blob: ec45fc971cabdc991059f766a5ac274853508af3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/event_types.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
#include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h"
// Forward declarations for Xlib and Xrandr.
// This is so unused X definitions don't pollute the namespace.
typedef unsigned long XID;
typedef XID RROutput;
typedef XID RRCrtc;
typedef XID RRMode;
namespace chromeos {
// Used to describe the state of a multi-display configuration.
enum OutputState {
// This class interacts directly with the underlying Xrandr API to manipulate
// CTRCs and Outputs.
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT OutputConfigurator
: public base::MessageLoop::Dispatcher,
public base::MessagePumpObserver {
struct ModeInfo {
ModeInfo(int width, int height, bool interlaced, float refresh_rate);
int width;
int height;
bool interlaced;
float refresh_rate;
typedef std::map<RRMode, ModeInfo> ModeInfoMap;
struct CoordinateTransformation {
// Initialized to the identity transformation.
float x_scale;
float x_offset;
float y_scale;
float y_offset;
// Information about an output's current state.
struct OutputSnapshot {
RROutput output;
// CRTC that should be used for this output. Not necessarily the CRTC
// that XRandR reports is currently being used.
RRCrtc crtc;
// Mode currently being used by the output.
RRMode current_mode;
// "Best" mode supported by the output.
RRMode native_mode;
// Mode used when displaying the same desktop on multiple outputs.
RRMode mirror_mode;
// User-selected mode for the output.
RRMode selected_mode;
// Output's origin on the framebuffer.
int x;
int y;
// Output's physical dimensions.
uint64 width_mm;
uint64 height_mm;
bool is_internal;
bool is_aspect_preserving_scaling;
// Map from mode IDs to details about the corresponding modes.
ModeInfoMap mode_infos;
// XInput device ID or 0 if this output isn't a touchscreen.
int touch_device_id;
CoordinateTransformation transform;
// Display id for this output.
int64 display_id;
bool has_display_id;
// This output's index in the array returned by XRandR. Stable even as
// outputs are connected or disconnected.
int index;
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Called after the display mode has been changed. |output| contains the
// just-applied configuration. Note that the X server is no longer grabbed
// when this method is called, so the actual configuration could've changed
// already.
virtual void OnDisplayModeChanged(
const std::vector<OutputSnapshot>& outputs) {}
// Called after a display mode change attempt failed. |failed_new_state| is
// the new state which the system failed to enter.
virtual void OnDisplayModeChangeFailed(OutputState failed_new_state) {}
// Interface for classes that make decisions about which output state
// should be used.
class StateController {
virtual ~StateController() {}
// Called when displays are detected.
virtual OutputState GetStateForDisplayIds(
const std::vector<int64>& display_ids) const = 0;
// Queries the resolution (|width|x|height|) in pixels
// to select output mode for the given display id.
virtual bool GetResolutionForDisplayId(int64 display_id,
int* width,
int* height) const = 0;
// Interface for classes that implement software based mirroring.
class SoftwareMirroringController {
virtual ~SoftwareMirroringController() {}
// Called when the hardware mirroring failed.
virtual void SetSoftwareMirroring(bool enabled) = 0;
// Interface for classes that perform actions on behalf of OutputController.
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() {}
// Initializes the XRandR extension, saving the base event ID to
// |event_base|.
virtual void InitXRandRExtension(int* event_base) = 0;
// Tells XRandR to update its configuration in response to |event|, an
// RRScreenChangeNotify event.
virtual void UpdateXRandRConfiguration(const base::NativeEvent& event) = 0;
// Grabs the X server and refreshes XRandR-related resources. While
// the server is grabbed, other clients are blocked. Must be balanced
// by a call to UngrabServer().
virtual void GrabServer() = 0;
// Ungrabs the server and frees XRandR-related resources.
virtual void UngrabServer() = 0;
// Flushes all pending requests and waits for replies.
virtual void SyncWithServer() = 0;
// Sets the window's background color to |color_argb|.
virtual void SetBackgroundColor(uint32 color_argb) = 0;
// Enables DPMS and forces it to the "on" state.
virtual void ForceDPMSOn() = 0;
// Returns information about the current outputs. This method may block for
// 60 milliseconds or more. The returned outputs are not fully initialized;
// the rest of the work happens in
// OutputConfigurator::UpdateCachedOutputs().
virtual std::vector<OutputSnapshot> GetOutputs() = 0;
// Adds |mode| to |output|.
virtual void AddOutputMode(RROutput output, RRMode mode) = 0;
// Calls XRRSetCrtcConfig() with the given options but some of our default
// output count and rotation arguments. Returns true on success.
virtual bool ConfigureCrtc(RRCrtc crtc,
RRMode mode,
RROutput output,
int x,
int y) = 0;
// Called to set the frame buffer (underlying XRR "screen") size. Has
// a side-effect of disabling all CRTCs.
virtual void CreateFrameBuffer(
int width,
int height,
const std::vector<OutputConfigurator::OutputSnapshot>& outputs) = 0;
// Configures XInput's Coordinate Transformation Matrix property.
// |touch_device_id| the ID of the touchscreen device to configure.
// |ctm| contains the desired transformation parameters. The offsets
// in it should be normalized so that 1 corresponds to the X or Y axis
// size for the corresponding offset.
virtual void ConfigureCTM(int touch_device_id,
const CoordinateTransformation& ctm) = 0;
// Sends a D-Bus message to the power manager telling it that the
// machine is or is not projecting.
virtual void SendProjectingStateToPowerManager(bool projecting) = 0;
// Helper class used by tests.
class TestApi {
TestApi(OutputConfigurator* configurator, int xrandr_event_base)
: configurator_(configurator),
xrandr_event_base_(xrandr_event_base) {}
~TestApi() {}
const std::vector<OutputSnapshot>& cached_outputs() const {
return configurator_->cached_outputs_;
// Dispatches an RRScreenChangeNotify event to |configurator_|.
void SendScreenChangeEvent();
// Dispatches an RRNotify_OutputChange event to |configurator_|.
void SendOutputChangeEvent(RROutput output,
RRCrtc crtc,
RRMode mode,
bool connected);
// If |configure_timer_| is started, stops the timer, runs
// ConfigureOutputs(), and returns true; returns false otherwise.
bool TriggerConfigureTimeout();
OutputConfigurator* configurator_; // not owned
int xrandr_event_base_;
// Flags that can be passed to SetDisplayPower().
static const int kSetDisplayPowerNoFlags = 0;
// Configure displays even if the passed-in state matches |power_state_|.
static const int kSetDisplayPowerForceProbe = 1 << 0;
// Do not change the state if multiple displays are connected or if the
// only connected display is external.
static const int kSetDisplayPowerOnlyIfSingleInternalDisplay = 1 << 1;
// Gap between screens so cursor at bottom of active display doesn't
// partially appear on top of inactive display. Higher numbers guard
// against larger cursors, but also waste more memory.
// For simplicity, this is hard-coded to avoid the complexity of always
// determining the DPI of the screen and rationalizing which screen we
// need to use for the DPI calculation.
// See for initial discussion.
static const int kVerticalGap = 60;
// Returns a pointer to the ModeInfo struct in |output| corresponding to
// |mode|, or NULL if the struct isn't present.
static const ModeInfo* GetModeInfo(const OutputSnapshot& output,
RRMode mode);
// Returns the mode within |output| that matches the given size with highest
// refresh rate. Returns None if no matching output was found.
static RRMode FindOutputModeMatchingSize(const OutputSnapshot& output,
int width,
int height);
virtual ~OutputConfigurator();
OutputState output_state() const { return output_state_; }
DisplayPowerState power_state() const { return power_state_; }
void set_state_controller(StateController* controller) {
state_controller_ = controller;
void set_mirroring_controller(SoftwareMirroringController* controller) {
mirroring_controller_ = controller;
// Replaces |delegate_| with |delegate| and sets |configure_display_| to
// true. Should be called before Init().
void SetDelegateForTesting(scoped_ptr<Delegate> delegate);
// Sets the initial value of |power_state_|. Must be called before Start().
void SetInitialDisplayPower(DisplayPowerState power_state);
// Initialization, must be called right after constructor.
// |is_panel_fitting_enabled| indicates hardware panel fitting support.
void Init(bool is_panel_fitting_enabled);
// Does initial configuration of displays during startup.
// If |background_color_argb| is non zero and there are multiple displays,
// OutputConfigurator sets the background color of X's RootWindow to this
// color.
void Start(uint32 background_color_argb);
// Stop handling display configuration events/requests.
void Stop();
// Called when powerd notifies us that some set of displays should be turned
// on or off. This requires enabling or disabling the CRTC associated with
// the display(s) in question so that the low power state is engaged.
// |flags| contains bitwise-or-ed kSetDisplayPower* values.
bool SetDisplayPower(DisplayPowerState power_state, int flags);
// Force switching the display mode to |new_state|. Returns false if
// switching failed (possibly because |new_state| is invalid for the
// current set of connected outputs).
bool SetDisplayMode(OutputState new_state);
// Called when an RRNotify event is received. The implementation is
// interested in the cases of RRNotify events which correspond to output
// add/remove events. Note that Output add/remove events are sent in response
// to our own reconfiguration operations so spurious events are common.
// Spurious events will have no effect.
virtual bool Dispatch(const base::NativeEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from base::MessagePumpObserver:
virtual base::EventStatus WillProcessEvent(
const base::NativeEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidProcessEvent(const base::NativeEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Sets all the displays into pre-suspend mode; usually this means
// configure them for their resume state. This allows faster resume on
// machines where display configuration is slow.
void SuspendDisplays();
// Reprobes displays to handle changes made while the system was
// suspended.
void ResumeDisplays();
const std::map<int, float>& GetMirroredDisplayAreaRatioMap() {
return mirrored_display_area_ratio_map_;
// Configure outputs with |kConfigureDelayMs| delay,
// so that time-consuming ConfigureOutputs() won't be called multiple times.
void ScheduleConfigureOutputs();
// Updates |cached_outputs_| to contain currently-connected outputs. Calls
// |delegate_->GetOutputs()| and then does additional work, like finding the
// mirror mode and setting user-preferred modes. Note that the server must be
// grabbed via |delegate_->GrabServer()| first.
void UpdateCachedOutputs();
// Helper method for UpdateCachedOutputs() that initializes the passed-in
// outputs' |mirror_mode| fields by looking for a mode in |internal_output|
// and |external_output| having the same resolution. Returns false if a shared
// mode wasn't found or created.
// |try_panel_fitting| allows creating a panel-fitting mode for
// |internal_output| instead of only searching for a matching mode (note that
// it may lead to a crash if |internal_info| is not capable of panel fitting).
// |preserve_aspect| limits the search/creation only to the modes having the
// native aspect ratio of |external_output|.
bool FindMirrorMode(OutputSnapshot* internal_output,
OutputSnapshot* external_output,
bool try_panel_fitting,
bool preserve_aspect);
// Configures outputs.
void ConfigureOutputs();
// Notifies observers about an attempted state change.
void NotifyObservers(bool success, OutputState attempted_state);
// Switches to the state specified in |output_state| and |power_state|.
// If the hardware mirroring failed and |mirroring_controller_| is set,
// it switches to |STATE_DUAL_EXTENDED| and calls |SetSoftwareMirroring()|
// to enable software based mirroring.
// On success, updates |output_state_|, |power_state_|, and |cached_outputs_|
// and returns true.
bool EnterStateOrFallBackToSoftwareMirroring(
OutputState output_state,
DisplayPowerState power_state);
// Switches to the state specified in |output_state| and |power_state|.
// On success, updates |output_state_|, |power_state_|, and
// |cached_outputs_| and returns true.
bool EnterState(OutputState output_state, DisplayPowerState power_state);
// Returns the output state that should be used with |cached_outputs_| while
// in |power_state|.
OutputState ChooseOutputState(DisplayPowerState power_state) const;
// Computes the relevant transformation for mirror mode.
// |output| is the output on which mirror mode is being applied.
// Returns the transformation or identity if computations fail.
CoordinateTransformation GetMirrorModeCTM(
const OutputConfigurator::OutputSnapshot& output);
// Returns the ratio between mirrored mode area and native mode area:
// (mirror_mode_width * mirrow_mode_height) / (native_width * native_height)
float GetMirroredDisplayAreaRatio(
const OutputConfigurator::OutputSnapshot& output);
StateController* state_controller_;
SoftwareMirroringController* mirroring_controller_;
scoped_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
// Used to enable modes which rely on panel fitting.
bool is_panel_fitting_enabled_;
// Key of the map is the touch display's id, and the value of the map is the
// touch display's area ratio in mirror mode defined as :
// mirror_mode_area / native_mode_area.
// This is used for scaling touch event's radius when the touch display is in
// mirror mode :
// new_touch_radius = sqrt(area_ratio) * old_touch_radius
std::map<int, float> mirrored_display_area_ratio_map_;
// This is detected by the constructor to determine whether or not we should
// be enabled. If we aren't running on ChromeOS, we can't assume that the
// Xrandr X11 extension is supported.
// If this flag is set to false, any attempts to change the output
// configuration to immediately fail without changing the state.
bool configure_display_;
// The base of the event numbers used to represent XRandr events used in
// decoding events regarding output add/remove.
int xrandr_event_base_;
// The current display state.
OutputState output_state_;
// The current power state.
DisplayPowerState power_state_;
// Most-recently-used output configuration. Note that the actual
// configuration changes asynchronously.
std::vector<OutputSnapshot> cached_outputs_;
ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
// The timer to delay configuring outputs. See also the comments in
// Dispatch().
scoped_ptr<base::OneShotTimer<OutputConfigurator> > configure_timer_;
typedef std::vector<OutputConfigurator::OutputSnapshot> OutputSnapshotList;
} // namespace chromeos