blob: 76f2f997651453bae2f6f3c7e9df2dbc4d22dbc4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/cast/cast_sender_impl.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
namespace media {
namespace cast {
// The LocalFrameInput class posts all incoming frames; audio and video to the
// main cast thread for processing.
// This make the cast sender interface thread safe.
class LocalFrameInput : public FrameInput {
LocalFrameInput(scoped_refptr<CastThread> cast_thread,
base::WeakPtr<AudioSender> audio_sender,
base::WeakPtr<VideoSender> video_sender)
: cast_thread_(cast_thread),
video_sender_(video_sender) {}
virtual void InsertRawVideoFrame(const I420VideoFrame* video_frame,
const base::TimeTicks& capture_time,
const base::Closure callback) OVERRIDE {
cast_thread_->PostTask(CastThread::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
base::Bind(&VideoSender::InsertRawVideoFrame, video_sender_,
video_frame, capture_time, callback));
virtual void InsertCodedVideoFrame(const EncodedVideoFrame* video_frame,
const base::TimeTicks& capture_time,
const base::Closure callback) OVERRIDE {
cast_thread_->PostTask(CastThread::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
base::Bind(&VideoSender::InsertCodedVideoFrame, video_sender_,
video_frame, capture_time, callback));
virtual void InsertRawAudioFrame(const PcmAudioFrame* audio_frame,
const base::TimeTicks& recorded_time,
const base::Closure callback) OVERRIDE {
cast_thread_->PostTask(CastThread::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
base::Bind(&AudioSender::InsertRawAudioFrame, audio_sender_,
audio_frame, recorded_time, callback));
virtual void InsertCodedAudioFrame(const EncodedAudioFrame* audio_frame,
const base::TimeTicks& recorded_time,
const base::Closure callback) OVERRIDE {
cast_thread_->PostTask(CastThread::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
base::Bind(&AudioSender::InsertCodedAudioFrame, audio_sender_,
audio_frame, recorded_time, callback));
scoped_refptr<CastThread> cast_thread_;
base::WeakPtr<AudioSender> audio_sender_;
base::WeakPtr<VideoSender> video_sender_;
// LocalCastSenderPacketReceiver handle the incoming packets to the cast sender
// it's only expected to receive RTCP feedback packets from the remote cast
// receiver. The class verifies that that it is a RTCP packet and based on the
// SSRC of the incoming packet route the packet to the correct sender; audio or
// video.
// Definition of SSRC as defined in RFC 3550.
// Synchronization source (SSRC): The source of a stream of RTP
// packets, identified by a 32-bit numeric SSRC identifier carried in
// the RTP header so as not to be dependent upon the network address.
// All packets from a synchronization source form part of the same
// timing and sequence number space, so a receiver groups packets by
// synchronization source for playback. Examples of synchronization
// sources include the sender of a stream of packets derived from a
// signal source such as a microphone or a camera, or an RTP mixer
// (see below). A synchronization source may change its data format,
// e.g., audio encoding, over time. The SSRC identifier is a
// randomly chosen value meant to be globally unique within a
// particular RTP session (see Section 8). A participant need not
// use the same SSRC identifier for all the RTP sessions in a
// multimedia session; the binding of the SSRC identifiers is
// provided through RTCP (see Section 6.5.1). If a participant
// generates multiple streams in one RTP session, for example from
// separate video cameras, each MUST be identified as a different
// SSRC.
class LocalCastSenderPacketReceiver : public PacketReceiver {
LocalCastSenderPacketReceiver(scoped_refptr<CastThread> cast_thread,
base::WeakPtr<AudioSender> audio_sender,
base::WeakPtr<VideoSender> video_sender,
uint32 ssrc_of_audio_sender,
uint32 ssrc_of_video_sender)
: cast_thread_(cast_thread),
ssrc_of_video_sender_(ssrc_of_video_sender) {}
virtual ~LocalCastSenderPacketReceiver() {}
virtual void ReceivedPacket(const uint8* packet,
int length,
const base::Closure callback) OVERRIDE {
if (!Rtcp::IsRtcpPacket(packet, length)) {
// We should have no incoming RTP packets.
// No action; just log and call the callback informing that we are done
// with the packet.
VLOG(1) << "Unexpectedly received a RTP packet in the cast sender";
cast_thread_->PostTask(CastThread::MAIN, FROM_HERE, callback);
uint32 ssrc_of_sender = Rtcp::GetSsrcOfSender(packet, length);
if (ssrc_of_sender == ssrc_of_audio_sender_) {
cast_thread_->PostTask(CastThread::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
base::Bind(&AudioSender::IncomingRtcpPacket, audio_sender_,
packet, length, callback));
} else if (ssrc_of_sender == ssrc_of_video_sender_) {
cast_thread_->PostTask(CastThread::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
base::Bind(&VideoSender::IncomingRtcpPacket, video_sender_,
packet, length, callback));
} else {
// No action; just log and call the callback informing that we are done
// with the packet.
VLOG(1) << "Received a RTCP packet with a non matching sender SSRC "
<< ssrc_of_sender;
cast_thread_->PostTask(CastThread::MAIN, FROM_HERE, callback);
scoped_refptr<CastThread> cast_thread_;
base::WeakPtr<AudioSender> audio_sender_;
base::WeakPtr<VideoSender> video_sender_;
uint32 ssrc_of_audio_sender_;
uint32 ssrc_of_video_sender_;
CastSender* CastSender::CreateCastSender(
scoped_refptr<CastThread> cast_thread,
const AudioSenderConfig& audio_config,
const VideoSenderConfig& video_config,
VideoEncoderController* const video_encoder_controller,
PacketSender* const packet_sender) {
return new CastSenderImpl(cast_thread,
scoped_refptr<CastThread> cast_thread,
const AudioSenderConfig& audio_config,
const VideoSenderConfig& video_config,
VideoEncoderController* const video_encoder_controller,
PacketSender* const packet_sender)
: pacer_(cast_thread, packet_sender),
audio_sender_(cast_thread, audio_config, &pacer_),
video_sender_(cast_thread, video_config, video_encoder_controller,
frame_input_(new LocalFrameInput(cast_thread, audio_sender_.AsWeakPtr(),
packet_receiver_(new LocalCastSenderPacketReceiver(cast_thread,
audio_sender_.AsWeakPtr(), video_sender_.AsWeakPtr(),
video_config.incoming_feedback_ssrc)) {}
CastSenderImpl::~CastSenderImpl() {}
} // namespace cast
} // namespace media