blob: 7a75a435fbe25b577bbfd00bddd5cd0a93fbf940 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "ui/events/event_constants.h"
namespace ui {
class KeyEvent;
} // namespace ui
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace ash {
class StickyKeysHandler;
// StickyKeys is an accessibility feature for users to be able to compose
// key event with modifier keys without simultaneous key press event. Instead,
// they can compose modified key events separately pressing each of the keys
// involved.
// e.g. Composing Ctrl + T
// User Action : The KeyEvent widget will receives
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// 1. Press Ctrl key : Ctrl Keydown.
// 2. Release Ctrl key : No event
// 3. Press T key : T keydown event with ctrl modifier.
// 4. : Ctrl Keyup
// 5. Release T key : T keyup without ctrl modifier (Windows behavior)
// By typing same modifier keys twice, users can generate bunch of modified key
// events.
// e.g. To focus tabs consistently by Ctrl + 1, Ctrl + 2 ...
// User Action : The KeyEvent widget will receives
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// 1. Press Ctrl key : Ctrl Keydown
// 2. Release Ctrl key : No event
// 3. Press Ctrl key : No event
// 4. Release Ctrl key : No event
// 5. Press 1 key : 1 Keydown event with Ctrl modifier.
// 6. Release 1 key : 1 Keyup event with Ctrl modifier.
// 7. Press 2 key : 2 Keydown event with Ctrl modifier.
// 8. Release 2 key : 2 Keyup event with Ctrl modifier.
// 9. Press Ctrl key : No event
// 10. Release Ctrl key: Ctrl Keyup
// In the case of Chrome OS, StickyKeys supports Shift,Alt,Ctrl modifiers. Each
// handling or state is performed independently.
// StickyKeys is disabled by default.
class ASH_EXPORT StickyKeys {
// Handles keyboard event. Returns true if Sticky key consumes keyboard event.
bool HandleKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event);
// Sticky key handlers.
scoped_ptr<StickyKeysHandler> shift_sticky_key_;
scoped_ptr<StickyKeysHandler> alt_sticky_key_;
scoped_ptr<StickyKeysHandler> ctrl_sticky_key_;
// StickyKeysHandler handles key event and performs StickyKeys for specific
// modifier keys. If monitored keyboard events are recieved, StickyKeysHandler
// changes internal state. If non modifier keyboard events are received,
// StickyKeysHandler will append modifier based on internal state. For other
// events, StickyKeysHandler does nothing.
// The DISABLED state is default state and any incomming non modifier keyboard
// events will not be modified. The ENABLED state is one shot modification
// state. Only next keyboard event will be modified. After that, internal state
// will be back to DISABLED state with sending modifier keyup event. In the case
// of LOCKED state, all incomming keyboard events will be modified. The LOCKED
// state will be back to DISABLED state by next monitoring modifier key.
// The detailed state flow as follows:
// Current state
// ----------------------------------------------------------------|
// Modifier KeyDown | noop | noop(*) | noop(*) |
// Modifier KeyUp | To ENABLED(*) | To LOCKED(*) | To DISABLED |
// Normal KeyDown | noop | To DISABLED(#) | noop(#) |
// Normal KeyUp | noop | noop | noop(#) |
// Other KeyUp/Down | noop | noop | noop |
// Here, (*) means key event will be consumed by StickyKeys, and (#) means event
// is modified.
class ASH_EXPORT StickyKeysHandler {
class StickyKeysHandlerDelegate {
virtual ~StickyKeysHandlerDelegate();
// Dispatches keyboard event synchronously.
virtual void DispatchKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event,
aura::Window* target) = 0;
// Represents Sticky Key state.
enum StickyKeyState {
// The sticky key is disabled. Incomming non modifier key events are not
// affected.
// The sticky key is enabled. Incomming non modifier key down events are
// modified with |modifier_flag_|. After that, sticky key state become
// The sticky key is locked. Incomming non modifier key down events are
// modified with |modifier_flag_|.
// This class takes an ownership of |delegate|.
StickyKeysHandler(ui::EventFlags modifier_flag,
StickyKeysHandlerDelegate* delegate);
// Handles key event. Returns true if key is consumed.
bool HandleKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event);
// Returns current internal state.
StickyKeyState current_state() const { return current_state_; }
// Represents event type in Sticky Key context.
enum KeyEventType {
TARGET_MODIFIER_DOWN, // The monitoring modifier key is down.
TARGET_MODIFIER_UP, // The monitoring modifier key is up.
NORMAL_KEY_DOWN, // The non modifier key is down.
NORMAL_KEY_UP, // The non modifier key is up.
OTHER_MODIFIER_DOWN, // The modifier key but not monitored key is down.
OTHER_MODIFIER_UP, // The modifier key but not monitored key is up.
// Translates |event| to sticky keys event type.
KeyEventType TranslateKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event);
// Handles key event in DISABLED state.
bool HandleDisabledState(ui::KeyEvent* event);
// Handles key event in ENABLED state.
bool HandleEnabledState(ui::KeyEvent* event);
// Handles key event in LOCKED state.
bool HandleLockedState(ui::KeyEvent* event);
// Adds |modifier_flags_| into |event|.
void AppendModifier(ui::KeyEvent* event);
// The modifier flag to be monitored and appended.
const ui::EventFlags modifier_flag_;
// The current sticky key status.
StickyKeyState current_state_;
// True if the received key event is sent by StickyKeyHandler.
bool keyevent_from_myself_;
// The modifier up key event to be sent on non modifier key on ENABLED state.
scoped_ptr<ui::KeyEvent> modifier_up_event_;
scoped_ptr<StickyKeysHandlerDelegate> delegate_;
} // namespace ash