blob: c23ce0ee63450b43fc176b7ec0651175045c3924 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "content/renderer/media/webrtc_local_audio_source_provider.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_parameters.h"
#include "media/base/audio_bus.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace content {
class WebRtcLocalAudioSourceProviderTest : public testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
media::CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO, 1, 0, 48000, 16, 480);
media::CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO, 2, 0, 44100, 16,
source_bus_ = media::AudioBus::Create(source_params_);
sink_bus_ = media::AudioBus::Create(sink_params_);
source_provider_.reset(new WebRtcLocalAudioSourceProvider());
media::AudioParameters source_params_;
media::AudioParameters sink_params_;
scoped_ptr<media::AudioBus> source_bus_;
scoped_ptr<media::AudioBus> sink_bus_;
scoped_ptr<WebRtcLocalAudioSourceProvider> source_provider_;
TEST_F(WebRtcLocalAudioSourceProviderTest, VerifyDataFlow) {
// Point the WebVector into memory owned by |sink_bus_|.
WebKit::WebVector<float*> audio_data(
for (size_t i = 0; i < audio_data.size(); ++i)
audio_data[i] = sink_bus_->channel(i);
// Enable the |source_provider_| by asking for data. This will inject
// source_params_.frames_per_buffer() of zero into the resampler since there
// no available data in the FIFO.
source_provider_->provideInput(audio_data, sink_params_.frames_per_buffer());
EXPECT_TRUE(sink_bus_->channel(0)[0] == 0);
// Set the value of source data to be 1.
for (int i = 0; i < source_params_.frames_per_buffer(); ++i) {
source_bus_->channel(0)[i] = 1;
// Deliver data to |source_provider_|.
source_provider_->DeliverData(source_bus_.get(), 0, 0, false);
// Consume the first packet in the resampler, which contains only zero.
// And the consumption of the data will trigger pulling the real packet from
// the source provider FIFO into the resampler.
// Note that we need to count in the provideInput() call a few lines above.
for (int i = sink_params_.frames_per_buffer();
i < source_params_.frames_per_buffer();
i += sink_params_.frames_per_buffer()) {
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, sink_bus_->channel(0)[0]);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, sink_bus_->channel(1)[0]);
// Prepare the second packet for featching.
source_provider_->DeliverData(source_bus_.get(), 0, 0, false);
// Verify the packets.
for (int i = 0; i < source_params_.frames_per_buffer();
i += sink_params_.frames_per_buffer()) {
EXPECT_GT(sink_bus_->channel(0)[0], 0);
EXPECT_GT(sink_bus_->channel(1)[0], 0);
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(sink_bus_->channel(0)[0], sink_bus_->channel(1)[0]);
TEST_F(WebRtcLocalAudioSourceProviderTest, VerifyAudioProcessingParams) {
// Point the WebVector into memory owned by |sink_bus_|.
WebKit::WebVector<float*> audio_data(
for (size_t i = 0; i < audio_data.size(); ++i)
audio_data[i] = sink_bus_->channel(i);
// Enable the source provider.
source_provider_->provideInput(audio_data, sink_params_.frames_per_buffer());
// Deliver data to |source_provider_| with audio processing params.
int source_delay = 5;
int source_volume = 255;
bool source_key_pressed = true;
source_provider_->DeliverData(source_bus_.get(), source_delay,
source_volume, source_key_pressed);
int delay = 0, volume = 0;
bool key_pressed = false;
source_provider_->GetAudioProcessingParams(&delay, &volume, &key_pressed);
EXPECT_EQ(volume, source_volume);
EXPECT_EQ(key_pressed, source_key_pressed);
int expected_delay = source_delay + static_cast<int>(
source_bus_->frames() / source_params_.sample_rate() + 0.5);
EXPECT_GE(delay, expected_delay);
// Sleep a few ms to simulate processing time. This should increase the delay
// value as time passes.
int cached_delay = delay;
const int kSleepMs = 10;
source_provider_->GetAudioProcessingParams(&delay, &volume, &key_pressed);
EXPECT_GT(delay, cached_delay);
} // namespace content