blob: 278b344c1ef179b8c5ba4eedd10eb8b3f1cd885b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
class Profile;
class TemplateURL;
class EditSearchEngineControllerDelegate {
// Invoked from the EditSearchEngineController when the user accepts the
// edits. NOTE: |template_url| is the value supplied to
// EditSearchEngineController's constructor, and may be NULL. A NULL value
// indicates a new TemplateURL should be created rather than modifying an
// existing TemplateURL.
virtual void OnEditedKeyword(TemplateURL* template_url,
const base::string16& title,
const base::string16& keyword,
const std::string& url) = 0;
virtual ~EditSearchEngineControllerDelegate() {}
// EditSearchEngineController provides the core platform independent logic
// for the Edit Search Engine dialog.
class EditSearchEngineController {
// The |template_url| and/or |edit_keyword_delegate| may be NULL.
TemplateURL* template_url,
EditSearchEngineControllerDelegate* edit_keyword_delegate,
Profile* profile);
~EditSearchEngineController() {}
// Returns true if the value of |title_input| is a valid search engine name.
bool IsTitleValid(const base::string16& title_input) const;
// Returns true if the value of |url_input| represents a valid search engine
// URL. The URL is valid if it contains no search terms and is a valid
// url, or if it contains a search term and replacing that search term with a
// character results in a valid url.
bool IsURLValid(const std::string& url_input) const;
// Returns true if the value of |keyword_input| represents a valid keyword.
// The keyword is valid if it is non-empty and does not conflict with an
// existing entry. NOTE: this is just the keyword, not the title and url.
bool IsKeywordValid(const base::string16& keyword_input) const;
// Completes the add or edit of a search engine.
void AcceptAddOrEdit(const base::string16& title_input,
const base::string16& keyword_input,
const std::string& url_input);
// Deletes an unused TemplateURL, if its add was cancelled and it's not
// already owned by the TemplateURLService.
void CleanUpCancelledAdd();
// Accessors.
const TemplateURL* template_url() const { return template_url_; }
const Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }
// Fixes up and returns the URL the user has input. The returned URL is
// suitable for use by TemplateURL.
std::string GetFixedUpURL(const std::string& url_input) const;
// The TemplateURL we're displaying information for. It may be NULL. If we
// have a keyword_editor_view, we assume that this TemplateURL is already in
// the TemplateURLService; if not, we assume it isn't.
TemplateURL* template_url_;
// We may have been created by this, in which case we will call back to it on
// success to add/modify the entry. May be NULL.
EditSearchEngineControllerDelegate* edit_keyword_delegate_;
// Profile whose TemplateURLService we're modifying.
Profile* profile_;