blob: 9b4010e3704b8509b0512e2fcf314cf9910f0e36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
namespace task_manager {
namespace browsertest_util {
// Runs the message loop, observing the task manager, until there are exactly
// |resource_count| many resources whose titles match the pattern
// |title_pattern|. The match is done via string_util's base::MatchPattern, so
// |title_pattern| may contain wildcards like "*".
// If the wait times out, this test will trigger a gtest failure. To get
// meaningful errors, tests should wrap invocations of this function with
void WaitForTaskManagerRows(int resource_count,
const base::string16& title_pattern);
// ASCII matcher convenience functions for use with WaitForTaskManagerRows()
base::string16 MatchTab(const char* title); // "Tab: " + title
base::string16 MatchAnyTab(); // "Tab: *"
base::string16 MatchAboutBlankTab(); // "Tab: about:blank"
base::string16 MatchExtension(const char* title); // "Extension: " + title
base::string16 MatchAnyExtension(); // "Extension: *"
base::string16 MatchApp(const char* title); // "App: " + title
base::string16 MatchAnyApp(); // "App: *"
base::string16 MatchWebView(const char* title); // "WebView: " + title
base::string16 MatchAnyWebView(); // "WebView: *"
base::string16 MatchBackground(const char* title); // "Background: " + title
base::string16 MatchAnyBackground(); // "Background: *"
base::string16 MatchPrint(const char* title); // "Print: " + title
base::string16 MatchAnyPrint(); // "Print: *"
} // namespace browsertest_util
} // namespace task_manager