blob: dd8deee873e75d65eec44b77824cab22415372f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "webkit/child/webkitplatformsupport_impl.h"
namespace {
// Derives WebKitPlatformSupportImpl for testing shared timers.
class TestWebKitPlatformSupport
: public webkit_glue::WebKitPlatformSupportImpl {
TestWebKitPlatformSupport() : mock_monotonically_increasing_time_(0) {
// WebKitPlatformSupportImpl implementation
virtual base::string16 GetLocalizedString(int) OVERRIDE {
return base::string16();
virtual base::StringPiece GetDataResource(int, ui::ScaleFactor) OVERRIDE {
return base::StringPiece();
virtual webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge* CreateResourceLoader(
const webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::RequestInfo&) OVERRIDE {
return NULL;
virtual webkit_glue::WebSocketStreamHandleBridge* CreateWebSocketStreamBridge(
webkit_glue::WebSocketStreamHandleDelegate*) OVERRIDE {
return NULL;
// Returns mock time when enabled.
virtual double monotonicallyIncreasingTime() OVERRIDE {
if (mock_monotonically_increasing_time_ > 0.0)
return mock_monotonically_increasing_time_;
return webkit_glue::WebKitPlatformSupportImpl::
virtual void OnStartSharedTimer(base::TimeDelta delay) OVERRIDE {
shared_timer_delay_ = delay;
base::TimeDelta shared_timer_delay() {
return shared_timer_delay_;
void set_mock_monotonically_increasing_time(double mock_time) {
mock_monotonically_increasing_time_ = mock_time;
base::TimeDelta shared_timer_delay_;
double mock_monotonically_increasing_time_;
TEST(WebkitGlueTest, SuspendResumeSharedTimer) {
base::MessageLoop message_loop;
TestWebKitPlatformSupport platform_support;
// Set a timer to fire as soon as possible.
// Suspend timers immediately so the above timer wouldn't be fired.
// The above timer would have posted a task which can be processed out of the
// message loop.
// Set a mock time after 1 second to simulate timers suspended for 1 second.
double new_time = base::Time::Now().ToDoubleT() + 1;
// Resume timers so that the timer set above will be set again to fire
// immediately.
EXPECT_TRUE(base::TimeDelta() == platform_support.shared_timer_delay());
} // namespace