blob: cb07c552f50b65f74a5a036d08de0b25df70bc00 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import gpu_process_expectations as expectations
import page_sets
from telemetry import test
from import page_set
from import page_test
test_harness_script = r"""
var domAutomationController = {};
domAutomationController._finished = false;
domAutomationController.setAutomationId = function(id) {}
domAutomationController.send = function(msg) {
domAutomationController._finished = true;
window.domAutomationController = domAutomationController;
class _GpuProcessValidator(page_test.PageTest):
def __init__(self):
super(_GpuProcessValidator, self).__init__(
def CustomizeBrowserOptions(self, options):
def ValidatePage(self, page, tab, results):
has_gpu_process_js = 'chrome.gpuBenchmarking.hasGpuProcess()'
has_gpu_process = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(has_gpu_process_js)
if not has_gpu_process:
raise page_test.Failure('No GPU process detected')
class GpuProcess(test.Test):
"""Tests that accelerated content triggers the creation of a GPU process"""
test = _GpuProcessValidator
page_set = page_sets.GpuProcessTestsPageSet
def CreateExpectations(self, page_set):
return expectations.GpuProcessExpectations()
def CreatePageSet(self, options):
page_set = super(GpuProcess, self).CreatePageSet(options)
for page in page_set.pages:
page.script_to_evaluate_on_commit = test_harness_script
return page_set