blob: 76a5c28ccb09f61186f309449376cacf0b419ac1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import time
import unittest
# TODO(dpranke): This code is largely cloned from, and redundant with,
# src/mojo/tools/, and also duplicates logic
# in test-webkitpy and run-webkit-tests. We should consolidate the
# python TestResult parsing/converting/uploading code as much as possible.
def AddOptions(parser):
parser.add_option('--metadata', action='append', default=[],
help=('optional key=value metadata that will be stored '
'in the results files (can be used for revision '
'numbers, etc.)'))
parser.add_option('--write-full-results-to', metavar='FILENAME',
help='path to write the list of full results to.')
def ValidateArgs(parser, args):
for val in args.metadata:
if '=' not in val:
parser.error('Error: malformed metadata "%s"' % val)
def WriteandUploadResultsIfNecessary(args, test_suite, result):
if not args.write_full_results_to:
full_results = _FullResults(test_suite, result, args.metadata)
with open(args.write_full_results_to, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(full_results, fp, indent=2)
# TODO(dpranke): upload to if requested as well.
def _FullResults(suite, result, metadata):
"""Convert the unittest results to the Chromium JSON test result format.
This matches run-webkit-tests (the layout tests) and the flakiness dashboard.
full_results = {}
full_results['interrupted'] = False
full_results['path_delimiter'] = TEST_SEPARATOR
full_results['version'] = 3
full_results['seconds_since_epoch'] = time.time()
for md in metadata:
key, val = md.split('=', 1)
full_results[key] = val
all_test_names = _AllTestNames(suite)
failed_test_names = _FailedTestNames(result)
full_results['num_failures_by_type'] = {
'FAIL': len(failed_test_names),
'PASS': len(all_test_names) - len(failed_test_names),
full_results['tests'] = {}
for test_name in all_test_names:
value = {}
value['expected'] = 'PASS'
if test_name in failed_test_names:
value['actual'] = 'FAIL'
value['is_unexpected'] = True
value['actual'] = 'PASS'
_AddPathToTrie(full_results['tests'], test_name, value)
return full_results
def _AllTestNames(suite):
test_names = []
# _tests is protected pylint: disable=W0212
for test in suite._tests:
if isinstance(test, unittest.suite.TestSuite):
return test_names
def _FailedTestNames(result):
return set( for test, _ in result.failures + result.errors)
def _AddPathToTrie(trie, path, value):
if TEST_SEPARATOR not in path:
trie[path] = value
directory, rest = path.split(TEST_SEPARATOR, 1)
if directory not in trie:
trie[directory] = {}
_AddPathToTrie(trie[directory], rest, value)