blob: 19b36a805dd29792844b25e95c4478978616a817 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/common/translate/translate_errors.h"
// The model for the Translate bubble UX. This manages the user's manipulation
// of the bubble and offers the data to show on the bubble.
class TranslateBubbleModel {
enum ViewState {
// The view state before translating.
// The view state during translating.
// The view state after translating.
// The view state when an error of Translate happens.
// The view state when the detailed settings is shown. This view appears
// when the user click a link 'Advanced' on other views.
virtual ~TranslateBubbleModel() {}
// Returns the current view state.
virtual ViewState GetViewState() const = 0;
// Transitions the view state.
virtual void SetViewState(ViewState view_state) = 0;
// Shows an error.
virtual void ShowError(TranslateErrors::Type error_type) = 0;
// Goes back from the 'Advanced' view state.
virtual void GoBackFromAdvanced() = 0;
// Returns the number of languages supported.
virtual int GetNumberOfLanguages() const = 0;
// Returns the displayable name for the language at |index|.
virtual base::string16 GetLanguageNameAt(int index) const = 0;
// Returns the original language index.
virtual int GetOriginalLanguageIndex() const = 0;
// Updates the original language index.
virtual void UpdateOriginalLanguageIndex(int index) = 0;
// Returns the target language index.
virtual int GetTargetLanguageIndex() const = 0;
// Updates the target language index.
virtual void UpdateTargetLanguageIndex(int index) = 0;
// Sets the value if the user doesn't want to have the page translated in the
// current page's language.
virtual void SetNeverTranslateLanguage(bool value) = 0;
// Sets the value if the user doesn't want to have the page translated the
// current page's domain.
virtual void SetNeverTranslateSite(bool value) = 0;
// Returns true if the webpage in the current original language should be
// translated into the current target language automatically.
virtual bool ShouldAlwaysTranslate() const = 0;
// Sets the value if the webpage in the current original language should be
// translated into the current target language automatically.
virtual void SetAlwaysTranslate(bool value) = 0;
// Starts translating the current page.
virtual void Translate() = 0;
// Reverts translation.
virtual void RevertTranslation() = 0;
// Processes when the user dismiss the bubble without translating.
// |explicitly_closed| is true if the user explicitly closed the UI, for
// example, clicking 'Nope' button.
virtual void TranslationDeclined(bool explicitly_closed) = 0;
// Returns true if the page is translated in the currently selected source
// and target language.
virtual bool IsPageTranslatedInCurrentLanguages() const = 0;