blob: 3242ce7280f4c41342ce7bafe08c01a63ff33870 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/dbus/cros_dbus_service.h"
#include "dbus/exported_object.h"
namespace dbus {
class MethodCall;
class Response;
namespace chromeos {
class ProxyResolverInterface;
// This class provides proxy resolution service for CrosDBusService.
// It processes proxy resolution requests for ChromeOS clients.
// The following methods are exported.
// Interface: org.chromium.LibCrosServiceInterface (kLibCrosServiceInterface)
// Method: ResolveNetworkProxy (kResolveNetworkProxy)
// Parameters: string:source_url
// string:signal_interface
// string:signal_name
// Resolves the proxy for |source_url|. Returns the result
// as a D-Bus signal sent to |signal_interface| and |signal_name|.
// The returned signal will contain the three values:
// - string:source_url - requested source URL.
// - string:proxy_info - proxy info for the source URL in PAC format
// like "PROXY"
// - string:error_message - error message. Empty if successful.
// This service can be manually tested using dbus-monitor and
// dbus-send. For instance, you can resolve proxy configuration for
// as follows:
// 1. Open a terminal and run the following:
// % dbus-monitor --system interface=org.chromium.TestInterface
// 2. Open another terminal and run the following:
// % dbus-send --system --type=method_call
// --dest=org.chromium.LibCrosService
// /org/chromium/LibCrosService
// org.chromium.LibCrosServiceInterface.ResolveNetworkProxy
// string:
// string:org.chromium.TestInterface
// string:TestSignal
// 3. Go back to the original terminal and check the output which should
// look like:
// signal sender=:1.23 -> dest=(null destination) serial=12345
// path=/org/chromium/LibCrosService; interface=org.chromium.TestInterface;
// member=TestSignal
// string ""
// string "PROXY"
// string ""
class ProxyResolutionServiceProvider
: public CrosDBusService::ServiceProviderInterface {
virtual ~ProxyResolutionServiceProvider();
// CrosDBusService::ServiceProviderInterface override.
virtual void Start(
scoped_refptr<dbus::ExportedObject> exported_object) OVERRIDE;
// Creates the instance.
static ProxyResolutionServiceProvider* Create();
explicit ProxyResolutionServiceProvider(ProxyResolverInterface *resovler);
// Creates the instance for testing. Takes the ownership of |resovler|
friend class ProxyResolutionServiceProviderTest;
static ProxyResolutionServiceProvider* CreateForTesting(
ProxyResolverInterface* resolver);
// Called from ExportedObject, when ResolveProxyHandler() is exported as
// a D-Bus method, or failed to be exported.
void OnExported(const std::string& interface_name,
const std::string& method_name,
bool success);
// Callback to be invoked when ChromeOS clients send network proxy
// resolution requests to the service running in chrome executable.
// Called on UI thread from dbus request.
void ResolveProxyHandler(dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
// Calls ResolveProxyHandler() if weak_ptr is not NULL. Used to ensure a
// safe shutdown.
static void CallResolveProxyHandler(
base::WeakPtr<ProxyResolutionServiceProvider> weak_ptr,
dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
// Returns true if the current thread is on the origin thread.
bool OnOriginThread();
scoped_refptr<dbus::ExportedObject> exported_object_;
scoped_ptr<ProxyResolverInterface> resolver_;
base::PlatformThreadId origin_thread_id_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProxyResolutionServiceProvider> weak_ptr_factory_;
// The interface is defined so we can mock out the proxy resolver
// implementation.
class ProxyResolverInterface {
// Resolves the proxy for the given URL. Returns the result as a
// signal sent to |signal_interface| and
// |signal_name|. |exported_object| will be used to send the
// signal. The signal contains the three string members:
// - source url: the requested source URL.
// - proxy info: proxy info for the source URL in PAC format.
// - error message: empty if the proxy resolution was successful.
virtual void ResolveProxy(
const std::string& source_url,
const std::string& signal_interface,
const std::string& signal_name,
scoped_refptr<dbus::ExportedObject> exported_object) = 0;
virtual ~ProxyResolverInterface();
} // namespace chromeos