blob: 217f842075c81423cd50531de3385523bfe228e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "chrome/service/cloud_print/connector_settings.h"
#include "printing/backend/print_backend.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
namespace gaia {
struct OAuthClientInfo;
namespace cloud_print {
// CloudPrintProxyFrontend is the interface used by CloudPrintProxyBackend to
// communicate with the entity that created it and, presumably, is interested in
// cloud print proxy related activity.
// NOTE: All methods will be invoked by a CloudPrintProxyBackend on the same
// thread used to create that CloudPrintProxyBackend.
class CloudPrintProxyFrontend {
CloudPrintProxyFrontend() {}
// We successfully authenticated with the cloud print server. This callback
// allows the frontend to persist the tokens.
virtual void OnAuthenticated(const std::string& robot_oauth_refresh_token,
const std::string& robot_email,
const std::string& user_email) = 0;
// We have invalid/expired credentials.
virtual void OnAuthenticationFailed() = 0;
// The print system could not be initialized.
virtual void OnPrintSystemUnavailable() = 0;
// Receive auth token and list of printers.
virtual void OnUnregisterPrinters(
const std::string& auth_token,
const std::list<std::string>& printer_ids) = 0;
// Update and store service settings.
virtual void OnXmppPingUpdated(int ping_timeout) = 0;
// Don't delete through SyncFrontend interface.
virtual ~CloudPrintProxyFrontend() {
class CloudPrintProxyBackend {
// It is OK for print_system_settings to be NULL. In this case system should
// use system default settings.
CloudPrintProxyBackend(CloudPrintProxyFrontend* frontend,
const ConnectorSettings& settings,
const gaia::OAuthClientInfo& oauth_client_info,
bool enable_job_poll);
// Legacy mechanism when we have saved user credentials but no saved robot
// credentials.
bool InitializeWithToken(const std::string& cloud_print_token);
// Called when we have saved robot credentials.
bool InitializeWithRobotToken(const std::string& robot_oauth_refresh_token,
const std::string& robot_email);
// Called when an external entity passed in the auth code for the robot.
bool InitializeWithRobotAuthCode(const std::string& robot_oauth_auth_code,
const std::string& robot_email);
void Shutdown();
void RegisterPrinters(const printing::PrinterList& printer_list);
void UnregisterPrinters();
// The real guts of SyncBackendHost, to keep the public client API clean.
class Core;
// A thread we dedicate for use to perform initialization and
// authentication.
base::Thread core_thread_;
// Our core, which communicates with AuthWatcher for GAIA authentication and
// which contains printer registration code.
scoped_refptr<Core> core_;
// A reference to the MessageLoop used to construct |this|, so we know how
// to safely talk back to the SyncFrontend.
base::MessageLoop* const frontend_loop_;
// The frontend which is responsible for displaying UI and updating Prefs
CloudPrintProxyFrontend* frontend_;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<CloudPrintProxyBackend::Core>;
} // namespace cloud_print