blob: 470e8e20bd8fa80bc00f4ced5724b9a8dedef01b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/platform_file.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/cache_type.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/disk_cache/simple/simple_entry_format.h"
namespace net {
class GrowableIOBuffer;
class IOBuffer;
namespace disk_cache {
class SimpleSynchronousEntry;
// This class handles the passing of data about the entry between
// SimpleEntryImplementation and SimpleSynchronousEntry and the computation of
// file offsets based on the data size for all streams.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE SimpleEntryStat {
SimpleEntryStat(base::Time last_used,
base::Time last_modified,
const int32 data_size[]);
int GetOffsetInFile(const std::string& key,
int offset,
int stream_index) const;
int GetEOFOffsetInFile(const std::string& key, int stream_index) const;
int GetLastEOFOffsetInFile(const std::string& key, int file_index) const;
int GetFileSize(const std::string& key, int file_index) const;
base::Time last_used() const { return last_used_; }
base::Time last_modified() const { return last_modified_; }
void set_last_used(base::Time last_used) { last_used_ = last_used; }
void set_last_modified(base::Time last_modified) {
last_modified_ = last_modified;
int32 data_size(int stream_index) const { return data_size_[stream_index]; }
void set_data_size(int stream_index, int data_size) {
data_size_[stream_index] = data_size;
base::Time last_used_;
base::Time last_modified_;
int32 data_size_[kSimpleEntryStreamCount];
struct SimpleEntryCreationResults {
explicit SimpleEntryCreationResults(SimpleEntryStat entry_stat);
SimpleSynchronousEntry* sync_entry;
scoped_refptr<net::GrowableIOBuffer> stream_0_data;
SimpleEntryStat entry_stat;
uint32 stream_0_crc32;
int result;
// Worker thread interface to the very simple cache. This interface is not
// thread safe, and callers must ensure that it is only ever accessed from
// a single thread between synchronization points.
class SimpleSynchronousEntry {
struct CRCRecord {
CRCRecord(int index_p, bool has_crc32_p, uint32 data_crc32_p);
int index;
bool has_crc32;
uint32 data_crc32;
struct EntryOperationData {
EntryOperationData(int index_p, int offset_p, int buf_len_p);
EntryOperationData(int index_p,
int offset_p,
int buf_len_p,
bool truncate_p,
bool doomed_p);
int index;
int offset;
int buf_len;
bool truncate;
bool doomed;
static void OpenEntry(net::CacheType cache_type,
const base::FilePath& path,
uint64 entry_hash,
bool had_index,
SimpleEntryCreationResults* out_results);
static void CreateEntry(net::CacheType cache_type,
const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& key,
uint64 entry_hash,
bool had_index,
SimpleEntryCreationResults* out_results);
// Deletes an entry from the file system without affecting the state of the
// corresponding instance, if any (allowing operations to continue to be
// executed through that instance). Returns a net error code.
static int DoomEntry(const base::FilePath& path,
uint64 entry_hash);
// Like |DoomEntry()| above. Deletes all entries corresponding to the
// |key_hashes|. Succeeds only when all entries are deleted. Returns a net
// error code.
static int DoomEntrySet(const std::vector<uint64>* key_hashes,
const base::FilePath& path);
// N.B. ReadData(), WriteData(), CheckEOFRecord() and Close() may block on IO.
void ReadData(const EntryOperationData& in_entry_op,
net::IOBuffer* out_buf,
uint32* out_crc32,
SimpleEntryStat* entry_stat,
int* out_result) const;
void WriteData(const EntryOperationData& in_entry_op,
net::IOBuffer* in_buf,
SimpleEntryStat* out_entry_stat,
int* out_result);
void CheckEOFRecord(int index,
const SimpleEntryStat& entry_stat,
uint32 expected_crc32,
int* out_result) const;
// Close all streams, and add write EOF records to streams indicated by the
// CRCRecord entries in |crc32s_to_write|.
void Close(const SimpleEntryStat& entry_stat,
scoped_ptr<std::vector<CRCRecord> > crc32s_to_write,
net::GrowableIOBuffer* stream_0_data);
const base::FilePath& path() const { return path_; }
std::string key() const { return key_; }
enum CreateEntryResult {
enum FileRequired {
net::CacheType cache_type,
const base::FilePath& path,
const std::string& key,
uint64 entry_hash);
// Like Entry, the SimpleSynchronousEntry self releases when Close() is
// called.
// Tries to open one of the cache entry files. Succeeds if the open succeeds
// or if the file was not found and is allowed to be omitted if the
// corresponding stream is empty.
bool MaybeOpenFile(int file_index,
base::PlatformFileError* out_error);
// Creates one of the cache entry files if necessary. If the file is allowed
// to be omitted if the corresponding stream is empty, and if |file_required|
// is FILE_NOT_REQUIRED, then the file is not created; otherwise, it is.
bool MaybeCreateFile(int file_index,
FileRequired file_required,
base::PlatformFileError* out_error);
bool OpenFiles(bool had_index,
SimpleEntryStat* out_entry_stat);
bool CreateFiles(bool had_index,
SimpleEntryStat* out_entry_stat);
void CloseFile(int index);
void CloseFiles();
// Returns a net error, i.e. net::OK on success. |had_index| is passed
// from the main entry for metrics purposes, and is true if the index was
// initialized when the open operation began.
int InitializeForOpen(bool had_index,
SimpleEntryStat* out_entry_stat,
scoped_refptr<net::GrowableIOBuffer>* stream_0_data,
uint32* out_stream_0_crc32);
// Writes the header and key to a newly-created stream file. |index| is the
// index of the stream. Returns true on success; returns false and sets
// |*out_result| on failure.
bool InitializeCreatedFile(int index, CreateEntryResult* out_result);
// Returns a net error, including net::OK on success and net::FILE_EXISTS
// when the entry already exists. |had_index| is passed from the main entry
// for metrics purposes, and is true if the index was initialized when the
// create operation began.
int InitializeForCreate(bool had_index, SimpleEntryStat* out_entry_stat);
// Allocates and fills a buffer with stream 0 data in |stream_0_data|, then
// checks its crc32.
int ReadAndValidateStream0(
int total_data_size,
SimpleEntryStat* out_entry_stat,
scoped_refptr<net::GrowableIOBuffer>* stream_0_data,
uint32* out_stream_0_crc32) const;
int GetEOFRecordData(int index,
const SimpleEntryStat& entry_stat,
bool* out_has_crc32,
uint32* out_crc32,
int* out_data_size) const;
void Doom() const;
static bool DeleteFileForEntryHash(const base::FilePath& path,
uint64 entry_hash,
int file_index);
static bool DeleteFilesForEntryHash(const base::FilePath& path,
uint64 entry_hash);
void RecordSyncCreateResult(CreateEntryResult result, bool had_index);
base::FilePath GetFilenameFromFileIndex(int file_index);
const net::CacheType cache_type_;
const base::FilePath path_;
const uint64 entry_hash_;
std::string key_;
bool have_open_files_;
bool initialized_;
base::PlatformFile files_[kSimpleEntryFileCount];
// True if the corresponding stream is empty and therefore no on-disk file
// was created to store it.
bool empty_file_omitted_[kSimpleEntryFileCount];
} // namespace disk_cache