blob: b0c378222eaa1d19ab320500a7c9f62231cd4323 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "content/port/browser/event_with_latency_info.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebInputEvent.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace content {
class InputRouter;
class MockRenderWidgetHost;
class TouchpadTapSuppressionController;
class TouchscreenTapSuppressionController;
// Maintains WebGestureEvents in a queue before forwarding them to the renderer
// to apply a sequence of filters on them:
// 1. Zero-velocity fling-starts from touchpad are filtered.
// 2. The sequence is filtered for bounces. A bounce is when the finger lifts
// from the screen briefly during an in-progress scroll. If this happens,
// non-GestureScrollUpdate events are queued until the de-bounce interval
// passes or another GestureScrollUpdate event occurs.
// 3. Unnecessary GestureFlingCancel events are filtered. These are
// GestureFlingCancels that have no corresponding GestureFlingStart in the
// queue.
// 4. Taps immediately after a GestureFlingCancel (caused by the same tap) are
// filtered.
// 5. Whenever possible, events in the queue are coalesced to have as few events
// as possible and therefore maximize the chance that the event stream can be
// handled entirely by the compositor thread.
// Events in the queue are forwarded to the renderer one by one; i.e., each
// event is sent after receiving the ACK for previous one. The only exception is
// that if a GestureScrollUpdate is followed by a GesturePinchUpdate, they are
// sent together.
// TODO(rjkroege): Possibly refactor into a filter chain:
class GestureEventFilter {
// The |input_router| must outlive the GestureEventFilter.
explicit GestureEventFilter(InputRouter* input_router);
// Returns |true| if the caller should immediately forward the provided
// |GestureEventWithLatencyInfo| argument to the renderer.
bool ShouldForward(const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo&);
// Indicates that the caller has received an acknowledgement from the renderer
// with state |processed| and event |type|. May send events if the queue is
// not empty.
void ProcessGestureAck(bool processed, int type);
// Sets the state of the |fling_in_progress_| field to indicate that a fling
// is definitely not in progress.
void FlingHasBeenHalted();
// Returns the |TouchpadTapSuppressionController| instance.
TouchpadTapSuppressionController* GetTouchpadTapSuppressionController();
// Returns whether there are any gesture event in the queue.
bool HasQueuedGestureEvents() const;
// Returns the last gesture event that was sent to the renderer.
const WebKit::WebGestureEvent& GetGestureEventAwaitingAck() const;
// Tries forwarding the event to the tap deferral sub-filter.
void ForwardGestureEventForDeferral(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
// Tries forwarding the event, skipping the tap deferral sub-filter.
void ForwardGestureEventSkipDeferral(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
friend class MockRenderWidgetHost;
friend class ImmediateInputRouterTest;
// TODO(mohsen): There are a bunch of ShouldForward.../ShouldDiscard...
// methods that are getting confusing. This should be somehow fixed. Maybe
// while refactoring GEF:
// Invoked on the expiration of the timer to release a deferred
// GestureTapDown to the renderer.
void SendGestureTapDownNow();
// Inovked on the expiration of the debounce interval to release
// deferred events.
void SendScrollEndingEventsNow();
// Returns |true| if the given GestureFlingCancel should be discarded
// as unnecessary.
bool ShouldDiscardFlingCancelEvent(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event) const;
// Returns |true| if the only event in the queue is the current event and
// hence that event should be handled now.
bool ShouldHandleEventNow() const;
// Merge or append a GestureScrollUpdate or GesturePinchUpdate into
// the coalescing queue.
void MergeOrInsertScrollAndPinchEvent(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
// Sub-filter for removing zero-velocity fling-starts from touchpad.
bool ShouldForwardForZeroVelocityFlingStart(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event) const;
// Sub-filter for removing bounces from in-progress scrolls.
bool ShouldForwardForBounceReduction(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
// Sub-filter for removing unnecessary GestureFlingCancels.
bool ShouldForwardForGFCFiltering(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event) const;
// Sub-filter for suppressing taps immediately after a GestureFlingCancel.
bool ShouldForwardForTapSuppression(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
// Sub-filter for deferring GestureTapDowns.
bool ShouldForwardForTapDeferral(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
// Puts the events in a queue to forward them one by one; i.e., forward them
// whenever ACK for previous event is received. This queue also tries to
// coalesce events as much as possible.
bool ShouldForwardForCoalescing(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
// Whether the event_in_queue is GesturePinchUpdate or
// GestureScrollUpdate and it has the same modifiers as the
// new event.
bool ShouldTryMerging(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& new_event,
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& event_in_queue)const;
// Returns the transform matrix corresponding to the gesture event.
// Assumes the gesture event sent is either GestureScrollUpdate or
// GesturePinchUpdate. Returns the identity matrix otherwise.
gfx::Transform GetTransformForEvent(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event) const;
// The receiver of all forwarded gesture events.
InputRouter* input_router_;
// True if a GestureFlingStart is in progress on the renderer or
// queued without a subsequent queued GestureFlingCancel event.
bool fling_in_progress_;
// True if a GestureScrollUpdate sequence is in progress.
bool scrolling_in_progress_;
// True if two related gesture events were sent before without waiting
// for an ACK, so the next gesture ACK should be ignored.
bool ignore_next_ack_;
// Transform that holds the combined transform matrix for the current
// scroll-pinch sequence at the end of the queue.
gfx::Transform combined_scroll_pinch_;
// Timer to release a previously deferred GestureTapDown event.
base::OneShotTimer<GestureEventFilter> send_gtd_timer_;
// An object tracking the state of touchpad on the delivery of mouse events to
// the renderer to filter mouse immediately after a touchpad fling canceling
// tap.
// TODO(mohsen): Move touchpad tap suppression out of GestureEventFilter since
// GEF is meant to only be used for touchscreen gesture events.
// An object tracking the state of touchscreen on the delivery of gesture tap
// events to the renderer to filter taps immediately after a touchscreen fling
// canceling tap.
typedef std::deque<GestureEventWithLatencyInfo> GestureEventQueue;
// Queue of coalesced gesture events not yet sent to the renderer.
GestureEventQueue coalesced_gesture_events_;
// Tap gesture event currently subject to deferral.
GestureEventWithLatencyInfo deferred_tap_down_event_;
// Timer to release a previously deferred GestureTapDown event.
base::OneShotTimer<GestureEventFilter> debounce_deferring_timer_;
// Queue of events that have been deferred for debounce.
GestureEventQueue debouncing_deferral_queue_;
// Time window in which to defer a GestureTapDown.
int maximum_tap_gap_time_ms_;
// Time window in which to debounce scroll/fling ends.
// TODO(rjkroege): Make this dynamically configurable.
int debounce_interval_time_ms_;
} // namespace content