blob: c41e5e7e0b121770578d4285e613249c513227c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/media/capture/video_capture_oracle.h"
#include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
namespace content {
namespace {
// This value controls how many redundant, timer-base captures occur when the
// content is static. Redundantly capturing the same frame allows iterative
// quality enhancement, and also allows the buffer to fill in "buffered mode".
// TODO(nick): Controlling this here is a hack and a layering violation, since
// it's a strategy specific to the WebRTC consumer, and probably just papers
// over some frame dropping and quality bugs. It should either be controlled at
// a higher level, or else redundant frame generation should be pushed down
// further into the WebRTC encoding stack.
const int kNumRedundantCapturesOfStaticContent = 200;
} // anonymous namespace
VideoCaptureOracle::VideoCaptureOracle(base::TimeDelta capture_period,
bool events_are_reliable)
: capture_period_(capture_period),
kNumRedundantCapturesOfStaticContent) {}
bool VideoCaptureOracle::ObserveEventAndDecideCapture(
Event event,
base::TimeTicks event_time) {
// Record |event| and decide whether it's a good time to capture.
const bool content_is_dirty = (event == kCompositorUpdate ||
event == kSoftwarePaint);
bool should_sample;
if (content_is_dirty) {
should_sample = sampler_.AddEventAndConsiderSampling(event_time);
} else {
should_sample = sampler_.IsOverdueForSamplingAt(event_time);
return should_sample;
int VideoCaptureOracle::RecordCapture() {
return frame_number_;
bool VideoCaptureOracle::CompleteCapture(int frame_number,
base::TimeTicks timestamp) {
// Drop frame if previous frame number is higher or we're trying to deliver
// a frame with the same timestamp.
if (last_delivered_frame_number_ > frame_number ||
last_delivered_frame_timestamp_ == timestamp) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Frame with same timestamp or out of order delivery. "
<< "Dropping frame.";
return false;
if (last_delivered_frame_timestamp_ > timestamp) {
// We should not get here unless time was adjusted backwards.
LOG(ERROR) << "Frame with past timestamp (" << timestamp.ToInternalValue()
<< ") was delivered";
last_delivered_frame_number_ = frame_number;
last_delivered_frame_timestamp_ = timestamp;
return true;
SmoothEventSampler::SmoothEventSampler(base::TimeDelta capture_period,
bool events_are_reliable,
int redundant_capture_goal)
: events_are_reliable_(events_are_reliable),
token_bucket_capacity_(capture_period + capture_period / 2),
token_bucket_(token_bucket_capacity_) {
DCHECK_GT(capture_period_.InMicroseconds(), 0);
bool SmoothEventSampler::AddEventAndConsiderSampling(
base::TimeTicks event_time) {
// Add tokens to the bucket based on advancement in time. Then, re-bound the
// number of tokens in the bucket. Overflow occurs when there is too much
// time between events (a common case), or when RecordSample() is not being
// called often enough (a bug). On the other hand, if RecordSample() is being
// called too often (e.g., as a reaction to IsOverdueForSamplingAt()), the
// bucket will underflow.
if (!current_event_.is_null()) {
if (current_event_ < event_time) {
token_bucket_ += event_time - current_event_;
if (token_bucket_ > token_bucket_capacity_)
token_bucket_ = token_bucket_capacity_;
// Side note: If the system clock is reset, causing |current_event_| to be
// greater than |event_time|, everything here will simply gracefully adjust.
if (token_bucket_ < base::TimeDelta())
token_bucket_ = base::TimeDelta();
std::max<int64>(0, token_bucket_.InMicroseconds()));
current_event_ = event_time;
// Return true if one capture period's worth of tokens are in the bucket.
return token_bucket_ >= capture_period_;
void SmoothEventSampler::RecordSample() {
token_bucket_ -= capture_period_;
std::max<int64>(0, token_bucket_.InMicroseconds()));
bool was_paused = overdue_sample_count_ == redundant_capture_goal_;
if (HasUnrecordedEvent()) {
last_sample_ = current_event_;
overdue_sample_count_ = 0;
} else {
bool is_paused = overdue_sample_count_ == redundant_capture_goal_;
VLOG_IF(0, !was_paused && is_paused)
<< "Tab content unchanged for " << redundant_capture_goal_
<< " frames; capture will halt until content changes.";
VLOG_IF(0, was_paused && !is_paused)
<< "Content changed; capture will resume.";
bool SmoothEventSampler::IsOverdueForSamplingAt(base::TimeTicks event_time)
const {
// If we don't get events on compositor updates on this platform, then we
// don't reliably know whether we're dirty.
if (events_are_reliable_) {
if (!HasUnrecordedEvent() &&
overdue_sample_count_ >= redundant_capture_goal_) {
return false; // Not dirty.
if (last_sample_.is_null())
return true;
// If we're dirty but not yet old, then we've recently gotten updates, so we
// won't request a sample just yet.
base::TimeDelta dirty_interval = event_time - last_sample_;
if (dirty_interval < capture_period_ * 4)
return false;
return true;
bool SmoothEventSampler::HasUnrecordedEvent() const {
return !current_event_.is_null() && current_event_ != last_sample_;
} // namespace content