blob: 9fa00e5f9e919bbef64739ab99836cf42177b8cf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import re
from import inspector_websocket
# All tracing categories not disabled-by-default
# Categories for absolute minimum overhead tracing. This contains no
# sub-traces of thread tasks, so it's only useful for capturing the
# cpu-time spent on threads (as well as needed benchmark traces)
# FIXME: Remove webkit.console when blink.console lands in chromium and
# the ref builds are updated.
class TracingUnsupportedException(Exception):
class CategoryFilter(object):
def __init__(self, filter_string):
self.excluded = set()
self.included = set()
self.disabled = set()
self.synthetic_delays = set()
self.contains_wildcards = False
if not filter_string:
if '*' in filter_string or '?' in filter_string:
self.contains_wildcards = True
filter_set = set(filter_string.split(','))
delay_re = re.compile(r'DELAY[(][A-Za-z0-9._;]+[)]')
for category in filter_set:
if category == '':
if delay_re.match(category):
elif category[0] == '-':
category = category[1:]
elif category.startswith('disabled-by-default-'):
def IsSubset(self, other):
""" Determine if filter A (self) is a subset of filter B (other).
Returns True if A is a subset of B, False if A is not a subset of B,
and None if we can't tell for sure.
# We don't handle filters with wildcards in this test.
if self.contains_wildcards or other.contains_wildcards:
return None
# Disabled categories get into a trace if and only if they are contained in
# the 'disabled' set. Return False if A's disabled set is not a subset of
# B's disabled set.
if not self.disabled <= other.disabled:
return False
# If A defines more or different synthetic delays than B, then A is not a
# subset.
if not self.synthetic_delays <= other.synthetic_delays:
return False
if self.included and other.included:
# A and B have explicit include lists. If A includes something that B
# doesn't, return False.
if not self.included <= other.included:
return False
elif self.included:
# Only A has an explicit include list. If A includes something that B
# excludes, return False.
if self.included.intersection(other.excluded):
return False
elif other.included:
# Only B has an explicit include list. We don't know which categories are
# contained in the default list, so return None.
return None
# None of the filter have explicit include list. If B excludes categories
# that A doesn't exclude, return False.
if not other.excluded <= self.excluded:
return False
return True
class TracingBackend(object):
def __init__(self, devtools_port):
self._inspector_websocket = inspector_websocket.InspectorWebsocket(
'ws://' % devtools_port)
self._category_filter = None
self._nesting = 0
self._tracing_data = []
def is_tracing_running(self):
return self._inspector_websocket.is_dispatching_async_notifications
def AddTabToMarkerMapping(self, tab, marker):
self._tab_to_marker_mapping[tab] = marker
def StartTracing(self, custom_categories=None, timeout=10):
""" Starts tracing on the first nested call and returns True. Returns False
and does nothing on subsequent nested calls.
self._nesting += 1
if self.is_tracing_running:
new_category_filter = CategoryFilter(custom_categories)
is_subset = new_category_filter.IsSubset(self._category_filter)
assert(is_subset != False)
if is_subset == None:
logging.warning('Cannot determine if category filter of nested ' +
'StartTracing call is subset of current filter.')
return False
req = {'method': 'Tracing.start'}
self._category_filter = CategoryFilter(custom_categories)
if custom_categories:
req['params'] = {'categories': custom_categories}
self._inspector_websocket.SyncRequest(req, timeout)
# Tracing.start will send asynchronous notifications containing trace
# data, until Tracing.end is called.
return True
def StopTracing(self):
""" Stops tracing on the innermost (!) nested call, because we cannot get
results otherwise. Resets _tracing_data on the outermost nested call.
Returns the result of the trace, as TracingTimelineData object.
self._nesting -= 1
assert self._nesting >= 0
if self.is_tracing_running:
req = {'method': 'Tracing.end'}
if self._nesting == 0:
self._category_filter = None
return self._GetTraceResultAndReset()
return self._GetTraceResult()
def _GetTraceResult(self):
assert not self.is_tracing_running
return self._tracing_data
def _GetTraceResultAndReset(self):
result = self._GetTraceResult()
self._tracing_data = []
return result
def _ErrorHandler(self, elapsed):
logging.error('Unrecoverable error after %ds reading tracing response.',
def _NotificationHandler(self, res):
if 'Tracing.dataCollected' == res.get('method'):
value = res.get('params', {}).get('value')
if type(value) in [str, unicode]:
elif type(value) is list:
logging.warning('Unexpected type in tracing data')
elif 'Tracing.tracingComplete' == res.get('method'):
return True
def Close(self):
def _CheckNotificationSupported(self):
"""Ensures we're running against a compatible version of chrome."""
req = {'method': 'Tracing.hasCompleted'}
res = self._inspector_websocket.SyncRequest(req)
if res.get('response'):
raise TracingUnsupportedException(
'Tracing not supported for this browser')
elif 'error' in res: