blob: 2c9dfab5ba60231bb678d94deeeacc7ba89ff4b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/data_type_error_handler.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/model_associator.h"
#include "sync/protocol/password_specifics.pb.h"
class PasswordStore;
class ProfileSyncService;
namespace autofill {
struct PasswordForm;
namespace base {
class MessageLoop;
namespace syncer {
class WriteNode;
class WriteTransaction;
namespace browser_sync {
extern const char kPasswordTag[];
// Contains all model association related logic:
// * Algorithm to associate password model and sync model.
// * Persisting model associations and loading them back.
// We do not check if we have local data before this runs; we always
// merge and sync.
class PasswordModelAssociator
: public PerDataTypeAssociatorInterface<std::string, std::string> {
typedef std::vector<autofill::PasswordForm> PasswordVector;
static syncer::ModelType model_type() { return syncer::PASSWORDS; }
PasswordModelAssociator(ProfileSyncService* sync_service,
PasswordStore* password_store,
DataTypeErrorHandler* error_handler);
virtual ~PasswordModelAssociator();
// PerDataTypeAssociatorInterface implementation.
// Iterates through the sync model looking for matched pairs of items.
virtual syncer::SyncError AssociateModels(
syncer::SyncMergeResult* local_merge_result,
syncer::SyncMergeResult* syncer_merge_result) OVERRIDE;
// Delete all password nodes.
bool DeleteAllNodes(syncer::WriteTransaction* trans);
// Clears all associations.
virtual syncer::SyncError DisassociateModels() OVERRIDE;
// The has_nodes out param is true if the sync model has nodes other
// than the permanent tagged nodes.
virtual bool SyncModelHasUserCreatedNodes(bool* has_nodes) OVERRIDE;
// See ModelAssociator interface.
virtual void AbortAssociation() OVERRIDE;
// See ModelAssociator interface.
virtual bool CryptoReadyIfNecessary() OVERRIDE;
// Not implemented.
virtual const std::string* GetChromeNodeFromSyncId(int64 sync_id) OVERRIDE;
// Not implemented.
virtual bool InitSyncNodeFromChromeId(const std::string& node_id,
syncer::BaseNode* sync_node) OVERRIDE;
// Returns the sync id for the given password name, or syncer::kInvalidId
// if the password name is not associated to any sync id.
virtual int64 GetSyncIdFromChromeId(const std::string& node_id) OVERRIDE;
// Associates the given password name with the given sync id.
virtual void Associate(const std::string* node, int64 sync_id) OVERRIDE;
// Remove the association that corresponds to the given sync id.
virtual void Disassociate(int64 sync_id) OVERRIDE;
// Returns whether a node with the given permanent tag was found and update
// |sync_id| with that node's id.
virtual bool GetSyncIdForTaggedNode(const std::string& tag, int64* sync_id);
syncer::SyncError WriteToPasswordStore(const PasswordVector* new_passwords,
const PasswordVector* updated_passwords,
const PasswordVector* deleted_passwords);
static std::string MakeTag(const autofill::PasswordForm& password);
static std::string MakeTag(const sync_pb::PasswordSpecificsData& password);
static std::string MakeTag(const std::string& origin_url,
const std::string& username_element,
const std::string& username_value,
const std::string& password_element,
const std::string& signon_realm);
static void CopyPassword(const sync_pb::PasswordSpecificsData& password,
autofill::PasswordForm* new_password);
static bool MergePasswords(const sync_pb::PasswordSpecificsData& password,
const autofill::PasswordForm& password_form,
autofill::PasswordForm* new_password);
static void WriteToSyncNode(const autofill::PasswordForm& password_form,
syncer::WriteNode* node);
typedef std::map<std::string, int64> PasswordToSyncIdMap;
typedef std::map<int64, std::string> SyncIdToPasswordMap;
ProfileSyncService* sync_service_;
scoped_refptr<PasswordStore> password_store_;
int64 password_node_id_;
// Set true by AbortAssociation.
bool abort_association_requested_;
base::Lock association_lock_;
base::MessageLoop* expected_loop_;
PasswordToSyncIdMap id_map_;
SyncIdToPasswordMap id_map_inverse_;
DataTypeErrorHandler* error_handler_;
} // namespace browser_sync