedDBKeyNumberTypeByte: {
double d, e;
if (!DecodeDouble(slice_a, &d) || !DecodeDouble(slice_b, &e)) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
if (d < e)
return -1;
if (d > e)
return 1;
return 0;
return 0;
namespace {
template <typename KeyType>
int Compare(const StringPiece& a,
const StringPiece& b,
bool only_compare_index_keys,
bool* ok) {
KeyType key_a;
KeyType key_b;
StringPiece slice_a(a);
if (!KeyType::Decode(&slice_a, &key_a)) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
StringPiece slice_b(b);
if (!KeyType::Decode(&slice_b, &key_b)) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
*ok = true;
return key_a.Compare(key_b);
template <typename KeyType>
int CompareSuffix(StringPiece* a,
StringPiece* b,
bool only_compare_index_keys,
bool* ok) {
return 0;
template <>
int CompareSuffix<ExistsEntryKey>(StringPiece* slice_a,
StringPiece* slice_b,
bool only_compare_index_keys,
bool* ok) {
return CompareEncodedIDBKeys(slice_a, slice_b, ok);
template <>
int CompareSuffix<ObjectStoreDataKey>(StringPiece* slice_a,
StringPiece* slice_b,
bool only_compare_index_keys,
bool* ok) {
return CompareEncodedIDBKeys(slice_a, slice_b, ok);
template <>
int CompareSuffix<BlobEntryKey>(StringPiece* slice_a,
StringPiece* slice_b,
bool only_compare_index_keys,
bool* ok) {
return CompareEncodedIDBKeys(slice_a, slice_b, ok);
template <>
int CompareSuffix<IndexDataKey>(StringPiece* slice_a,
StringPiece* slice_b,
bool only_compare_index_keys,
bool* ok) {
// index key
int result = CompareEncodedIDBKeys(slice_a, slice_b, ok);
if (!*ok || result)
return result;
if (only_compare_index_keys)
return 0;
// sequence number [optional]
int64 sequence_number_a = -1;
int64 sequence_number_b = -1;
if (!slice_a->empty() && !DecodeVarInt(slice_a, &sequence_number_a))
return 0;
if (!slice_b->empty() && !DecodeVarInt(slice_b, &sequence_number_b))
return 0;
if (slice_a->empty() || slice_b->empty())
return CompareSizes(slice_a->size(), slice_b->size());
// primary key [optional]
result = CompareEncodedIDBKeys(slice_a, slice_b, ok);
if (!*ok || result)
return result;
return CompareInts(sequence_number_a, sequence_number_b);
int Compare(const StringPiece& a,
const StringPiece& b,
bool only_compare_index_keys,
bool* ok) {
StringPiece slice_a(a);
StringPiece slice_b(b);
KeyPrefix prefix_a;
KeyPrefix prefix_b;
bool ok_a = KeyPrefix::Decode(&slice_a, &prefix_a);
bool ok_b = KeyPrefix::Decode(&slice_b, &prefix_b);
if (!ok_a || !ok_b) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
*ok = true;
if (int x = prefix_a.Compare(prefix_b))
return x;
switch (prefix_a.type()) {
case KeyPrefix::GLOBAL_METADATA: {
unsigned char type_byte_a;
if (!DecodeByte(&slice_a, &type_byte_a)) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
unsigned char type_byte_b;
if (!DecodeByte(&slice_b, &type_byte_b)) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
if (int x = type_byte_a - type_byte_b)
return x;
if (type_byte_a < kMaxSimpleGlobalMetaDataTypeByte)
return 0;
// Compare<> is used (which re-decodes the prefix) rather than an
// specialized CompareSuffix<> because metadata is relatively uncommon
// in the database.
if (type_byte_a == kDatabaseFreeListTypeByte) {
// TODO(jsbell): No need to pass only_compare_index_keys through here.
return Compare<DatabaseFreeListKey>(a, b, only_compare_index_keys, ok);
if (type_byte_a == kDatabaseNameTypeByte) {
return Compare<DatabaseNameKey>(
a, b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);
case KeyPrefix::DATABASE_METADATA: {
unsigned char type_byte_a;
if (!DecodeByte(&slice_a, &type_byte_a)) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
unsigned char type_byte_b;
if (!DecodeByte(&slice_b, &type_byte_b)) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
if (int x = type_byte_a - type_byte_b)
return x;
if (type_byte_a < DatabaseMetaDataKey::MAX_SIMPLE_METADATA_TYPE)
return 0;
// Compare<> is used (which re-decodes the prefix) rather than an
// specialized CompareSuffix<> because metadata is relatively uncommon
// in the database.
if (type_byte_a == kObjectStoreMetaDataTypeByte) {
// TODO(jsbell): No need to pass only_compare_index_keys through here.
return Compare<ObjectStoreMetaDataKey>(
a, b, only_compare_index_keys, ok);
if (type_byte_a == kIndexMetaDataTypeByte) {
return Compare<IndexMetaDataKey>(
a, b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);
if (type_byte_a == kObjectStoreFreeListTypeByte) {
return Compare<ObjectStoreFreeListKey>(
a, b, only_compare_index_keys, ok);
if (type_byte_a == kIndexFreeListTypeByte) {
return Compare<IndexFreeListKey>(
a, b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);
if (type_byte_a == kObjectStoreNamesTypeByte) {
// TODO(jsbell): No need to pass only_compare_index_keys through here.
return Compare<ObjectStoreNamesKey>(
a, b, only_compare_index_keys, ok);
if (type_byte_a == kIndexNamesKeyTypeByte) {
return Compare<IndexNamesKey>(
a, b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);
case KeyPrefix::OBJECT_STORE_DATA: {
// Provide a stable ordering for invalid data.
if (slice_a.empty() || slice_b.empty())
return CompareSizes(slice_a.size(), slice_b.size());
return CompareSuffix<ObjectStoreDataKey>(
&slice_a, &slice_b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);
case KeyPrefix::EXISTS_ENTRY: {
// Provide a stable ordering for invalid data.
if (slice_a.empty() || slice_b.empty())
return CompareSizes(slice_a.size(), slice_b.size());
return CompareSuffix<ExistsEntryKey>(
&slice_a, &slice_b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);
case KeyPrefix::BLOB_ENTRY: {
// Provide a stable ordering for invalid data.
if (slice_a.empty() || slice_b.empty())
return CompareSizes(slice_a.size(), slice_b.size());
return CompareSuffix<BlobEntryKey>(
&slice_a, &slice_b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);
case KeyPrefix::INDEX_DATA: {
// Provide a stable ordering for invalid data.
if (slice_a.empty() || slice_b.empty())
return CompareSizes(slice_a.size(), slice_b.size());
return CompareSuffix<IndexDataKey>(
&slice_a, &slice_b, only_compare_index_keys, ok);
case KeyPrefix::INVALID_TYPE:
*ok = false;
return 0;
} // namespace
int Compare(const StringPiece& a,
const StringPiece& b,
bool only_compare_index_keys) {
bool ok;
int result = Compare(a, b, only_compare_index_keys, &ok);
if (!ok)
return 0;
return result;
: database_id_(INVALID_TYPE),
index_id_(INVALID_TYPE) {}
KeyPrefix::KeyPrefix(int64 database_id)
: database_id_(database_id), object_store_id_(0), index_id_(0) {
KeyPrefix::KeyPrefix(int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id)
: database_id_(database_id),
index_id_(0) {
KeyPrefix::KeyPrefix(int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, int64 index_id)
: database_id_(database_id),
index_id_(index_id) {
KeyPrefix::KeyPrefix(enum Type type,
int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id)
: database_id_(database_id),
index_id_(index_id) {
KeyPrefix KeyPrefix::CreateWithSpecialIndex(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id) {
return KeyPrefix(INVALID_TYPE, database_id, object_store_id, index_id);
bool KeyPrefix::IsValidDatabaseId(int64 database_id) {
return (database_id > 0) && (database_id < KeyPrefix::kMaxDatabaseId);
bool KeyPrefix::IsValidObjectStoreId(int64 object_store_id) {
return (object_store_id > 0) &&
(object_store_id < KeyPrefix::kMaxObjectStoreId);
bool KeyPrefix::IsValidIndexId(int64 index_id) {
return (index_id >= kMinimumIndexId) && (index_id < KeyPrefix::kMaxIndexId);
bool KeyPrefix::Decode(StringPiece* slice, KeyPrefix* result) {
unsigned char first_byte;
if (!DecodeByte(slice, &first_byte))
return false;
size_t database_id_bytes = ((first_byte >> 5) & 0x7) + 1;
size_t object_store_id_bytes = ((first_byte >> 2) & 0x7) + 1;
size_t index_id_bytes = (first_byte & 0x3) + 1;
if (database_id_bytes + object_store_id_bytes + index_id_bytes >
return false;
StringPiece tmp(slice->begin(), database_id_bytes);
if (!DecodeInt(&tmp, &result->database_id_))
return false;
StringPiece tmp(slice->begin(), object_store_id_bytes);
if (!DecodeInt(&tmp, &result->object_store_id_))
return false;
StringPiece tmp(slice->begin(), index_id_bytes);
if (!DecodeInt(&tmp, &result->index_id_))
return false;
return true;
std::string KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty() {
const std::string result(4, 0);
DCHECK(EncodeInternal(0, 0, 0) == std::string(4, 0));
return result;
std::string KeyPrefix::Encode() const {
DCHECK(database_id_ != kInvalidId);
DCHECK(object_store_id_ != kInvalidId);
DCHECK(index_id_ != kInvalidId);
return EncodeInternal(database_id_, object_store_id_, index_id_);
std::string KeyPrefix::EncodeInternal(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id) {
std::string database_id_string;
std::string object_store_id_string;
std::string index_id_string;
EncodeIntSafely(database_id, kMaxDatabaseId, &database_id_string);
EncodeIntSafely(object_store_id, kMaxObjectStoreId, &object_store_id_string);
EncodeIntSafely(index_id, kMaxIndexId, &index_id_string);
DCHECK(database_id_string.size() <= kMaxDatabaseIdSizeBytes);
DCHECK(object_store_id_string.size() <= kMaxObjectStoreIdSizeBytes);
DCHECK(index_id_string.size() <= kMaxIndexIdSizeBytes);
unsigned char first_byte =
(database_id_string.size() - 1) << (kMaxObjectStoreIdSizeBits +
kMaxIndexIdSizeBits) |
(object_store_id_string.size() - 1) << kMaxIndexIdSizeBits |
(index_id_string.size() - 1);
COMPILE_ASSERT(kMaxDatabaseIdSizeBits + kMaxObjectStoreIdSizeBits +
kMaxIndexIdSizeBits ==
sizeof(first_byte) * 8,
std::string ret;
DCHECK_LE(ret.size(), kDefaultInlineBufferSize);
return ret;
int KeyPrefix::Compare(const KeyPrefix& other) const {
DCHECK(database_id_ != kInvalidId);
DCHECK(object_store_id_ != kInvalidId);
DCHECK(index_id_ != kInvalidId);
if (database_id_ != other.database_id_)
return CompareInts(database_id_, other.database_id_);
if (object_store_id_ != other.object_store_id_)
return CompareInts(object_store_id_, other.object_store_id_);
if (index_id_ != other.index_id_)
return CompareInts(index_id_, other.index_id_);
return 0;
KeyPrefix::Type KeyPrefix::type() const {
DCHECK(database_id_ != kInvalidId);
DCHECK(object_store_id_ != kInvalidId);
DCHECK(index_id_ != kInvalidId);
if (!database_id_)
if (!object_store_id_)
if (index_id_ == kObjectStoreDataIndexId)
if (index_id_ == kExistsEntryIndexId)
if (index_id_ == kBlobEntryIndexId)
return BLOB_ENTRY;
if (index_id_ >= kMinimumIndexId)
return INDEX_DATA;
std::string SchemaVersionKey::Encode() {
std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
return ret;
std::string MaxDatabaseIdKey::Encode() {
std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
return ret;
std::string DataVersionKey::Encode() {
std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
return ret;
std::string BlobJournalKey::Encode() {
std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
return ret;
std::string LiveBlobJournalKey::Encode() {
std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
return ret;
DatabaseFreeListKey::DatabaseFreeListKey() : database_id_(-1) {}
bool DatabaseFreeListKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice,
DatabaseFreeListKey* result) {
KeyPrefix prefix;
if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
return false;
unsigned char type_byte = 0;
if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kDatabaseFreeListTypeByte);
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->database_id_))
return false;
return true;
std::string DatabaseFreeListKey::Encode(int64 database_id) {
std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
EncodeVarInt(database_id, &ret);
return ret;
std::string DatabaseFreeListKey::EncodeMaxKey() {
return Encode(std::numeric_limits<int64>::max());
int64 DatabaseFreeListKey::DatabaseId() const {
DCHECK_GE(database_id_, 0);
return database_id_;
int DatabaseFreeListKey::Compare(const DatabaseFreeListKey& other) const {
DCHECK_GE(database_id_, 0);
return CompareInts(database_id_, other.database_id_);
bool DatabaseNameKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, DatabaseNameKey* result) {
KeyPrefix prefix;
if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
return false;
unsigned char type_byte = 0;
if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kDatabaseNameTypeByte);
if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &result->origin_))
return false;
if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &result->database_name_))
return false;
return true;
std::string DatabaseNameKey::Encode(const std::string& origin_identifier,
const base::string16& database_name) {
std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
EncodeStringWithLength(base::ASCIIToUTF16(origin_identifier), &ret);
EncodeStringWithLength(database_name, &ret);
return ret;
std::string DatabaseNameKey::EncodeMinKeyForOrigin(
const std::string& origin_identifier) {
return Encode(origin_identifier, base::string16());
std::string DatabaseNameKey::EncodeStopKeyForOrigin(
const std::string& origin_identifier) {
// just after origin in collation order
return EncodeMinKeyForOrigin(origin_identifier + '\x01');
int DatabaseNameKey::Compare(const DatabaseNameKey& other) {
if (int x =
return x;
bool DatabaseMetaDataKey::IsValidBlobKey(int64 blob_key) {
return blob_key >= kBlobKeyGeneratorInitialNumber;
const int64 DatabaseMetaDataKey::kAllBlobsKey = 1;
const int64 DatabaseMetaDataKey::kBlobKeyGeneratorInitialNumber = 2;
const int64 DatabaseMetaDataKey::kInvalidBlobKey = -1;
std::string DatabaseMetaDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
MetaDataType meta_data_type) {
KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
return ret;
: object_store_id_(-1), meta_data_type_(0xFF) {}
bool ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice,
ObjectStoreMetaDataKey* result) {
KeyPrefix prefix;
if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
return false;
unsigned char type_byte = 0;
if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kObjectStoreMetaDataTypeByte);
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->object_store_id_))
return false;
if (!DecodeByte(slice, &result->meta_data_type_))
return false;
return true;
std::string ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
unsigned char meta_data_type) {
KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
EncodeVarInt(object_store_id, &ret);
return ret;
std::string ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id) {
return Encode(database_id,
std::string ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id) {
return Encode(database_id, object_store_id, kObjectMetaDataTypeMaximum);
int64 ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::ObjectStoreId() const {
DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
return object_store_id_;
unsigned char ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::MetaDataType() const {
return meta_data_type_;
int ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::Compare(const ObjectStoreMetaDataKey& other) {
DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
if (int x = CompareInts(object_store_id_, other.object_store_id_))
return x;
return meta_data_type_ - other.meta_data_type_;
: object_store_id_(-1), index_id_(-1), meta_data_type_(0) {}
bool IndexMetaDataKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, IndexMetaDataKey* result) {
KeyPrefix prefix;
if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
return false;
unsigned char type_byte = 0;
if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kIndexMetaDataTypeByte);
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->object_store_id_))
return false;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->index_id_))
return false;
if (!DecodeByte(slice, &result->meta_data_type_))
return false;
return true;
std::string IndexMetaDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id,
unsigned char meta_data_type) {
KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
EncodeVarInt(object_store_id, &ret);
EncodeVarInt(index_id, &ret);
EncodeByte(meta_data_type, &ret);
return ret;
std::string IndexMetaDataKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id) {
return Encode(database_id,
std::string IndexMetaDataKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id) {
return Encode(
database_id, object_store_id, index_id, kIndexMetaDataTypeMaximum);
int IndexMetaDataKey::Compare(const IndexMetaDataKey& other) {
DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
DCHECK_GE(index_id_, 0);
if (int x = CompareInts(object_store_id_, other.object_store_id_))
return x;
if (int x = CompareInts(index_id_, other.index_id_))
return x;
return meta_data_type_ - other.meta_data_type_;
int64 IndexMetaDataKey::IndexId() const {
DCHECK_GE(index_id_, 0);
return index_id_;
ObjectStoreFreeListKey::ObjectStoreFreeListKey() : object_store_id_(-1) {}
bool ObjectStoreFreeListKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice,
ObjectStoreFreeListKey* result) {
KeyPrefix prefix;
if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
return false;
unsigned char type_byte = 0;
if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kObjectStoreFreeListTypeByte);
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->object_store_id_))
return false;
return true;
std::string ObjectStoreFreeListKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id) {
KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
EncodeVarInt(object_store_id, &ret);
return ret;
std::string ObjectStoreFreeListKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id) {
return Encode(database_id, std::numeric_limits<int64>::max());
int64 ObjectStoreFreeListKey::ObjectStoreId() const {
DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
return object_store_id_;
int ObjectStoreFreeListKey::Compare(const ObjectStoreFreeListKey& other) {
// TODO(jsbell): It may seem strange that we're not comparing database id's,
// but that comparison will have been made earlier.
// We should probably make this more clear, though...
DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
return CompareInts(object_store_id_, other.object_store_id_);
IndexFreeListKey::IndexFreeListKey() : object_store_id_(-1), index_id_(-1) {}
bool IndexFreeListKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, IndexFreeListKey* result) {
KeyPrefix prefix;
if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
return false;
unsigned char type_byte = 0;
if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kIndexFreeListTypeByte);
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->object_store_id_))
return false;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->index_id_))
return false;
return true;
std::string IndexFreeListKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id) {
KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
EncodeVarInt(object_store_id, &ret);
EncodeVarInt(index_id, &ret);
return ret;
std::string IndexFreeListKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id) {
return Encode(
database_id, object_store_id, std::numeric_limits<int64>::max());
int IndexFreeListKey::Compare(const IndexFreeListKey& other) {
DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
DCHECK_GE(index_id_, 0);
if (int x = CompareInts(object_store_id_, other.object_store_id_))
return x;
return CompareInts(index_id_, other.index_id_);
int64 IndexFreeListKey::ObjectStoreId() const {
DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
return object_store_id_;
int64 IndexFreeListKey::IndexId() const {
DCHECK_GE(index_id_, 0);
return index_id_;
// TODO(jsbell): We never use this to look up object store ids,
// because a mapping is kept in the IndexedDBDatabase. Can the
// mapping become unreliable? Can we remove this?
bool ObjectStoreNamesKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice,
ObjectStoreNamesKey* result) {
KeyPrefix prefix;
if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
return false;
unsigned char type_byte = 0;
if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kObjectStoreNamesTypeByte);
if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &result->object_store_name_))
return false;
return true;
std::string ObjectStoreNamesKey::Encode(
int64 database_id,
const base::string16& object_store_name) {
KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
EncodeStringWithLength(object_store_name, &ret);
return ret;
int ObjectStoreNamesKey::Compare(const ObjectStoreNamesKey& other) {
IndexNamesKey::IndexNamesKey() : object_store_id_(-1) {}
// TODO(jsbell): We never use this to look up index ids, because a mapping
// is kept at a higher level.
bool IndexNamesKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, IndexNamesKey* result) {
KeyPrefix prefix;
if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
return false;
unsigned char type_byte = 0;
if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kIndexNamesKeyTypeByte);
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->object_store_id_))
return false;
if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &result->index_name_))
return false;
return true;
std::string IndexNamesKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
const base::string16& index_name) {
KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
EncodeVarInt(object_store_id, &ret);
EncodeStringWithLength(index_name, &ret);
return ret;
int IndexNamesKey::Compare(const IndexNamesKey& other) {
DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
if (int x = CompareInts(object_store_id_, other.object_store_id_))
return x;
ObjectStoreDataKey::ObjectStoreDataKey() {}
ObjectStoreDataKey::~ObjectStoreDataKey() {}
bool ObjectStoreDataKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice,
ObjectStoreDataKey* result) {
KeyPrefix prefix;
if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(prefix.index_id_, kSpecialIndexNumber);
if (!ExtractEncodedIDBKey(slice, &result->encoded_user_key_))
return false;
return true;
std::string ObjectStoreDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
const std::string encoded_user_key) {
KeyPrefix prefix(KeyPrefix::CreateWithSpecialIndex(
database_id, object_store_id, kSpecialIndexNumber));
std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
return ret;
std::string ObjectStoreDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
const IndexedDBKey& user_key) {
std::string encoded_key;
EncodeIDBKey(user_key, &encoded_key);
return Encode(database_id, object_store_id, encoded_key);
scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> ObjectStoreDataKey::user_key() const {
scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> key;
StringPiece slice(encoded_user_key_);
if (!DecodeIDBKey(&slice, &key)) {
// TODO(jsbell): Return error.
return key.Pass();
const int64 ObjectStoreDataKey::kSpecialIndexNumber = kObjectStoreDataIndexId;
ExistsEntryKey::ExistsEntryKey() {}
ExistsEntryKey::~ExistsEntryKey() {}
bool ExistsEntryKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, ExistsEntryKey* result) {
KeyPrefix prefix;
if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(prefix.index_id_, kSpecialIndexNumber);
if (!ExtractEncodedIDBKey(slice, &result->encoded_user_key_))
return false;
return true;
std::string ExistsEntryKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
const std::string& encoded_key) {
KeyPrefix prefix(KeyPrefix::CreateWithSpecialIndex(
database_id, object_store_id, kSpecialIndexNumber));
std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
return ret;
std::string ExistsEntryKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
const IndexedDBKey& user_key) {
std::string encoded_key;
EncodeIDBKey(user_key, &encoded_key);
return Encode(database_id, object_store_id, encoded_key);
scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> ExistsEntryKey::user_key() const {
scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> key;
StringPiece slice(encoded_user_key_);
if (!DecodeIDBKey(&slice, &key)) {
// TODO(jsbell): Return error.
return key.Pass();
const int64 ExistsEntryKey::kSpecialIndexNumber = kExistsEntryIndexId;
bool BlobEntryKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, BlobEntryKey* result) {
KeyPrefix prefix;
if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(prefix.index_id_, kSpecialIndexNumber);
if (!ExtractEncodedIDBKey(slice, &result->encoded_user_key_))
return false;
result->database_id_ = prefix.database_id_;
result->object_store_id_ = prefix.object_store_id_;
return true;
bool BlobEntryKey::FromObjectStoreDataKey(StringPiece* slice,
BlobEntryKey* result) {
KeyPrefix prefix;
if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(prefix.index_id_, ObjectStoreDataKey::kSpecialIndexNumber);
if (!ExtractEncodedIDBKey(slice, &result->encoded_user_key_))
return false;
result->database_id_ = prefix.database_id_;
result->object_store_id_ = prefix.object_store_id_;
return true;
std::string BlobEntryKey::ReencodeToObjectStoreDataKey(StringPiece* slice) {
// TODO(ericu): We could be more efficient here, since the suffix is the same.
BlobEntryKey key;
if (!Decode(slice, &key))
return std::string();
return ObjectStoreDataKey::Encode(
key.database_id_, key.object_store_id_, key.encoded_user_key_);
std::string BlobEntryKey::EncodeMinKeyForObjectStore(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id) {
// Our implied encoded_user_key_ here is empty, the lowest possible key.
return Encode(database_id, object_store_id, std::string());
std::string BlobEntryKey::EncodeStopKeyForObjectStore(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id) {
DCHECK(KeyPrefix::ValidIds(database_id, object_store_id));
KeyPrefix prefix(KeyPrefix::CreateWithSpecialIndex(
database_id, object_store_id, kSpecialIndexNumber + 1));
return prefix.Encode();
std::string BlobEntryKey::Encode() const {
return Encode(database_id_, object_store_id_, encoded_user_key_);
std::string BlobEntryKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
const IndexedDBKey& user_key) {
std::string encoded_key;
EncodeIDBKey(user_key, &encoded_key);
return Encode(database_id, object_store_id, encoded_key);
std::string BlobEntryKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
const std::string& encoded_user_key) {
DCHECK(KeyPrefix::ValidIds(database_id, object_store_id));
KeyPrefix prefix(KeyPrefix::CreateWithSpecialIndex(
database_id, object_store_id, kSpecialIndexNumber));
return prefix.Encode() + encoded_user_key;
const int64 BlobEntryKey::kSpecialIndexNumber = kBlobEntryIndexId;
: database_id_(-1),
sequence_number_(-1) {}
IndexDataKey::~IndexDataKey() {}
bool IndexDataKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, IndexDataKey* result) {
KeyPrefix prefix;
if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
return false;
DCHECK_GE(prefix.index_id_, kMinimumIndexId);
result->database_id_ = prefix.database_id_;
result->object_store_id_ = prefix.object_store_id_;
result->index_id_ = prefix.index_id_;
result->sequence_number_ = -1;
result->encoded_primary_key_ = MinIDBKey();
if (!ExtractEncodedIDBKey(slice, &result->encoded_user_key_))
return false;
// [optional] sequence number
if (slice->empty())
return true;
if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->sequence_number_))
return false;
// [optional] primary key
if (slice->empty())
return true;
if (!ExtractEncodedIDBKey(slice, &result->encoded_primary_key_))
return false;
return true;
std::string IndexDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id,
const std::string& encoded_user_key,
const std::string& encoded_primary_key,
int64 sequence_number) {
KeyPrefix prefix(database_id, object_store_id, index_id);
std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
EncodeVarInt(sequence_number, &ret);
return ret;
std::string IndexDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id,
const IndexedDBKey& user_key) {
std::string encoded_key;
EncodeIDBKey(user_key, &encoded_key);
return Encode(
database_id, object_store_id, index_id, encoded_key, MinIDBKey(), 0);
std::string IndexDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id,
const IndexedDBKey& user_key,
const IndexedDBKey& user_primary_key) {
std::string encoded_key;
EncodeIDBKey(user_key, &encoded_key);
std::string encoded_primary_key;
EncodeIDBKey(user_primary_key, &encoded_primary_key);
return Encode(database_id,
std::string IndexDataKey::EncodeMinKey(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id) {
return Encode(
database_id, object_store_id, index_id, MinIDBKey(), MinIDBKey(), 0);
std::string IndexDataKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id,
int64 object_store_id,
int64 index_id) {
return Encode(database_id,
int64 IndexDataKey::DatabaseId() const {
DCHECK_GE(database_id_, 0);
return database_id_;
int64 IndexDataKey::ObjectStoreId() const {
DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
return object_store_id_;
int64 IndexDataKey::IndexId() const {
DCHECK_GE(index_id_, 0);
return index_id_;
scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> IndexDataKey::user_key() const {
scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> key;
StringPiece slice(encoded_user_key_);
if (!DecodeIDBKey(&slice, &key)) {
// TODO(jsbell): Return error.
return key.Pass();
scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> IndexDataKey::primary_key() const {
scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> key;
StringPiece slice(encoded_primary_key_);
if (!DecodeIDBKey(&slice, &key)) {
// TODO(jsbell): Return error.
return key.Pass();
} // namespace content