blob: 6a72a0151577730ab66f40d532285da63e9bb1e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "content/public/common/zygote_fork_delegate_linux.h"
namespace base {
struct LaunchOptions;
template <typename>
class ScopedVector;
namespace nacl {
// Appends any ZygoteForkDelegate instances needed by NaCl to |*delegates|.
void AddNaClZygoteForkDelegates(
ScopedVector<content::ZygoteForkDelegate>* delegates);
// The NaClForkDelegate is created during Chrome linux zygote
// initialization, and provides "fork()" functionality with
// NaCl specific process characteristics (specifically address
// space layout) as an alternative to forking the zygote.
// A new delegate is passed in as an argument to ZygoteMain().
class NaClForkDelegate : public content::ZygoteForkDelegate {
explicit NaClForkDelegate(bool nonsfi_mode);
virtual ~NaClForkDelegate();
virtual void Init(int sandboxdesc, bool enable_layer1_sandbox) OVERRIDE;
virtual void InitialUMA(std::string* uma_name,
int* uma_sample,
int* uma_boundary_value) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanHelp(const std::string& process_type, std::string* uma_name,
int* uma_sample, int* uma_boundary_value) OVERRIDE;
virtual pid_t Fork(const std::string& process_type,
const std::vector<int>& fds,
const std::string& channel_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetTerminationStatus(pid_t pid, bool known_dead,
base::TerminationStatus* status,
int* exit_code) OVERRIDE;
static void AddPassthroughEnvToOptions(base::LaunchOptions* options);
// These values are reported via UMA and hence they become permanent
// constants. Old values cannot be reused, only new ones added.
enum NaClHelperStatus {
kNaClHelperUnused = 0,
kNaClHelperMissing = 1,
kNaClHelperBootstrapMissing = 2,
kNaClHelperValgrind = 3,
kNaClHelperLaunchFailed = 4,
kNaClHelperAckFailed = 5,
kNaClHelperSuccess = 6,
kNaClHelperStatusBoundary // Must be one greater than highest value used.
const bool nonsfi_mode_;
NaClHelperStatus status_;
int fd_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NaClForkDelegateLinuxTest, EnvPassthrough);
} // namespace nacl