blob: 00d1118c020995259f9f0ce9f03521f700389eb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.text.TextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.CollectionUtil;
import java.util.HashSet;
* Utilities for working with URIs (and URLs). These methods may be used in security-sensitive
* contexts (after all, origins are the security boundary on the web), and so the correctness bar
* must be high.
public class UrlUtilities {
* URI schemes that ContentView can handle.
private static final HashSet<String> ACCEPTED_SCHEMES = CollectionUtil.newHashSet(
"about", "data", "file", "http", "https", "inline", "javascript");
* URI schemes that Chrome can download.
private static final HashSet<String> DOWNLOADABLE_SCHEMES = CollectionUtil.newHashSet(
"data", "filesystem", "http", "https");
* URI schemes that can be handled in Intent fallback navigation.
private static final HashSet<String> FALLBACK_VALID_SCHEMES = CollectionUtil.newHashSet(
"http", "https");
* @param uri A URI.
* @return True if the URI's scheme is one that ContentView can handle.
public static boolean isAcceptedScheme(URI uri) {
return ACCEPTED_SCHEMES.contains(uri.getScheme());
* @param uri A URI.
* @return True if the URI's scheme is one that ContentView can handle.
public static boolean isAcceptedScheme(String uri) {
try {
return isAcceptedScheme(new URI(uri));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return false;
* @param uri A URI.
* @return True if the URI is valid for Intent fallback navigation.
public static boolean isValidForIntentFallbackNavigation(URI uri) {
return FALLBACK_VALID_SCHEMES.contains(uri.getScheme());
* @param uri A URI.
* @return True if the URI is valid for Intent fallback navigation.
public static boolean isValidForIntentFallbackNavigation(String uri) {
try {
return isValidForIntentFallbackNavigation(new URI(uri));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return false;
* @param uri A URI.
* @return True if the URI's scheme is one that Chrome can download.
public static boolean isDownloadableScheme(URI uri) {
return DOWNLOADABLE_SCHEMES.contains(uri.getScheme());
* @param uri A URI.
* @return True if the URI's scheme is one that Chrome can download.
public static boolean isDownloadableScheme(String uri) {
try {
return isDownloadableScheme(new URI(uri));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return false;
* @param uri A URI to repair.
* @return A String representation of a URI that will be valid for loading in a ContentView.
public static String fixUrl(String uri) {
if (uri == null) return null;
try {
String fixedUri = uri.trim();
if (fixedUri.indexOf("://") == 0) {
return "http" + fixedUri;
if (fixedUri.indexOf(":") == -1) {
return "http://" + fixedUri;
URI parsed = new URI(fixedUri);
if (parsed.getScheme() == null) {
parsed = new URI(
null, // userInfo
return parsed.toString();
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// Can't do anything.
return uri;
* Refer to UrlFixerUpper::FixupURL.
* Compare to {@link #fixUrl(String)}, This fixes URL more aggressively including Chrome
* specific cases. For example, "about:" becomes "chrome://version/". However, this is not a
* superset of {@link #fixUrl(String)} either. For example, this function doesn't do anything
* with "://", while the other one prepends "http". Also, for
* "//", this function prepends "file" while the other one prepends "http".
public static String fixupUrl(String uri) {
return nativeFixupUrl(uri, null);
* Builds a String that strips down the URL to the its scheme, host, and port.
* @param uri URI to break down.
* @param showScheme Whether or not to show the scheme. If the URL can't be parsed, this value
* is ignored.
* @return Stripped-down String containing the essential bits of the URL, or the original URL if
* it fails to parse it.
public static String getOriginForDisplay(URI uri, boolean showScheme) {
String scheme = uri.getScheme();
String host = uri.getHost();
int port = uri.getPort();
String displayUrl;
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(scheme) || TextUtils.isEmpty(host)) {
displayUrl = uri.toString();
} else {
if (showScheme) {
scheme += "://";
} else {
scheme = "";
if (port == -1 || (port == 80 && "http".equals(scheme))
|| (port == 443 && "https".equals(scheme))) {
displayUrl = scheme + host;
} else {
displayUrl = scheme + host + ":" + port;
return displayUrl;
* Determines whether or not the given URLs belong to the same broad domain or host.
* "Broad domain" is defined as the TLD + 1 or the host.
* For example, the TLD + 1 for would be "" and would be shared
* with other Google properties like
* If {@code includePrivateRegistries} is marked as true, then private domain registries (like
* are considered "effective TLDs" -- all subdomains of would be
* considered distinct (effective TLD = "" + 1).
* This means that and would not
* belong to the same host.
* If {@code includePrivateRegistries} is false, all subdomains of
* would be considered to be the same domain (TLD = ".com" + 1).
* @param primaryUrl First URL
* @param secondaryUrl Second URL
* @param includePrivateRegistries Whether or not to consider private registries.
* @return True iff the two URIs belong to the same domain or host.
public static boolean sameDomainOrHost(String primaryUrl, String secondaryUrl,
boolean includePrivateRegistries) {
return nativeSameDomainOrHost(primaryUrl, secondaryUrl, includePrivateRegistries);
* This function works by calling net::registry_controlled_domains::GetDomainAndRegistry
* @param uri A URI
* @param includePrivateRegistries Whether or not to consider private registries.
* @return The registered, organization-identifying host and all its registry information, but
* no subdomains, from the given URI. Returns an empty string if the URI is invalid, has no host
* (e.g. a file: URI), has multiple trailing dots, is an IP address, has only one subcomponent
* (i.e. no dots other than leading/trailing ones), or is itself a recognized registry
* identifier.
public static String getDomainAndRegistry(String uri, boolean includePrivateRegistries) {
return nativeGetDomainAndRegistry(uri, includePrivateRegistries);
* @param url A URL.
* @return Whether a given URL is one of [...]google.TLD or [...]youtube.TLD URLs.
public static boolean isGooglePropertyUrl(String url) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) return false;
return nativeIsGooglePropertyUrl(url);
private static native boolean nativeSameDomainOrHost(String primaryUrl, String secondaryUrl,
boolean includePrivateRegistries);
private static native String nativeGetDomainAndRegistry(String url,
boolean includePrivateRegistries);
public static native boolean nativeIsGoogleSearchUrl(String url);
public static native boolean nativeIsGoogleHomePageUrl(String url);
public static native String nativeFixupUrl(String url, String desiredTld);
private static native boolean nativeIsGooglePropertyUrl(String url);