blob: 70eccba9ba7944051e1286b26bcf2587a2ad4f41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is the base class for an object that send frames to a receiver.
// TODO(hclam): Refactor such that there is no separate AudioSender vs.
// VideoSender, and the functionality of both is rolled into this class.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/cast/cast_environment.h"
#include "media/cast/net/rtcp/rtcp.h"
#include "media/cast/sender/rtp_timestamp_helper.h"
namespace media {
namespace cast {
class FrameSender {
FrameSender(scoped_refptr<CastEnvironment> cast_environment,
CastTransportSender* const transport_sender,
base::TimeDelta rtcp_interval,
int frequency,
uint32 ssrc);
virtual ~FrameSender();
// Schedule and execute periodic sending of RTCP report.
void ScheduleNextRtcpReport();
void SendRtcpReport(bool schedule_future_reports);
void OnReceivedRtt(base::TimeDelta rtt,
base::TimeDelta avg_rtt,
base::TimeDelta min_rtt,
base::TimeDelta max_rtt);
bool is_rtt_available() const { return rtt_available_; }
const scoped_refptr<CastEnvironment> cast_environment_;
// Sends encoded frames over the configured transport (e.g., UDP). In
// Chromium, this could be a proxy that first sends the frames from a renderer
// process to the browser process over IPC, with the browser process being
// responsible for "packetizing" the frames and pushing packets into the
// network layer.
CastTransportSender* const transport_sender_;
// Records lip-sync (i.e., mapping of RTP <--> NTP timestamps), and
// extrapolates this mapping to any other point in time.
RtpTimestampHelper rtp_timestamp_helper_;
// RTT information from RTCP.
bool rtt_available_;
base::TimeDelta rtt_;
base::TimeDelta avg_rtt_;
base::TimeDelta min_rtt_;
base::TimeDelta max_rtt_;
const base::TimeDelta rtcp_interval_;
const uint32 ssrc_;
// NOTE: Weak pointers must be invalidated before all other member variables.
base::WeakPtrFactory<FrameSender> weak_factory_;
} // namespace cast
} // namespace media