blob: 36982e92a1f1d408abcddd537df9625b1922daa5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_downloader.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_downloader_delegate.h"
#include "components/browser_context_keyed_service/browser_context_keyed_service.h"
class CustodianProfileDownloaderService : public BrowserContextKeyedService,
public ProfileDownloaderDelegate {
// Callback for DownloadProfile() below. If the GAIA profile download is
// successful, the profile's full (display) name will be returned.
typedef base::Callback<void(const string16& /* full name */)>
virtual ~CustodianProfileDownloaderService();
// BrowserContextKeyedService:
virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;
// Downloads the GAIA account information for the |custodian_profile_|.
// This is a best-effort attempt with no error reporting nor timeout.
// If the download is successful, the profile's full (display) name will
// be returned via the callback. If the download fails or never completes,
// the callback will not be called.
void DownloadProfile(const DownloadProfileCallback& callback);
// ProfileDownloaderDelegate:
virtual bool NeedsProfilePicture() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetDesiredImageSideLength() const OVERRIDE;
virtual std::string GetCachedPictureURL() const OVERRIDE;
virtual Profile* GetBrowserProfile() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnProfileDownloadSuccess(ProfileDownloader* downloader) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnProfileDownloadFailure(
ProfileDownloader* downloader,
ProfileDownloaderDelegate::FailureReason reason) OVERRIDE;
friend class CustodianProfileDownloaderServiceFactory;
// Use |CustodianProfileDownloaderServiceFactory::GetForProfile(...)| to
// get instances of this service.
explicit CustodianProfileDownloaderService(Profile* custodian_profile);
scoped_ptr<ProfileDownloader> profile_downloader_;
DownloadProfileCallback download_callback_;
// Owns us via the BrowserContextKeyedService mechanism.
Profile* custodian_profile_;
std::string last_downloaded_profile_email_;
std::string in_progress_profile_email_;