blob: c101595c79fd1d96bd95462c6f39e9b1f1464e84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/web_input_event_builders_gtk.h"
#include <gdk/gdk.h>
#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/web_input_event_util_posix.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebInputEvent.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_code_conversion_gtk.h"
using WebKit::WebInputEvent;
using WebKit::WebMouseEvent;
using WebKit::WebMouseWheelEvent;
using WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent;
namespace {
// For click count tracking.
static int num_clicks = 0;
static GdkWindow* last_click_event_window = 0;
static gint last_click_time = 0;
static gint last_click_x = 0;
static gint last_click_y = 0;
static WebMouseEvent::Button last_click_button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonNone;
bool ShouldForgetPreviousClick(GdkWindow* window, gint time, gint x, gint y) {
static GtkSettings* settings = gtk_settings_get_default();
if (window != last_click_event_window)
return true;
gint double_click_time = 250;
gint double_click_distance = 5;
return (time - last_click_time) > double_click_time ||
std::abs(x - last_click_x) > double_click_distance ||
std::abs(y - last_click_y) > double_click_distance;
void ResetClickCountState() {
num_clicks = 0;
last_click_event_window = 0;
last_click_time = 0;
last_click_x = 0;
last_click_y = 0;
last_click_button = WebKit::WebMouseEvent::ButtonNone;
bool IsKeyPadKeyval(guint keyval) {
// Keypad keyvals all fall into one range.
return keyval >= GDK_KP_Space && keyval <= GDK_KP_9;
double GdkEventTimeToWebEventTime(guint32 time) {
// Convert from time in ms to time in sec.
return time / 1000.0;
int GdkStateToWebEventModifiers(guint state) {
int modifiers = 0;
if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK)
modifiers |= WebInputEvent::ShiftKey;
if (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK)
modifiers |= WebInputEvent::ControlKey;
if (state & GDK_MOD1_MASK)
modifiers |= WebInputEvent::AltKey;
if (state & GDK_META_MASK)
modifiers |= WebInputEvent::MetaKey;
if (state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK)
modifiers |= WebInputEvent::LeftButtonDown;
if (state & GDK_BUTTON2_MASK)
modifiers |= WebInputEvent::MiddleButtonDown;
if (state & GDK_BUTTON3_MASK)
modifiers |= WebInputEvent::RightButtonDown;
if (state & GDK_LOCK_MASK)
modifiers |= WebInputEvent::CapsLockOn;
if (state & GDK_MOD2_MASK)
modifiers |= WebInputEvent::NumLockOn;
return modifiers;
ui::KeyboardCode GdkEventToWindowsKeyCode(const GdkEventKey* event) {
static const unsigned int kHardwareCodeToGDKKeyval[] = {
0, // 0x00:
0, // 0x01:
0, // 0x02:
0, // 0x03:
0, // 0x04:
0, // 0x05:
0, // 0x06:
0, // 0x07:
0, // 0x08:
0, // 0x09: GDK_Escape
GDK_1, // 0x0A: GDK_1
GDK_2, // 0x0B: GDK_2
GDK_3, // 0x0C: GDK_3
GDK_4, // 0x0D: GDK_4
GDK_5, // 0x0E: GDK_5
GDK_6, // 0x0F: GDK_6
GDK_7, // 0x10: GDK_7
GDK_8, // 0x11: GDK_8
GDK_9, // 0x12: GDK_9
GDK_0, // 0x13: GDK_0
GDK_minus, // 0x14: GDK_minus
GDK_equal, // 0x15: GDK_equal
0, // 0x16: GDK_BackSpace
0, // 0x17: GDK_Tab
GDK_q, // 0x18: GDK_q
GDK_w, // 0x19: GDK_w
GDK_e, // 0x1A: GDK_e
GDK_r, // 0x1B: GDK_r
GDK_t, // 0x1C: GDK_t
GDK_y, // 0x1D: GDK_y
GDK_u, // 0x1E: GDK_u
GDK_i, // 0x1F: GDK_i
GDK_o, // 0x20: GDK_o
GDK_p, // 0x21: GDK_p
GDK_bracketleft, // 0x22: GDK_bracketleft
GDK_bracketright, // 0x23: GDK_bracketright
0, // 0x24: GDK_Return
0, // 0x25: GDK_Control_L
GDK_a, // 0x26: GDK_a
GDK_s, // 0x27: GDK_s
GDK_d, // 0x28: GDK_d
GDK_f, // 0x29: GDK_f
GDK_g, // 0x2A: GDK_g
GDK_h, // 0x2B: GDK_h
GDK_j, // 0x2C: GDK_j
GDK_k, // 0x2D: GDK_k
GDK_l, // 0x2E: GDK_l
GDK_semicolon, // 0x2F: GDK_semicolon
GDK_apostrophe, // 0x30: GDK_apostrophe
GDK_grave, // 0x31: GDK_grave
0, // 0x32: GDK_Shift_L
GDK_backslash, // 0x33: GDK_backslash
GDK_z, // 0x34: GDK_z
GDK_x, // 0x35: GDK_x
GDK_c, // 0x36: GDK_c
GDK_v, // 0x37: GDK_v
GDK_b, // 0x38: GDK_b
GDK_n, // 0x39: GDK_n
GDK_m, // 0x3A: GDK_m
GDK_comma, // 0x3B: GDK_comma
GDK_period, // 0x3C: GDK_period
GDK_slash, // 0x3D: GDK_slash
0, // 0x3E: GDK_Shift_R
0, // 0x3F:
0, // 0x40:
0, // 0x41:
0, // 0x42:
0, // 0x43:
0, // 0x44:
0, // 0x45:
0, // 0x46:
0, // 0x47:
0, // 0x48:
0, // 0x49:
0, // 0x4A:
0, // 0x4B:
0, // 0x4C:
0, // 0x4D:
0, // 0x4E:
0, // 0x4F:
0, // 0x50:
0, // 0x51:
0, // 0x52:
0, // 0x53:
0, // 0x54:
0, // 0x55:
0, // 0x56:
0, // 0x57:
0, // 0x58:
0, // 0x59:
0, // 0x5A:
0, // 0x5B:
0, // 0x5C:
0, // 0x5D:
0, // 0x5E:
0, // 0x5F:
0, // 0x60:
0, // 0x61:
0, // 0x62:
0, // 0x63:
0, // 0x64:
0, // 0x65:
0, // 0x66:
0, // 0x67:
0, // 0x68:
0, // 0x69:
0, // 0x6A:
0, // 0x6B:
0, // 0x6C:
0, // 0x6D:
0, // 0x6E:
0, // 0x6F:
0, // 0x70:
0, // 0x71:
0, // 0x72:
GDK_Super_L, // 0x73: GDK_Super_L
GDK_Super_R, // 0x74: GDK_Super_R
// |windows_key_code| has to include a valid virtual-key code even when we
// use non-US layouts, e.g. even when we type an 'A' key of a US keyboard
// on the Hebrew layout, |windows_key_code| should be VK_A.
// On the other hand, |event->keyval| value depends on the current
// GdkKeymap object, i.e. when we type an 'A' key of a US keyboard on
// the Hebrew layout, |event->keyval| becomes GDK_hebrew_shin and this
// ui::WindowsKeyCodeForGdkKeyCode() call returns 0.
// To improve compatibilty with Windows, we use |event->hardware_keycode|
// for retrieving its Windows key-code for the keys when the
// WebCore::windows_key_codeForEvent() call returns 0.
// We shouldn't use |event->hardware_keycode| for keys that GdkKeymap
// objects cannot change because |event->hardware_keycode| doesn't change
// even when we change the layout options, e.g. when we swap a control
// key and a caps-lock key, GTK doesn't swap their
// |event->hardware_keycode| values but swap their |event->keyval| values.
ui::KeyboardCode windows_key_code =
if (windows_key_code)
return windows_key_code;
if (event->hardware_keycode < arraysize(kHardwareCodeToGDKKeyval)) {
int keyval = kHardwareCodeToGDKKeyval[event->hardware_keycode];
if (keyval)
return ui::WindowsKeyCodeForGdkKeyCode(keyval);
// This key is one that keyboard-layout drivers cannot change.
// Use |event->keyval| to retrieve its |windows_key_code| value.
return ui::WindowsKeyCodeForGdkKeyCode(event->keyval);
// Normalizes event->state to make it Windows/Mac compatible. Since the way
// of setting modifier mask on X is very different than Windows/Mac as shown
// in, the normalization is necessary.
guint NormalizeEventState(const GdkEventKey* event) {
guint mask = 0;
switch (GdkEventToWindowsKeyCode(event)) {
case ui::VKEY_CONTROL:
case ui::VKEY_SHIFT:
case ui::VKEY_LSHIFT:
case ui::VKEY_RSHIFT:
case ui::VKEY_MENU:
case ui::VKEY_LMENU:
case ui::VKEY_RMENU:
mask = GDK_MOD1_MASK;
case ui::VKEY_CAPITAL:
return event->state;
if (event->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS)
return event->state | mask;
return event->state & ~mask;
// Gets the corresponding control character of a specified key code. See:
// We emulate Windows behavior here.
int GetControlCharacter(ui::KeyboardCode windows_key_code, bool shift) {
if (windows_key_code >= ui::VKEY_A && windows_key_code <= ui::VKEY_Z) {
// ctrl-A ~ ctrl-Z map to \x01 ~ \x1A
return windows_key_code - ui::VKEY_A + 1;
if (shift) {
// following graphics chars require shift key to input.
switch (windows_key_code) {
// ctrl-@ maps to \x00 (Null byte)
case ui::VKEY_2:
return 0;
// ctrl-^ maps to \x1E (Record separator, Information separator two)
case ui::VKEY_6:
return 0x1E;
// ctrl-_ maps to \x1F (Unit separator, Information separator one)
case ui::VKEY_OEM_MINUS:
return 0x1F;
// Returns 0 for all other keys to avoid inputting unexpected chars.
return 0;
} else {
switch (windows_key_code) {
// ctrl-[ maps to \x1B (Escape)
case ui::VKEY_OEM_4:
return 0x1B;
// ctrl-\ maps to \x1C (File separator, Information separator four)
case ui::VKEY_OEM_5:
return 0x1C;
// ctrl-] maps to \x1D (Group separator, Information separator three)
case ui::VKEY_OEM_6:
return 0x1D;
// ctrl-Enter maps to \x0A (Line feed)
case ui::VKEY_RETURN:
return 0x0A;
// Returns 0 for all other keys to avoid inputting unexpected chars.
return 0;
} // namespace
namespace content {
// WebKeyboardEvent -----------------------------------------------------------
WebKeyboardEvent WebKeyboardEventBuilder::Build(const GdkEventKey* event) {
WebKeyboardEvent result;
result.timeStampSeconds = GdkEventTimeToWebEventTime(event->time);
result.modifiers = GdkStateToWebEventModifiers(NormalizeEventState(event));
switch (event->type) {
result.type = WebInputEvent::KeyUp;
result.type = WebInputEvent::RawKeyDown;
// According to MSDN:
// Key events with Alt modifier and F10 are system key events.
// We just emulate this behavior. It's necessary to prevent webkit from
// processing keypress event generated by alt-d, etc.
// F10 is not special on Linux, so don't treat it as system key.
if (result.modifiers & WebInputEvent::AltKey)
result.isSystemKey = true;
// The key code tells us which physical key was pressed (for example, the
// A key went down or up). It does not determine whether A should be lower
// or upper case. This is what text does, which should be the keyval.
ui::KeyboardCode windows_key_code = GdkEventToWindowsKeyCode(event);
result.windowsKeyCode = GetWindowsKeyCodeWithoutLocation(windows_key_code);
result.modifiers |= GetLocationModifiersFromWindowsKeyCode(windows_key_code);
result.nativeKeyCode = event->hardware_keycode;
if (result.windowsKeyCode == ui::VKEY_RETURN) {
// We need to treat the enter key as a key press of character \r. This
// is apparently just how webkit handles it and what it expects.
result.unmodifiedText[0] = '\r';
} else {
// FIXME: fix for non BMP chars
result.unmodifiedText[0] =
// If ctrl key is pressed down, then control character shall be input.
if (result.modifiers & WebInputEvent::ControlKey) {
result.text[0] =
result.modifiers & WebInputEvent::ShiftKey);
} else {
result.text[0] = result.unmodifiedText[0];
// FIXME: Do we need to set IsAutoRepeat?
if (IsKeyPadKeyval(event->keyval))
result.modifiers |= WebInputEvent::IsKeyPad;
return result;
WebKeyboardEvent WebKeyboardEventBuilder::Build(wchar_t character,
int state,
double timeStampSeconds) {
// keyboardEvent(const GdkEventKey*) depends on the GdkEventKey object and
// it is hard to use/ it from signal handlers which don't use GdkEventKey
// objects (e.g. GtkIMContext signal handlers.) For such handlers, this
// function creates a WebInputEvent::Char event without using a
// GdkEventKey object.
WebKeyboardEvent result;
result.type = WebKit::WebInputEvent::Char;
result.timeStampSeconds = timeStampSeconds;
result.modifiers = GdkStateToWebEventModifiers(state);
result.windowsKeyCode = character;
result.nativeKeyCode = character;
result.text[0] = character;
result.unmodifiedText[0] = character;
// According to MSDN:
// Key events with Alt modifier and F10 are system key events.
// We just emulate this behavior. It's necessary to prevent webkit from
// processing keypress event generated by alt-d, etc.
// F10 is not special on Linux, so don't treat it as system key.
if (result.modifiers & WebInputEvent::AltKey)
result.isSystemKey = true;
return result;
// WebMouseEvent --------------------------------------------------------------
WebMouseEvent WebMouseEventBuilder::Build(const GdkEventButton* event) {
WebMouseEvent result;
result.timeStampSeconds = GdkEventTimeToWebEventTime(event->time);
result.modifiers = GdkStateToWebEventModifiers(event->state);
result.x = static_cast<int>(event->x);
result.y = static_cast<int>(event->y);
result.windowX = result.x;
result.windowY = result.y;
result.globalX = static_cast<int>(event->x_root);
result.globalY = static_cast<int>(event->y_root);
result.clickCount = 0;
switch (event->type) {
result.type = WebInputEvent::MouseDown;
result.type = WebInputEvent::MouseUp;
result.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonNone;
if (event->button == 1)
result.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonLeft;
else if (event->button == 2)
result.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonMiddle;
else if (event->button == 3)
result.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonRight;
if (result.type == WebInputEvent::MouseDown) {
bool forgetPreviousClick = ShouldForgetPreviousClick(
event->window, event->time, event->x, event->y);
if (!forgetPreviousClick && result.button == last_click_button) {
} else {
num_clicks = 1;
last_click_event_window = event->window;
last_click_x = event->x;
last_click_y = event->y;
last_click_button = result.button;
last_click_time = event->time;
result.clickCount = num_clicks;
return result;
WebMouseEvent WebMouseEventBuilder::Build(const GdkEventMotion* event) {
WebMouseEvent result;
result.timeStampSeconds = GdkEventTimeToWebEventTime(event->time);
result.modifiers = GdkStateToWebEventModifiers(event->state);
result.x = static_cast<int>(event->x);
result.y = static_cast<int>(event->y);
result.windowX = result.x;
result.windowY = result.y;
result.globalX = static_cast<int>(event->x_root);
result.globalY = static_cast<int>(event->y_root);
switch (event->type) {
result.type = WebInputEvent::MouseMove;
result.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonNone;
if (event->state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK)
result.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonLeft;
else if (event->state & GDK_BUTTON2_MASK)
result.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonMiddle;
else if (event->state & GDK_BUTTON3_MASK)
result.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonRight;
if (ShouldForgetPreviousClick(event->window, event->time, event->x, event->y))
return result;
WebMouseEvent WebMouseEventBuilder::Build(const GdkEventCrossing* event) {
WebMouseEvent result;
result.timeStampSeconds = GdkEventTimeToWebEventTime(event->time);
result.modifiers = GdkStateToWebEventModifiers(event->state);
result.x = static_cast<int>(event->x);
result.y = static_cast<int>(event->y);
result.windowX = result.x;
result.windowY = result.y;
result.globalX = static_cast<int>(event->x_root);
result.globalY = static_cast<int>(event->y_root);
switch (event->type) {
// Note that if we sent MouseEnter or MouseLeave to WebKit, it
// wouldn't work - they don't result in the proper JavaScript events.
// MouseMove does the right thing.
result.type = WebInputEvent::MouseMove;
result.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonNone;
if (event->state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK)
result.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonLeft;
else if (event->state & GDK_BUTTON2_MASK)
result.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonMiddle;
else if (event->state & GDK_BUTTON3_MASK)
result.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonRight;
if (ShouldForgetPreviousClick(event->window, event->time, event->x, event->y))
return result;
// WebMouseWheelEvent ---------------------------------------------------------
float WebMouseWheelEventBuilder::ScrollbarPixelsPerTick() {
// How much should we scroll per mouse wheel event?
// - Windows uses 3 lines by default and obeys a system setting.
// - Mozilla has a pref that lets you either use the "system" number of lines
// to scroll, or lets the user override it.
// For the "system" number of lines, it appears they've hardcoded 3.
// See case NS_MOUSE_SCROLL in content/events/src/nsEventStateManager.cpp
// and InitMouseScrollEvent in widget/src/gtk2/nsCommonWidget.cpp .
// - Gtk makes the scroll amount a function of the size of the scroll bar,
// which is not available to us here.
// Instead, we pick a number that empirically matches Firefox's behavior.
return 160.0f / 3.0f;
WebMouseWheelEvent WebMouseWheelEventBuilder::Build(
const GdkEventScroll* event) {
WebMouseWheelEvent result;
result.type = WebInputEvent::MouseWheel;
result.button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonNone;
result.timeStampSeconds = GdkEventTimeToWebEventTime(event->time);
result.modifiers = GdkStateToWebEventModifiers(event->state);
result.x = static_cast<int>(event->x);
result.y = static_cast<int>(event->y);
result.windowX = result.x;
result.windowY = result.y;
result.globalX = static_cast<int>(event->x_root);
result.globalY = static_cast<int>(event->y_root);
static const float scrollbarPixelsPerTick = ScrollbarPixelsPerTick();
switch (event->direction) {
result.deltaY = scrollbarPixelsPerTick;
result.wheelTicksY = 1;
result.deltaY = -scrollbarPixelsPerTick;
result.wheelTicksY = -1;
result.deltaX = scrollbarPixelsPerTick;
result.wheelTicksX = 1;
result.deltaX = -scrollbarPixelsPerTick;
result.wheelTicksX = -1;
return result;
} // namespace content