blob: d7ef9473ce03dc30738a70a3820014af594244b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Maps hostnames to custom content settings. Written on the UI thread and read
// on any thread. One instance per profile.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "base/tuple.h"
#include "chrome/browser/content_settings/content_settings_observer.h"
#include "chrome/common/content_settings.h"
#include "chrome/common/content_settings_pattern.h"
#include "chrome/common/content_settings_types.h"
class ExtensionService;
class GURL;
class PrefService;
namespace base {
class Value;
namespace content_settings {
class ProviderInterface;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
class HostContentSettingsMap
: public content_settings::Observer,
public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<HostContentSettingsMap> {
enum ProviderType {
HostContentSettingsMap(PrefService* prefs, bool incognito);
// In some cases, the ExtensionService is not available at the time the
// HostContentSettingsMap is constructed. In these cases, we register the
// service once it's available.
void RegisterExtensionService(ExtensionService* extension_service);
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Returns the default setting for a particular content type. If |provider_id|
// is not NULL, the id of the provider which provided the default setting is
// assigned to it.
// This may be called on any thread.
ContentSetting GetDefaultContentSetting(ContentSettingsType content_type,
std::string* provider_id) const;
// Returns a single |ContentSetting| which applies to the given URLs. Note
// that certain internal schemes are whitelisted. For |CONTENT_TYPE_COOKIES|,
// |CookieSettings| should be used instead. For content types that can't be
// converted to a |ContentSetting|, |GetContentSettingValue| should be called.
// If there is no content setting, returns CONTENT_SETTING_DEFAULT.
// May be called on any thread.
ContentSetting GetContentSetting(
const GURL& primary_url,
const GURL& secondary_url,
ContentSettingsType content_type,
const std::string& resource_identifier) const;
// Returns a single content setting |Value| which applies to the given URLs.
// If |info| is not NULL, then the |source| field of |info| is set to the
// source of the returned |Value| (POLICY, EXTENSION, USER, ...) and the
// |primary_pattern| and the |secondary_pattern| fields of |info| are set to
// the patterns of the applying rule. Note that certain internal schemes are
// whitelisted. For whitelisted schemes the |source| field of |info| is set
// the |SETTING_SOURCE_WHITELIST| and the |primary_pattern| and
// |secondary_pattern| are set to a wildcard pattern. If there is no content
// setting, NULL is returned and the |source| field of |info| is set to
// |SETTING_SOURCE_NONE|. The pattern fiels of |info| are set to empty
// patterns.
// The ownership of the resulting |Value| is transfered to the caller.
// May be called on any thread.
base::Value* GetWebsiteSetting(
const GURL& primary_url,
const GURL& secondary_url,
ContentSettingsType content_type,
const std::string& resource_identifier,
content_settings::SettingInfo* info) const;
// For a given content type, returns all patterns with a non-default setting,
// mapped to their actual settings, in the precedence order of the rules.
// |settings| must be a non-NULL outparam.
// This may be called on any thread.
void GetSettingsForOneType(ContentSettingsType content_type,
const std::string& resource_identifier,
ContentSettingsForOneType* settings) const;
// Sets the default setting for a particular content type. This method must
// not be invoked on an incognito map.
// This should only be called on the UI thread.
void SetDefaultContentSetting(ContentSettingsType content_type,
ContentSetting setting);
// Sets the content |setting| for the given patterns, |content_type| and
// |resource_identifier|. Setting the value to CONTENT_SETTING_DEFAULT causes
// the default setting for that type to be used when loading pages matching
// this pattern.
// NOTICE: This is just a convenience method for content types that use
// |CONTENT_SETTING| as their data type. For content types that use other
// data types please use the method SetWebsiteSetting.
// This should only be called on the UI thread.
void SetContentSetting(const ContentSettingsPattern& primary_pattern,
const ContentSettingsPattern& secondary_pattern,
ContentSettingsType content_type,
const std::string& resource_identifier,
ContentSetting setting);
// Sets the |value| for the given patterns, |content_type| and
// |resource_identifier|. Setting the value to NULL causes the default value
// for that type to be used when loading pages matching this pattern.
// Takes ownership of the passed value.
void SetWebsiteSetting(const ContentSettingsPattern& primary_pattern,
const ContentSettingsPattern& secondary_pattern,
ContentSettingsType content_type,
const std::string& resource_identifier,
base::Value* value);
// Convenience method to add a content setting for the given URLs, making sure
// that there is no setting overriding it. For ContentSettingsTypes that
// require an resource identifier to be specified, the |resource_identifier|
// must be non-empty.
// This should only be called on the UI thread.
void AddExceptionForURL(const GURL& primary_url,
const GURL& secondary_url,
ContentSettingsType content_type,
const std::string& resource_identifier,
ContentSetting setting);
// Clears all host-specific settings for one content type.
// This should only be called on the UI thread.
void ClearSettingsForOneType(ContentSettingsType content_type);
static bool IsValueAllowedForType(PrefService* prefs,
const base::Value* value,
ContentSettingsType content_type);
static bool IsSettingAllowedForType(PrefService* prefs,
ContentSetting setting,
ContentSettingsType content_type);
// Returns true if the values for content type are of type dictionary/map.
static bool ContentTypeHasCompoundValue(ContentSettingsType type);
// Detaches the HostContentSettingsMap from all Profile-related objects like
// PrefService. This methods needs to be called before destroying the Profile.
// Afterwards, none of the methods above that should only be called on the UI
// thread should be called anymore.
void ShutdownOnUIThread();
// content_settings::Observer implementation.
virtual void OnContentSettingChanged(
const ContentSettingsPattern& primary_pattern,
const ContentSettingsPattern& secondary_pattern,
ContentSettingsType content_type,
std::string resource_identifier) OVERRIDE;
// Returns true if we should allow all content types for this URL. This is
// true for various internal objects like chrome:// URLs, so UI and other
// things users think of as "not webpages" don't break.
static bool ShouldAllowAllContent(const GURL& primary_url,
const GURL& secondary_url,
ContentSettingsType content_type);
// Returns the ProviderType associated with the given source string.
// TODO(estade): I regret adding this. At the moment there are no legitimate
// uses. We should stick to ProviderType rather than string so we don't have
// to convert backwards.
static ProviderType GetProviderTypeFromSource(const std::string& source);
bool is_off_the_record() const {
return is_off_the_record_;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<HostContentSettingsMap>;
friend class HostContentSettingsMapTest_NonDefaultSettings_Test;
typedef std::map<ProviderType, content_settings::ProviderInterface*>
typedef ProviderMap::iterator ProviderIterator;
typedef ProviderMap::const_iterator ConstProviderIterator;
virtual ~HostContentSettingsMap();
ContentSetting GetDefaultContentSettingFromProvider(
ContentSettingsType content_type,
content_settings::ProviderInterface* provider) const;
// Migrate the Clear on exit pref into equivalent content settings.
void MigrateObsoleteClearOnExitPref();
// Adds content settings for |content_type| and |resource_identifier|,
// provided by |provider|, into |settings|. If |incognito| is true, adds only
// the content settings which are applicable to the incognito mode and differ
// from the normal mode. Otherwise, adds the content settings for the normal
// mode.
void AddSettingsForOneType(
const content_settings::ProviderInterface* provider,
ProviderType provider_type,
ContentSettingsType content_type,
const std::string& resource_identifier,
ContentSettingsForOneType* settings,
bool incognito) const;
// Call UsedContentSettingsProviders() whenever you access
// content_settings_providers_ (apart from initialization and
// teardown), so that we can DCHECK in RegisterExtensionService that
// it is not being called too late.
void UsedContentSettingsProviders() const;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// This starts as the thread ID of the thread that constructs this
// object, and remains until used by a different thread, at which
// point it is set to base::kInvalidThreadId. This allows us to
// DCHECK on unsafe usage of content_settings_providers_ (they
// should be set up on a single thread, after which they are
// immutable).
mutable base::PlatformThreadId used_from_thread_id_;
// Weak; owned by the Profile.
PrefService* prefs_;
// Whether this settings map is for an OTR session.
bool is_off_the_record_;
// Content setting providers. This is only modified at construction
// time and by RegisterExtensionService, both of which should happen
// before any other uses of it.
ProviderMap content_settings_providers_;