blob: a60088ece51e91faca5bdda69395732e84e4ab65 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import re
from telemetry import decorators
import telemetry.timeline.bounds as timeline_bounds
IS_SMOOTH = 'is_smooth'
IS_RESPONSIVE = 'is_responsive'
class ThreadTimeRangeOverlappedException(Exception):
"""Exception that can be thrown when computing overlapped thread time range
with other events.
class NoThreadTimeDataException(ThreadTimeRangeOverlappedException):
"""Exception that can be thrown if there is not sufficient thread time data
to compute the overlapped thread time range."""
def IsTimelineInteractionRecord(event_name):
return event_name.startswith('Interaction.')
class TimelineInteractionRecord(object):
"""Represents an interaction that took place during a timeline recording.
As a page runs, typically a number of different (simulated) user interactions
take place. For instance, a user might click a button in a mail app causing a
popup to animate in. Then they might press another button that sends data to a
server and simultaneously closes the popup without an animation. These are two
From the point of view of the page, each interaction might have a different
logical name: ClickComposeButton and SendEmail, for instance. From the point
of view of the benchmarking harness, the names aren't so interesting as what
the performance expectations are for that interaction: was it loading
resources from the network? was there an animation?
Determining these things is hard to do, simply by observing the state given to
a page from javascript. There are hints, for instance if network requests are
sent, or if a CSS animation is pending. But this is by no means a complete
Instead, we expect pages to mark up the timeline what they are doing, with
logical names, and flags indicating the semantics of that interaction. This
is currently done by pushing markers into the console.time/timeEnd API: this
for instance can be issued in JS:
var str = 'Interaction.SendEmail/is_smooth,is_responsive';
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
When run with perf.measurements.timeline_based_measurement running, this will
then cause a TimelineInteractionRecord to be created for this range and both
smoothness and network metrics to be reported for the marked up 1000ms
def __init__(self, logical_name, start, end, async_event=None):
assert logical_name
self.logical_name = logical_name
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.is_smooth = False
self.is_responsive = False
self._async_event = async_event
# TODO(nednguyen): After is marked fixed, we should be able
# to get rid of perf.measurements.smooth_gesture_util and make this the only
# constructor method for TimelineInteractionRecord.
def FromAsyncEvent(async_event):
"""Construct an timeline_interaction_record from an async event.
async_event: An instance of
assert async_event.start_thread == async_event.end_thread, (
'Start thread of this record\'s async event is not the same as its '
'end thread')
m = re.match('Interaction\.(.+)\/(.+)',
if m:
logical_name =
if != '':
flags =',')
flags = []
m = re.match('Interaction\.(.+)',
assert m
logical_name =
flags = []
record = TimelineInteractionRecord(logical_name, async_event.start,
async_event.end, async_event)
for f in flags:
if not f in FLAGS:
raise Exception(
'Unrecognized flag in timeline Interaction record: %s' % f)
record.is_smooth = IS_SMOOTH in flags
record.is_responsive = IS_RESPONSIVE in flags
return record
def GetResultNameFor(self, result_name):
return '%s-%s' % (self.logical_name, result_name)
def GetBounds(self):
bounds = timeline_bounds.Bounds()
return bounds
def GetJavaScriptMarker(logical_name, flags):
""" Get the marker string of an interaction record with logical_name
and flags.
assert isinstance(flags, list)
for f in flags:
if f not in FLAGS:
raise AssertionError(
'Unrecognized flag for a timeline Interaction record: %s' % f)
return 'Interaction.%s/%s' % (logical_name, ','.join(flags))
def GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSlice(self, timeline_slice):
"""Get the thread duration of timeline_slice that overlaps with this record.
There are two cases :
Case 1: timeline_slice runs in the same thread as the record.
| [ timeline_slice ]
THREAD 1 | | |
| record starts record ends
(relative order in thread time)
As the thread timestamps in timeline_slice and record are consistent, we
simply use them to compute the overlap.
Case 2: timeline_slice runs in a different thread from the record's.
THREAD 2 | [ timeline_slice ]
THREAD 1 | | |
| record starts record ends
(relative order in wall-time)
Unlike case 1, thread timestamps of a thread are measured by its
thread-specific clock, which is inconsistent with that of the other
thread, and thus can't be used to compute the overlapped thread duration.
Hence, we use a heuristic to compute the overlap (see
_GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSliceInDifferentThread for more details)
timeline_slice: An instance of telemetry.timeline.slice.Slice
if not self._async_event:
raise ThreadTimeRangeOverlappedException(
'This record was not constructed from async event')
if not self._async_event.has_thread_timestamps:
raise NoThreadTimeDataException(
'This record\'s async_event does not contain thread time data. '
'Event data: %s' % repr(self._async_event))
if not timeline_slice.has_thread_timestamps:
raise NoThreadTimeDataException(
'slice does not contain thread time data')
if timeline_slice.parent_thread == self._async_event.start_thread:
return self._GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSliceInSameThread(
return self._GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSliceInDifferentThread(
def _GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSliceInSameThread(self, timeline_slice):
return timeline_bounds.Bounds.GetOverlap(
timeline_slice.thread_start, timeline_slice.thread_end,
self._async_event.thread_start, self._async_event.thread_end)
def _GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSliceInDifferentThread(self, timeline_slice):
# In case timeline_slice's parent thread is not the parent thread of the
# async slice that issues this record, we assume that events are descheduled
# uniformly. The overlap duration in thread time is then computed by
# multiplying the overlap wall-time duration of timeline_slice and the
# record's async slice with their thread_duration/duration ratios.
overlapped_walltime_duration = timeline_bounds.Bounds.GetOverlap(
timeline_slice.start, timeline_slice.end,
self.start, self.end)
if timeline_slice.duration == 0 or self._async_event.duration == 0:
return 0
timeline_slice_scheduled_ratio = (
timeline_slice.thread_duration / float(timeline_slice.duration))
record_scheduled_ratio = (
self._async_event.thread_duration / float(self._async_event.duration))
return (overlapped_walltime_duration * timeline_slice_scheduled_ratio *
def __repr__(self):
flags = []
if self.is_smooth:
elif self.is_responsive:
flags_str = ','.join(flags)
return ('TimelineInteractionRecord(logical_name=\'%s\', start=%f, end=%f,' +
' flags=%s, async_event=%s)') % (