blob: 8a300117516e1b2d1e94161fa26d7fc68c532df3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "google_apis/drive/test_util.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
#include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h"
#include "third_party/cros_system_api/constants/cryptohome.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
namespace net {
class IOBuffer;
} // namespace net
namespace drive {
namespace test_util {
// Disk space size used by FakeFreeDiskSpaceGetter.
const int64 kLotsOfSpace = cryptohome::kMinFreeSpaceInBytes * 10;
// Runs a task posted to the blocking pool, including subsequent tasks posted
// to the UI message loop and the blocking pool.
// A task is often posted to the blocking pool with PostTaskAndReply(). In
// that case, a task is posted back to the UI message loop, which can again
// post a task to the blocking pool. This function processes these tasks
// repeatedly.
void RunBlockingPoolTask();
// Helper to destroy objects which needs Destroy() to be called on destruction.
// Note: When using this helper, you should destruct objects before
// BrowserThread.
struct DestroyHelperForTests {
template<typename T>
void operator()(T* object) const {
if (object) {
test_util::RunBlockingPoolTask(); // Finish destruction.
// Reads all the data from |reader| and copies to |content|. Returns net::Error
// code.
template<typename Reader>
int ReadAllData(Reader* reader, std::string* content) {
const int kBufferSize = 10;
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> buffer(new net::IOBuffer(kBufferSize));
while (true) {
net::TestCompletionCallback callback;
int result = reader->Read(buffer.get(), kBufferSize, callback.callback());
result = callback.GetResult(result);
if (result <= 0) {
// Found an error or EOF. Return it. Note: net::OK is 0.
return result;
content->append(buffer->data(), result);
// Registers Drive related preferences in |pref_registry|. Drive related
// preferences should be registered as TestingPrefServiceSimple will crash if
// unregistered preference is referenced.
void RegisterDrivePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* pref_registry);
// Fake NetworkChangeNotifier implementation.
class FakeNetworkChangeNotifier : public net::NetworkChangeNotifier {
void SetConnectionType(ConnectionType type);
// NetworkChangeNotifier override.
virtual ConnectionType GetCurrentConnectionType() const OVERRIDE;
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType type_;
} // namespace test_util
} // namespace drive