blob: 70da45ba8805561040e6477f183600b5b134f76c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/debugger/debugger_api_constants.h"
namespace debugger_api_constants {
const char kAlreadyAttachedError[] =
"Another debugger is already attached to the * with id: *.";
const char kAttachToWebUIError[] =
"Can not attach to the page with the \"*://\" scheme.";
const char kNoTargetError[] = "No * with given id *.";
const char kInvalidTargetError[] =
"Either tab id or extension id must be specified.";
const char kNotAttachedError[] =
"Debugger is not attached to the * with id: *.";
const char kProtocolVersionNotSupportedError[] =
"Requested protocol version is not supported: *.";
const char kSilentDebuggingRequired[] =
"Cannot attach to this target unless '*' flag is enabled.";
const char kTabTargetType[] = "tab";
const char kBackgroundPageTargetType[] = "background page";
const char kOpaqueTargetType[] = "target";
} // namespace debugger_api_constants