blob: 44b5e060105fbd8a00b47a94d03bd35bd832999f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
from telemetry.core import util
from import tracing_backend
from telemetry.timeline import model as model_module
from telemetry.web_perf import timeline_interaction_record as tir_module
from telemetry.web_perf.metrics import smoothness
from telemetry.web_perf.metrics import responsiveness_metric
from import page_measurement
from telemetry.value import string as string_value_module
# TimelineBasedMeasurement considers all instrumentation as producing a single
# timeline. But, depending on the amount of instrumentation that is enabled,
# overhead increases. The user of the measurement must therefore chose between
# a few levels of instrumentation.
NO_OVERHEAD_LEVEL = 'no-overhead'
MINIMAL_OVERHEAD_LEVEL = 'minimal-overhead'
DEBUG_OVERHEAD_LEVEL = 'debug-overhead'
class _ResultsWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, results, interaction_record):
self._results = results
self._interaction_record = interaction_record
def Add(self, trace_name, units, value, chart_name=None, data_type='default'):
trace_name = self._interaction_record.GetResultNameFor(trace_name)
self._results.Add(trace_name, units, value, chart_name, data_type)
def AddSummary(self, trace_name, units, value, chart_name=None,
trace_name = self._interaction_record.GetResultNameFor(trace_name)
self._results.AddSummary(trace_name, units, value, chart_name, data_type)
class _TimelineBasedMetrics(object):
def __init__(self, model, renderer_thread,
self._model = model
self._renderer_thread = renderer_thread
self._create_metrics_for_interaction_record_callback = \
def FindTimelineInteractionRecords(self):
# TODO(nduca): Add support for page-load interaction record.
return [tir_module.TimelineInteractionRecord.FromAsyncEvent(event) for
event in self._renderer_thread.async_slices
if tir_module.IsTimelineInteractionRecord(]
def AddResults(self, results):
interactions = self.FindTimelineInteractionRecords()
if len(interactions) == 0:
raise Exception('Expected at least one Interaction on the page')
for interaction in interactions:
metrics = \
wrapped_results = _ResultsWrapper(results, interaction)
for m in metrics:
m.AddResults(self._model, self._renderer_thread,
[interaction], wrapped_results)
class TimelineBasedMeasurement(page_measurement.PageMeasurement):
"""Collects multiple metrics pages based on their interaction records.
A timeline measurement shifts the burden of what metrics to collect onto the
page under test, or the pageset running that page. Instead of the measurement
having a fixed set of values it collects about the page, the page being tested
issues (via javascript) an Interaction record into the user timing API that
describing what the page is doing at that time, as well as a standardized set
of flags describing the semantics of the work being done. The
TimelineBasedMeasurement object collects a trace that includes both these
interaction recorsd, and a user-chosen amount of performance data using
Telemetry's various timeline-producing APIs, tracing especially.
It then passes the recorded timeline to different TimelineBasedMetrics based
on those flags. This allows a single run through a page to produce load timing
data, smoothness data, critical jank information and overall cpu usage
For information on how to mark up a page to work with
TimelineBasedMeasurement, refer to the
perf.metrics.timeline_interaction_record module.
def __init__(self):
super(TimelineBasedMeasurement, self).__init__('RunSmoothness')
def AddCommandLineArgs(cls, parser):
'--overhead-level', dest='overhead_level', type='choice',
help='How much overhead to incur during the measurement.')
'--trace-dir', dest='trace_dir', type='string', default=None,
help=('Where to save the trace after the run. If this flag '
'is not set, the trace will not be saved.'))
def WillNavigateToPage(self, page, tab):
if not tab.browser.supports_tracing:
raise Exception('Not supported')
assert self.options.overhead_level in ALL_OVERHEAD_LEVELS
if self.options.overhead_level == NO_OVERHEAD_LEVEL:
categories = tracing_backend.MINIMAL_TRACE_CATEGORIES
elif self.options.overhead_level == \
categories = ''
categories = '*,disabled-by-default-cc.debug'
categories = ','.join([categories] + page.GetSyntheticDelayCategories())
def CreateMetricsForTimelineInteractionRecord(self, interaction):
""" Subclass of TimelineBasedMeasurement overrides this method to customize
the binding of interaction's flags to metrics.
res = []
if interaction.is_smooth:
if interaction.is_responsive:
return res
def MeasurePage(self, page, tab, results):
""" Collect all possible metrics and added them to results. """
trace_result = tab.browser.StopTracing()
trace_dir = self.options.trace_dir
if trace_dir:
trace_file_path = util.GetSequentialFileName(
os.path.join(trace_dir, 'trace')) + '.json'
with open(trace_file_path, 'w') as f:
page, 'trace_path', 'string', trace_file_path))
except IOError, e:
logging.error('Cannot open %s. %s' % (trace_file_path, e))
model = model_module.TimelineModel(trace_result)
renderer_thread = model.GetRendererThreadFromTabId(
meta_metrics = _TimelineBasedMetrics(
model, renderer_thread, self.CreateMetricsForTimelineInteractionRecord)
def CleanUpAfterPage(self, page, tab):
if tab.browser.is_tracing_running: