blob: b23e5a721cb4a2d7306b080fee2c4fe6a391d59c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/cdm/ppapi/fake_cdm_video_decoder.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace media {
FakeCdmVideoDecoder::FakeCdmVideoDecoder(cdm::Host* host)
: is_initialized_(false),
host_(host) {
FakeCdmVideoDecoder::~FakeCdmVideoDecoder() {
bool FakeCdmVideoDecoder::Initialize(const cdm::VideoDecoderConfig& config) {
DVLOG(1) << "Initialize()";
video_size_ = config.coded_size;
is_initialized_ = true;
return true;
void FakeCdmVideoDecoder::Deinitialize() {
DVLOG(1) << "Deinitialize()";
is_initialized_ = false;
void FakeCdmVideoDecoder::Reset() {
DVLOG(1) << "Reset()";
// Creates a YV12 video frame.
cdm::Status FakeCdmVideoDecoder::DecodeFrame(const uint8_t* compressed_frame,
int32_t compressed_frame_size,
int64_t timestamp,
cdm::VideoFrame* decoded_frame) {
DVLOG(1) << "DecodeFrame()";
// The fake decoder does not buffer any frames internally. So if the input is
// empty (EOS), just return kNeedMoreData.
if (!decoded_frame)
return cdm::kNeedMoreData;
// Choose non-zero alignment and padding on purpose for testing.
const int kAlignment = 8;
const int kPadding = 16;
const int kPlanePadding = 128;
int width = video_size_.width;
int height = video_size_.height;
DCHECK_EQ(width % 2, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(height % 2, 0);
int y_stride = (width + kAlignment - 1) / kAlignment * kAlignment + kPadding;
int uv_stride =
(width / 2 + kAlignment - 1) / kAlignment * kAlignment + kPadding;
int y_rows = height;
int uv_rows = height / 2;
int y_offset = 0;
int v_offset = y_stride * y_rows + kPlanePadding;
int u_offset = v_offset + uv_stride * uv_rows + kPlanePadding;
int frame_size = u_offset + uv_stride * uv_rows + kPlanePadding;
decoded_frame->SetPlaneOffset(cdm::VideoFrame::kYPlane, y_offset);
decoded_frame->SetPlaneOffset(cdm::VideoFrame::kVPlane, v_offset);
decoded_frame->SetPlaneOffset(cdm::VideoFrame::kUPlane, u_offset);
decoded_frame->SetStride(cdm::VideoFrame::kYPlane, y_stride);
decoded_frame->SetStride(cdm::VideoFrame::kVPlane, uv_stride);
decoded_frame->SetStride(cdm::VideoFrame::kUPlane, uv_stride);
static unsigned char color = 0;
color += 10;
color, frame_size);
return cdm::kSuccess;
} // namespace media