blob: 8ba5e7ffa4a2f110fce19dd26378b0fe98a8228e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_request.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/interface_impl_internal.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/environment/environment.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/macros.h"
namespace mojo {
// InterfaceImpl<..> is designed to be the base class of an interface
// implementation. It may be bound to a pipe or a proxy, see BindToPipe and
// BindToProxy.
template <typename Interface>
class InterfaceImpl : public internal::InterfaceImplBase<Interface> {
typedef typename Interface::Client Client;
InterfaceImpl() : internal_state_(this) {}
virtual ~InterfaceImpl() {}
// Returns a proxy to the client interface. This is null upon construction,
// and becomes non-null after OnClientConnected. NOTE: It remains non-null
// until this instance is deleted.
Client* client() { return internal_state_.client(); }
// Called when the client has connected to this instance.
virtual void OnConnectionEstablished() {}
// Called when the client is no longer connected to this instance. NOTE: The
// client() method continues to return a non-null pointer after this method
// is called. After this method is called, any method calls made on client()
// will be silently ignored.
virtual void OnConnectionError() {}
// DO NOT USE. Exposed only for internal use and for testing.
internal::InterfaceImplState<Interface>* internal_state() {
return &internal_state_;
internal::InterfaceImplState<Interface> internal_state_;
// Takes an instance of an InterfaceImpl<..> subclass and binds it to the given
// MessagePipe. The instance is returned for convenience in member initializer
// lists, etc. If the pipe is closed, the instance's OnConnectionError method
// will be called.
// The instance is also bound to the current thread. Its methods will only be
// called on the current thread, and if the current thread exits, then it will
// also be deleted, and along with it, its end point of the pipe will be closed.
// Before returning, the instance's OnConnectionEstablished method is called.
template <typename Impl>
Impl* BindToPipe(
Impl* instance,
ScopedMessagePipeHandle handle,
const MojoAsyncWaiter* waiter = Environment::GetDefaultAsyncWaiter()) {
instance->internal_state()->Bind(handle.Pass(), waiter);
return instance;
// Takes an instance of an InterfaceImpl<..> subclass and binds it to the given
// InterfacePtr<..>. The instance is returned for convenience in member
// initializer lists, etc. If the pipe is closed, the instance's
// OnConnectionError method will be called.
// The instance is also bound to the current thread. Its methods will only be
// called on the current thread, and if the current thread exits, then it will
// also be deleted, and along with it, its end point of the pipe will be closed.
// Before returning, the instance's OnConnectionEstablished method is called.
template <typename Impl, typename Interface>
Impl* BindToProxy(
Impl* instance,
InterfacePtr<Interface>* ptr,
const MojoAsyncWaiter* waiter = Environment::GetDefaultAsyncWaiter()) {
instance->internal_state()->BindProxy(ptr, waiter);
return instance;
// Takes an instance of an InterfaceImpl<..> subclass and binds it to the given
// InterfaceRequest<..>. The instance is returned for convenience in member
// initializer lists, etc. If the pipe is closed, the instance's
// OnConnectionError method will be called.
// The instance is also bound to the current thread. Its methods will only be
// called on the current thread, and if the current thread exits, then it will
// also be deleted, and along with it, its end point of the pipe will be closed.
// Before returning, the instance will receive a SetClient call, providing it
// with a proxy to the client on the other end of the pipe.
template <typename Impl, typename Interface>
Impl* BindToRequest(
Impl* instance,
InterfaceRequest<Interface>* request,
const MojoAsyncWaiter* waiter = Environment::GetDefaultAsyncWaiter()) {
return BindToPipe(instance, request->PassMessagePipe(), waiter);
} // namespace mojo