blob: eb68f679e2016b17e944e0bd34e725afd511379e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/prefs/pref_member.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/browser/data_reduction_proxy_configurator.h"
#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/browser/data_reduction_proxy_params.h"
#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_fetcher_delegate.h"
class PrefService;
namespace net {
class AuthChallengeInfo;
class HostPortPair;
class HttpAuthCache;
class HttpNetworkSession;
class HttpResponseHeaders;
class URLFetcher;
class URLRequestContextGetter;
namespace data_reduction_proxy {
// The number of days of bandwidth usage statistics that are tracked.
const unsigned int kNumDaysInHistory = 60;
// The number of days of bandwidth usage statistics that are presented.
const unsigned int kNumDaysInHistorySummary = 30;
COMPILE_ASSERT(kNumDaysInHistorySummary <= kNumDaysInHistory,
// Values of the UMA DataReductionProxy.StartupState histogram.
// This enum must remain synchronized with DataReductionProxyStartupState
// in metrics/histograms/histograms.xml.
enum ProxyStartupState {
// Values of the UMA DataReductionProxy.ProbeURL histogram.
// This enum must remain synchronized with
// DataReductionProxyProbeURLFetchResult in metrics/histograms/histograms.xml.
// TODO(marq): Rename these histogram buckets with s/DISABLED/RESTRICTED/, so
// their names match the behavior they track.
enum ProbeURLFetchResult {
// The probe failed because the Internet was disconnected.
// The probe failed for any other reason, and as a result, the proxy was
// disabled.
// The probe failed, but the proxy was already restricted.
// The probe succeeded, and as a result the proxy was restricted.
// The probe succeeded, but the proxy was already restricted.
// This must always be last.
// Central point for configuring the data reduction proxy.
// This object lives on the UI thread and all of its methods are expected to
// be called from there.
// TODO(marq): Convert this to be a KeyedService with an
// associated factory class, and refactor the Java call sites accordingly.
class DataReductionProxySettings
: public net::URLFetcherDelegate,
public net::NetworkChangeNotifier::IPAddressObserver {
typedef std::vector<long long> ContentLengthList;
static bool IsProxyKeySetOnCommandLine();
DataReductionProxySettings(DataReductionProxyParams* params);
virtual ~DataReductionProxySettings();
DataReductionProxyParams* params() const {
return params_.get();
// Initializes the data reduction proxy with profile and local state prefs,
// and a |UrlRequestContextGetter| for canary probes. The caller must ensure
// that all parameters remain alive for the lifetime of the
// |DataReductionProxySettings| instance.
void InitDataReductionProxySettings(
PrefService* prefs,
PrefService* local_state_prefs,
net::URLRequestContextGetter* url_request_context_getter);
// Initializes the data reduction proxy with profile and local state prefs,
// a |UrlRequestContextGetter| for canary probes, and a proxy configurator.
// The caller must ensure that all parameters remain alive for the lifetime of
// the |DataReductionProxySettings| instance.
// TODO(marq): Remove when iOS supports the new interface above.
void InitDataReductionProxySettings(
PrefService* prefs,
PrefService* local_state_prefs,
net::URLRequestContextGetter* url_request_context_getter,
scoped_ptr<DataReductionProxyConfigurator> configurator);
// Sets the logic the embedder uses to set the networking configuration that
// causes traffic to be proxied.
void SetProxyConfigurator(
scoped_ptr<DataReductionProxyConfigurator> configurator);
// If proxy authentication is compiled in, pre-cache authentication
// keys for all configured proxies in |session|.
static void InitDataReductionProxySession(
net::HttpNetworkSession* session,
const DataReductionProxyParams* params);
// Returns true if |auth_info| represents an authentication challenge from
// a compatible, configured proxy.
bool IsAcceptableAuthChallenge(net::AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info);
// Returns a UTF16 string suitable for use as an authentication token in
// response to the challenge represented by |auth_info|. If the token can't
// be correctly generated for |auth_info|, returns an empty UTF16 string.
base::string16 GetTokenForAuthChallenge(net::AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info);
// Returns true if the proxy is enabled.
bool IsDataReductionProxyEnabled();
// Returns true if the alternative proxy is enabled.
bool IsDataReductionProxyAlternativeEnabled() const;
// Returns true if the proxy is managed by an adminstrator's policy.
bool IsDataReductionProxyManaged();
// Enables or disables the data reduction proxy. If a probe URL is available,
// and a probe request fails at some point, the proxy won't be used until a
// probe succeeds.
void SetDataReductionProxyEnabled(bool enabled);
// Enables or disables the alternative data reduction proxy configuration.
void SetDataReductionProxyAlternativeEnabled(bool enabled);
// Returns the time in microseconds that the last update was made to the
// daily original and received content lengths.
int64 GetDataReductionLastUpdateTime();
// Returns a vector containing the total size of all HTTP content that was
// received over the last |kNumDaysInHistory| before any compression by the
// data reduction proxy. Each element in the vector contains one day of data.
ContentLengthList GetDailyOriginalContentLengths();
// Returns an vector containing the aggregate received HTTP content in the
// last |kNumDaysInHistory| days.
ContentLengthList GetDailyReceivedContentLengths();
// net::URLFetcherDelegate:
virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const net::URLFetcher* source) OVERRIDE;
void InitPrefMembers();
// Returns a fetcher for the probe to check if OK for the proxy to use SPDY.
// Virtual for testing.
virtual net::URLFetcher* GetURLFetcherForAvailabilityCheck();
// Returns a fetcher to warm up the connection to the data reduction proxy.
// Virtual for testing.
virtual net::URLFetcher* GetURLFetcherForWarmup();
// Virtualized for unit test support.
virtual PrefService* GetOriginalProfilePrefs();
virtual PrefService* GetLocalStatePrefs();
void GetContentLengths(unsigned int days,
int64* original_content_length,
int64* received_content_length,
int64* last_update_time);
ContentLengthList GetDailyContentLengths(const char* pref_name);
// Sets the proxy configs, enabling or disabling the proxy according to
// the value of |enabled| and |alternative_enabled|. Use the alternative
// configuration only if |enabled| and |alternative_enabled| are true. If
// |restricted| is true, only enable the fallback proxy. |at_startup| is true
// when this method is called from InitDataReductionProxySettings.
virtual void SetProxyConfigs(bool enabled,
bool alternative_enabled,
bool restricted,
bool at_startup);
// Metrics method. Subclasses should override if they wish to provide
// alternatives.
virtual void RecordDataReductionInit();
virtual void AddDefaultProxyBypassRules();
// Writes a warning to the log that is used in backend processing of
// customer feedback. Virtual so tests can mock it for verification.
virtual void LogProxyState(bool enabled, bool restricted, bool at_startup);
// Virtualized for mocking
virtual void RecordProbeURLFetchResult(
data_reduction_proxy::ProbeURLFetchResult result);
virtual void RecordStartupState(
data_reduction_proxy::ProxyStartupState state);
DataReductionProxyConfigurator* configurator() {
return configurator_.get();
// Reset params for tests.
void ResetParamsForTest(DataReductionProxyParams* params);
friend class DataReductionProxySettingsTestBase;
friend class DataReductionProxySettingsTest;
// NetworkChangeNotifier::IPAddressObserver:
virtual void OnIPAddressChanged() OVERRIDE;
// Underlying implementation of InitDataReductionProxySession(), factored
// out to be testable without creating a full HttpNetworkSession.
static void InitDataReductionAuthentication(
net::HttpAuthCache* auth_cache,
const DataReductionProxyParams* params);
void OnProxyEnabledPrefChange();
void OnProxyAlternativeEnabledPrefChange();
void ResetDataReductionStatistics();
void MaybeActivateDataReductionProxy(bool at_startup);
// Requests the proxy probe URL, if one is set. If unable to do so, disables
// the proxy, if enabled. Otherwise enables the proxy if disabled by a probe
// failure.
void ProbeWhetherDataReductionProxyIsAvailable();
// Warms the connection to the data reduction proxy.
void WarmProxyConnection();
// Generic method to get a URL fetcher.
net::URLFetcher* GetBaseURLFetcher(const GURL& gurl, int load_flags);
// Returns a UTF16 string that's the hash of the configured authentication
// |key| and |salt|. Returns an empty UTF16 string if no key is configured or
// the data reduction proxy feature isn't available.
static base::string16 AuthHashForSalt(int64 salt,
const std::string& key);
std::string key_;
bool restricted_by_carrier_;
bool enabled_by_user_;
scoped_ptr<net::URLFetcher> fetcher_;
scoped_ptr<net::URLFetcher> warmup_fetcher_;
BooleanPrefMember spdy_proxy_auth_enabled_;
BooleanPrefMember data_reduction_proxy_alternative_enabled_;
PrefService* prefs_;
PrefService* local_state_prefs_;
net::URLRequestContextGetter* url_request_context_getter_;
scoped_ptr<DataReductionProxyConfigurator> configurator_;
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
scoped_ptr<DataReductionProxyParams> params_;
} // namespace data_reduction_proxy