blob: bf0a5029cb0ae34480a4eb9d628e6846dcc311d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/events/gesture_detection/motion_event.h"
#include <map>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
#include "ui/events/events_export.h"
#include "ui/events/gestures/gesture_sequence.h"
namespace ui {
// Implementation of MotionEvent which takes a stream of ui::TouchEvents.
class EVENTS_EXPORT MotionEventAura : public MotionEvent {
virtual ~MotionEventAura();
void OnTouch(const TouchEvent& touch);
// MotionEvent implementation.
virtual int GetId() const OVERRIDE;
virtual Action GetAction() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetActionIndex() const OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t GetPointerCount() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetPointerId(size_t pointer_index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual float GetX(size_t pointer_index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual float GetY(size_t pointer_index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual float GetRawX(size_t pointer_index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual float GetRawY(size_t pointer_index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual float GetTouchMajor(size_t pointer_index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual float GetPressure(size_t pointer_index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual base::TimeTicks GetEventTime() const OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t GetHistorySize() const OVERRIDE;
virtual base::TimeTicks GetHistoricalEventTime(size_t historical_index) const
virtual float GetHistoricalTouchMajor(size_t pointer_index,
size_t historical_index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual float GetHistoricalX(size_t pointer_index,
size_t historical_index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual float GetHistoricalY(size_t pointer_index,
size_t historical_index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual ToolType GetToolType(size_t pointer_index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetButtonState() const OVERRIDE;
virtual scoped_ptr<MotionEvent> Clone() const OVERRIDE;
virtual scoped_ptr<MotionEvent> Cancel() const OVERRIDE;
int GetSourceDeviceId(size_t pointer_index) const;
// We can't cleanup removed touch points immediately upon receipt of a
// TouchCancel or TouchRelease, as the MotionEvent needs to be able to report
// information about those touch events. Once the MotionEvent has been
// processed, we call CleanupRemovedTouchPoints to do the required
// book-keeping.
void CleanupRemovedTouchPoints(const TouchEvent& event);
struct PointData {
float x;
float y;
float raw_x;
float raw_y;
int touch_id;
float pressure;
int source_device_id;
float major_radius;
size_t pointer_count,
const base::TimeTicks& last_touch_time,
Action cached_action,
int cached_action_index,
const PointData (&active_touches)[GestureSequence::kMaxGesturePoints]);
static PointData GetPointDataFromTouchEvent(const TouchEvent& touch);
void AddTouch(const TouchEvent& touch);
void UpdateTouch(const TouchEvent& touch);
void UpdateCachedAction(const TouchEvent& touch);
size_t GetIndexFromId(int id) const;
size_t pointer_count_;
base::TimeTicks last_touch_time_;
Action cached_action_;
// The index of the touch responsible for last ACTION_POINTER_DOWN or
// ACTION_POINTER_UP. -1 if no such action has occurred.
int cached_action_index_;
// We want constant time indexing by pointer_index, and fast indexing by id.
// TODO(tdresser): figure out which constant to use here.
PointData active_touches_[GestureSequence::kMaxGesturePoints];
} // namespace ui