blob: a4808b3ad60a0d7183ea41f75595465aafa6e9b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/functions.h"
#include "tools/gn/err.h"
#include "tools/gn/parse_tree.h"
#include "tools/gn/scope.h"
#include "tools/gn/target_generator.h"
#include "tools/gn/value.h"
namespace functions {
namespace {
Value ExecuteGenericTarget(const char* target_type,
Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
BlockNode* block,
Err* err) {
if (!EnsureNotProcessingImport(function, scope, err) ||
!EnsureNotProcessingBuildConfig(function, scope, err))
return Value();
Scope block_scope(scope);
if (!FillTargetBlockScope(scope, function, target_type, block,
args, &block_scope, err))
return Value();
block->ExecuteBlockInScope(&block_scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
TargetGenerator::GenerateTarget(&block_scope, function->function(), args,
target_type, err);
return Value();
} // namespace
// component -------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kComponent[] = "component";
const char kComponent_Help[] =
"TODO(brettw) write this.";
Value RunComponent(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
BlockNode* block,
Err* err) {
// A component is either a shared or static library, depending on the value
// of |component_mode|.
const Value* component_mode_value = scope->GetValue("component_mode");
static const char helptext[] =
"You're declaring a component here but have not defined "
"\"component_mode\" to\neither \"shared_library\" or \"static_library\".";
if (!component_mode_value) {
*err = Err(function->function(), "No component mode set.", helptext);
return Value();
if (component_mode_value->type() != Value::STRING ||
(component_mode_value->string_value() != functions::kSharedLibrary &&
component_mode_value->string_value() != functions::kStaticLibrary)) {
*err = Err(function->function(), "Invalid component mode set.", helptext);
return Value();
const std::string& component_mode = component_mode_value->string_value();
if (!EnsureNotProcessingImport(function, scope, err))
return Value();
Scope block_scope(scope);
if (!FillTargetBlockScope(scope, function, component_mode.c_str(), block,
args, &block_scope, err))
return Value();
block->ExecuteBlockInScope(&block_scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
TargetGenerator::GenerateTarget(&block_scope, function->function(), args,
component_mode, err);
return Value();
// copy ------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kCopy[] = "copy";
const char kCopy_Help[] =
"TODO(brettw) write this.";
Value RunCopy(const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
Scope* scope,
Err* err) {
if (!EnsureNotProcessingImport(function, scope, err) ||
!EnsureNotProcessingBuildConfig(function, scope, err))
return Value();
TargetGenerator::GenerateTarget(scope, function->function(), args,
functions::kCopy, err);
return Value();
// custom ----------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kCustom[] = "custom";
const char kCustom_Help[] =
"custom: Declare a script-generated target.\n"
" This target type allows you to run a script over a set of source\n"
" files and generate a set of output files.\n"
" The script will be executed with the given arguments with the current\n"
" directory being that of the current BUILD file.\n"
" There are two modes. The first mode is the \"per-file\" mode where you\n"
" specify a list of sources and the script is run once for each one as a\n"
" build rule. In this case, each file specified in the |outputs|\n"
" variable must be unique when applied to each source file (normally you\n"
" would reference |{{source_name_part}}| from within each one) or the\n"
" build system will get confused about how to build those files. You\n"
" should use the |data| variable to list all additional dependencies of\n"
" your script: these will be added as dependencies for each build step.\n"
" The second mode is when you just want to run a script once rather than\n"
" as a general rule over a set of files. In this case you don't list any\n"
" sources. Dependencies of your script are specified only in the |data|\n"
" variable and your |outputs| variable should just list all outputs.\n"
" args, data, deps, outputs, script*, sources\n"
" * = required\n"
" There are some special substrings that will be searched for when\n"
" processing some variables:\n"
" {{source}}\n"
" Expanded in |args|, this is the name of the source file relative\n"
" to the current directory when running the script. This is how\n"
" you specify the current input file to your script.\n"
" {{source_name_part}}\n"
" Expanded in |args| and |outputs|, this is just the filename part\n"
" of the current source file with no directory or extension. This\n"
" is how you specify a name transformation to the output. Normally\n"
" you would write an output as\n"
" \"$target_output_dir/{{source_name_part}}.o\".\n"
" All |outputs| files must be inside the output directory of the build.\n"
" You would generally use |$target_output_dir| or |$target_gen_dir| to\n"
" reference the output or generated intermediate file directories,\n"
" respectively.\n"
" custom(\"general_rule\") {\n"
" script = \"\"\n"
" sources = [ \"foo.idl\" ]\n"
" data = [ \"my_configuration.txt\" ]\n"
" outputs = [ \"$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.h\" ]\n"
" args = [ \"{{source}}\",\n"
" \"-o\",\n"
" \"$relative_target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.h\" ]\n"
" }\n"
" custom(\"just_run_this_guy_once\") {\n"
" script = \"\"\n"
" data = [ \"my_configuration.txt\" ]\n"
" outputs = [ \"$target_gen_dir/insightful_output.txt\" ]\n"
" args = [ \"--output_dir\", $target_gen_dir ]\n"
" }\n";
Value RunCustom(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
BlockNode* block,
Err* err) {
return ExecuteGenericTarget(functions::kCustom, scope, function, args,
block, err);
// executable ------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kExecutable[] = "executable";
const char kExecutable_Help[] =
"TODO(brettw) write this.";
Value RunExecutable(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
BlockNode* block,
Err* err) {
return ExecuteGenericTarget(functions::kExecutable, scope, function, args,
block, err);
// group -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kGroup[] = "group";
const char kGroup_Help[] =
"group: Declare a named group of targets.\n"
" This target type allows you to create meta-targets that just collect a\n"
" set of dependencies into one named target.\n"
" deps\n"
" group(\"all\") {\n"
" deps = [\n"
" \"//project:runner\",\n"
" \"//project:unit_tests\",\n"
" ]\n"
" }";
Value RunGroup(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
BlockNode* block,
Err* err) {
return ExecuteGenericTarget(functions::kGroup, scope, function, args,
block, err);
// shared_library --------------------------------------------------------------
const char kSharedLibrary[] = "shared_library";
const char kSharedLibrary_Help[] =
"TODO(brettw) write this.";
Value RunSharedLibrary(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
BlockNode* block,
Err* err) {
return ExecuteGenericTarget(functions::kSharedLibrary, scope, function, args,
block, err);
// static_library --------------------------------------------------------------
const char kStaticLibrary[] = "static_library";
const char kStaticLibrary_Help[] =
"TODO(brettw) write this.";
Value RunStaticLibrary(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
BlockNode* block,
Err* err) {
return ExecuteGenericTarget(functions::kStaticLibrary, scope, function, args,
block, err);
// test ------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kTest[] = "test";
const char kTest_Help[] =
"TODO(brettw) write this.";
Value RunTest(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const std::vector<Value>& args,
BlockNode* block,
Err* err) {
return ExecuteGenericTarget(functions::kExecutable, scope, function, args,
block, err);
} // namespace functions