blob: 2fc47fe60cffb2513646e22f789c9be1d9d421ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/app_pack_updater.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/settings/device_settings_service.h"
namespace base {
template <typename T> struct DefaultLazyInstanceTraits;
namespace chromeos {
// This class centralizes all our code to get KioskMode settings; since
// KioskMode interferes with normal operations all over Chrome, having all
// data about it pulled from a central location would make future
// refactorings easier. This class also handles getting trust for the policies
// via its init method.
// Note: If Initialize is not called before the various Getters, we'll return
// invalid values.
class KioskModeSettings {
static KioskModeSettings* Get();
// This method checks if Kiosk Mode is enabled or not.
virtual bool IsKioskModeEnabled();
// Initialize the settings; this will call the callback once trust is
// established with the policy settings provider.
virtual void Initialize(const base::Closure& notify_initialized);
virtual bool is_initialized() const;
// The path to the screensaver extension. This callback may get called
// very late, or even never (depending on the state of the app pack).
virtual void GetScreensaverPath(
policy::AppPackUpdater::ScreenSaverUpdateCallback callback) const;
// The timeout before which we'll start showing the screensaver.
virtual base::TimeDelta GetScreensaverTimeout() const;
// NOTE: The idle logout timeout is the time 'till' we show the idle dialog
// box. After we show the dialog box, it remains up for an 'additional'
// IdleLogoutWarningTimeout seconds, which adds to the total time before the
// user is logged out.
// The time to logout the user in on idle.
virtual base::TimeDelta GetIdleLogoutTimeout() const;
// The time to show the countdown timer for.
virtual base::TimeDelta GetIdleLogoutWarningDuration() const;
static const int kMaxIdleLogoutTimeout;
static const int kMinIdleLogoutTimeout;
static const int kMaxIdleLogoutWarningDuration;
static const int kMinIdleLogoutWarningDuration;
// Needed here so MockKioskModeSettings can inherit from us.
virtual ~KioskModeSettings();
friend struct base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<KioskModeSettings>;
friend class KioskModeSettingsTest;
// Makes sure the browser will switch to kiosk mode if cryptohome was not
// ready when the browser was starting after a machine reboot.
void VerifyModeIsKnown(DeviceSettingsService::OwnershipStatus status);
bool is_initialized_;
bool is_kiosk_mode_;
// Used for testing.
void set_initialized(bool value) { is_initialized_ = value; }
std::string screensaver_id_;
std::string screensaver_path_;
base::TimeDelta screensaver_timeout_;
base::TimeDelta idle_logout_timeout_;
base::TimeDelta idle_logout_warning_duration_;
} // namespace chromeos