blob: 5ccc30924ba7cc52afe1c094fbd610ebadcaf52a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content.browser;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.Feature;
* Part of the test suite for the Java Bridge. This class tests the general use of arrays.
* The conversions should follow
* Places in
* which the implementation differs from the spec are marked with
* FIXME: Consider making our implementation more compliant, if it will not
* break backwards-compatibility. See b/4408210.
public class JavaBridgeArrayTest extends JavaBridgeTestBase {
private class TestObject extends Controller {
private boolean mBooleanValue;
private int mIntValue;
private String mStringValue;
private int[] mIntArray;
private int[][] mIntIntArray;
private boolean mWasArrayMethodCalled;
public synchronized void setBooleanValue(boolean x) {
mBooleanValue = x;
public synchronized void setIntValue(int x) {
mIntValue = x;
public synchronized void setStringValue(String x) {
mStringValue = x;
public synchronized boolean waitForBooleanValue() {
return mBooleanValue;
public synchronized int waitForIntValue() {
return mIntValue;
public synchronized String waitForStringValue() {
return mStringValue;
public synchronized void setIntArray(int[] x) {
mIntArray = x;
public synchronized void setIntIntArray(int[][] x) {
mIntIntArray = x;
public synchronized int[] waitForIntArray() {
return mIntArray;
public synchronized int[][] waitForIntIntArray() {
return mIntIntArray;
public synchronized int[] arrayMethod() {
mWasArrayMethodCalled = true;
return new int[] {42, 43, 44};
public synchronized boolean wasArrayMethodCalled() {
return mWasArrayMethodCalled;
private TestObject mTestObject;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
mTestObject = new TestObject();
setUpContentView(mTestObject, "testObject");
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testArrayLength() throws Throwable {
executeJavaScript("testObject.setIntArray([42, 43, 44]);");
int[] result = mTestObject.waitForIntArray();
assertEquals(3, result.length);
assertEquals(42, result[0]);
assertEquals(43, result[1]);
assertEquals(44, result[2]);
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testPassNull() throws Throwable {
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testPassUndefined() throws Throwable {
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testPassEmptyArray() throws Throwable {
assertEquals(0, mTestObject.waitForIntArray().length);
// Note that this requires being able to pass a string from JavaScript to
// Java.
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testPassArrayToStringMethod() throws Throwable {
// LIVECONNECT_COMPLIANCE: Should call toString() on array.
executeJavaScript("testObject.setStringValue([42, 42, 42]);");
assertEquals("undefined", mTestObject.waitForStringValue());
// Note that this requires being able to pass an integer from JavaScript to
// Java.
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testPassArrayToNonStringNonArrayMethod() throws Throwable {
// LIVECONNECT_COMPLIANCE: Should raise JavaScript exception.
executeJavaScript("testObject.setIntValue([42, 42, 42]);");
assertEquals(0, mTestObject.waitForIntValue());
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testPassNonArrayToArrayMethod() throws Throwable {
// LIVECONNECT_COMPLIANCE: Should raise JavaScript exception.
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testObjectWithLengthProperty() throws Throwable {
executeJavaScript("testObject.setIntArray({length: 3, 1: 42});");
int[] result = mTestObject.waitForIntArray();
assertEquals(3, result.length);
assertEquals(0, result[0]);
assertEquals(42, result[1]);
assertEquals(0, result[2]);
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testNonNumericLengthProperty() throws Throwable {
// LIVECONNECT_COMPLIANCE: This should not count as an array, so we
// should raise a JavaScript exception.
executeJavaScript("testObject.setIntArray({length: \"foo\"});");
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testLengthOutOfBounds() throws Throwable {
// LIVECONNECT_COMPLIANCE: This should not count as an array, so we
// should raise a JavaScript exception.
executeJavaScript("testObject.setIntArray({length: -1});");
// LIVECONNECT_COMPLIANCE: This should not count as an array, so we
// should raise a JavaScript exception.
long length = Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1L;
executeJavaScript("testObject.setIntArray({length: " + length + "});");
// LIVECONNECT_COMPLIANCE: This should not count as an array, so we
// should raise a JavaScript exception.
length = Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1L - Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1L;
executeJavaScript("testObject.setIntArray({length: " + length + "});");
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testSparseArray() throws Throwable {
executeJavaScript("var x = [42, 43]; x[3] = 45; testObject.setIntArray(x);");
int[] result = mTestObject.waitForIntArray();
assertEquals(4, result.length);
assertEquals(42, result[0]);
assertEquals(43, result[1]);
assertEquals(0, result[2]);
assertEquals(45, result[3]);
// Note that this requires being able to pass a boolean from JavaScript to
// Java.
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testMethodReturningArrayNotCalled() throws Throwable {
// We don't invoke methods which return arrays, but note that no
// exception is raised.
// LIVECONNECT_COMPLIANCE: Should call method and convert result to
// JavaScript array.
executeJavaScript("testObject.setBooleanValue(undefined === testObject.arrayMethod())");
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testMultiDimensionalArrayMethod() throws Throwable {
// LIVECONNECT_COMPLIANCE: Should handle multi-dimensional arrays.
executeJavaScript("testObject.setIntIntArray([ [42, 43], [44, 45] ]);");
@Feature({"AndroidWebView", "Android-JavaBridge"})
public void testPassMultiDimensionalArray() throws Throwable {
// LIVECONNECT_COMPLIANCE: Should handle multi-dimensional arrays.
executeJavaScript("testObject.setIntArray([ [42, 43], [44, 45] ]);");
int[] result = mTestObject.waitForIntArray();
assertEquals(2, result.length);
assertEquals(0, result[0]);
assertEquals(0, result[1]);