blob: 671e2b8f1d10d4b79a561c7f0a6be427165efa12 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
class NativeBrowserCrashException(Exception):
def __init__(self, browser=None, msg=''):
super(NativeBrowserCrashException, self).__init__(msg)
self._browser = browser
self._msg = msg
def __str__(self):
if not self._browser:
return super(NativeBrowserCrashException, self).__str__()
divider = '*' * 80
return '%s\nStack Trace:\n%s\n\t%s\n%s' % (
super(NativeBrowserCrashException, self).__str__(), divider,
self._browser.GetStackTrace().replace('\n', '\n\t'), divider)
class TabCrashException(NativeBrowserCrashException):
"""Represents a crash of the current tab, but not the overall browser.
In this state, the tab is gone, but the underlying browser is still alive."""
def __init__(self, browser, msg='Tab crashed'):
super(TabCrashException, self).__init__(browser, msg)
class BrowserGoneException(NativeBrowserCrashException):
"""Represents a crash of the entire browser.
In this state, all bets are pretty much off."""
def __init__(self, browser, msg='Browser crashed'):
super(BrowserGoneException, self).__init__(browser, msg)
class BrowserConnectionGoneException(BrowserGoneException):
"""Represents a browser that still exists but cannot be reached."""
def __init__(self, browser, msg='Browser exists but the connection is gone'):
super(BrowserConnectionGoneException, self).__init__(browser, msg)
class ProcessGoneException(Exception):
"""Represents a process that no longer exists for an unknown reason."""
class IntentionalException(Exception):
"""Represent an exception raised by a unittest which is not printed."""
class LoginException(Exception):
class EvaluateException(Exception):
class ProfilingException(Exception):