blob: a0d8212f94869cd8f929d39831b64e86fb1418bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
namespace media {
// Models a queue of buffered audio in a playback pipeline for use with
// estimating the amount of delay in wall clock time. Takes changes in playback
// rate into account to handle scenarios where multiple rates may be present in
// a playback pipeline with large delay.
class MEDIA_EXPORT AudioClock {
explicit AudioClock(int sample_rate);
// |frames| amount of audio data scaled to |playback_rate| was written.
// |delay_frames| is the current amount of hardware delay.
// |timestamp| is the endpoint media timestamp of the audio data written.
void WroteAudio(int frames,
int delay_frames,
float playback_rate,
base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// |frames| amount of silence was written.
// |delay_frames| is the current amount of hardware delay.
void WroteSilence(int frames, int delay_frames);
// Calculates the current media timestamp taking silence and changes in
// playback rate into account.
base::TimeDelta CurrentMediaTimestamp() const;
// Returns the last endpoint timestamp provided to WroteAudio().
base::TimeDelta last_endpoint_timestamp() const {
return last_endpoint_timestamp_;
void TrimBufferedAudioToMatchDelay(int delay_frames);
void PushBufferedAudio(int frames,
float playback_rate,
base::TimeDelta endpoint_timestamp);
const int sample_rate_;
// Initially set to kNoTimestamp(), otherwise is the last endpoint timestamp
// delivered to WroteAudio(). A copy is kept outside of |buffered_audio_| to
// handle the case where all of |buffered_audio_| has been replaced with
// silence.
base::TimeDelta last_endpoint_timestamp_;
struct BufferedAudio {
BufferedAudio(int frames,
float playback_rate,
base::TimeDelta endpoint_timestamp);
int frames;
float playback_rate;
base::TimeDelta endpoint_timestamp;
std::deque<BufferedAudio> buffered_audio_;
} // namespace media