blob: 96dfe20e311747660ddc794fa4da4c363291929f [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-- found in the LICENSE file.
<kb-key class="esc dark" stretch weight="110" char="Esc">esc</kb-key>
<kb-key class="back dark" stretch weight="110" char="Back" image="back">
<kb-key class="forward dark" stretch weight="110" char="Forward"
image="forward"> </kb-key>
<kb-key class="reload dark" stretch weight="110" char="Reload" image="reload">
<kb-key class="fullscreen stretch dark" weight="110" char="Fullscreen"
<kb-key class="change-window dark" stretch weight="110" char="Change-Window"
<kb-key class="brightness-down dark" stretch weight="110" repeat
char="Brightness-Down" image="brightness-down"></kb-key>
<kb-key class="brightness-up dark" stretch weight="110" repeat
char="Brightness-Up" image="brightness-up"></kb-key>
<kb-key class="mute dark" char="Mute" stretch weight="110"
<kb-key class="volume-down dark" stretch weight="110"
repeat char="Volume-Down" image="volume-down"></kb-key>
<kb-key class="volume-up dark" stretch weight="110" repeat char="Volume-Up"