blob: 54622ab114df197e00c817f5f1e57f5c17527d0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace media {
namespace cast {
class CongestionControl {
CongestionControl(base::TickClock* clock,
uint32 max_bitrate_configured,
uint32 min_bitrate_configured,
size_t max_unacked_frames);
virtual ~CongestionControl();
void UpdateRtt(base::TimeDelta rtt);
// Called when an encoded frame is sent to the transport.
void SendFrameToTransport(uint32 frame_id,
size_t frame_size,
base::TimeTicks when);
// Called when we receive an ACK for a frame.
void AckFrame(uint32 frame_id, base::TimeTicks when);
// Returns the bitrate we should use for the next frame.
uint32 GetBitrate(base::TimeTicks playout_time,
base::TimeDelta playout_delay);
struct FrameStats {
// Time this frame was sent to the transport.
base::TimeTicks sent_time;
// Time this frame was acked.
base::TimeTicks ack_time;
// Size of encoded frame in bits.
size_t frame_size;
// Calculate how much "dead air" (idle time) there is between two frames.
static base::TimeDelta DeadTime(const FrameStats& a, const FrameStats& b);
// Get the FrameStats for a given |frame_id|.
// Note: Older FrameStats will be removed automatically.
FrameStats* GetFrameStats(uint32 frame_id);
// Calculata safe bitrate. This is based on how much we've been
// sending in the past.
double CalculateSafeBitrate();
// For a given frame, calculate when it might be acked.
// (Or return the time it was acked, if it was.)
base::TimeTicks EstimatedAckTime(uint32 frame_id, double bitrate);
// Calculate when we start sending the data for a given frame.
// This is done by calculating when we were done sending the previous
// frame, but obvoiusly can't be less than |sent_time| (if known).
base::TimeTicks EstimatedSendingTime(uint32 frame_id, double bitrate);
base::TickClock* const clock_; // Not owned by this class.
const uint32 max_bitrate_configured_;
const uint32 min_bitrate_configured_;
std::deque<FrameStats> frame_stats_;
uint32 last_frame_stats_;
uint32 last_acked_frame_;
uint32 last_encoded_frame_;
base::TimeDelta rtt_;
size_t history_size_;
size_t acked_bits_in_history_;
base::TimeDelta dead_time_in_history_;
} // namespace cast
} // namespace media