blob: d52a95139b512f2a198f1e10e011a05d7397cf13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ui/base/models/menu_separator_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_config.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_types.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <windows.h>
#include "ui/native_theme/native_theme.h"
namespace gfx {
class FontList;
namespace views {
namespace internal {
class MenuRunnerImpl;
class MenuController;
class MenuDelegate;
class SubmenuView;
// MenuItemView --------------------------------------------------------------
// MenuItemView represents a single menu item with a label and optional icon.
// Each MenuItemView may also contain a submenu, which in turn may contain
// any number of child MenuItemViews.
// To use a menu create an initial MenuItemView using the constructor that
// takes a MenuDelegate, then create any number of child menu items by way
// of the various AddXXX methods.
// MenuItemView is itself a View, which means you can add Views to each
// MenuItemView. This is normally NOT want you want, rather add other child
// Views to the submenu of the MenuItemView. Any child views of the MenuItemView
// that are focusable can be navigated to by way of the up/down arrow and can be
// activated by way of space/return keys. Activating a focusable child results
// in |AcceleratorPressed| being invoked. Note, that as menus try not to steal
// focus from the hosting window child views do not actually get focus. Instead
// |SetHotTracked| is used as the user navigates around.
// To show the menu use MenuRunner. See MenuRunner for details on how to run
// (show) the menu as well as for details on the life time of the menu.
class VIEWS_EXPORT MenuItemView : public View {
friend class MenuController;
// The menu item view's class name.
static const char kViewClassName[];
// ID used to identify menu items.
static const int kMenuItemViewID;
// ID used to identify empty menu items.
static const int kEmptyMenuItemViewID;
// Different types of menu items. EMPTY is a special type for empty
// menus that is only used internally.
enum Type {
// Where the menu should be drawn, above or below the bounds (when
// the bounds is non-empty). POSITION_BEST_FIT (default) positions
// the menu below the bounds unless the menu does not fit on the
// screen and the re is more space above.
enum MenuPosition {
// The data structure which is used for the menu size
struct MenuItemDimensions {
: standard_width(0),
height(0) {}
// Width of everything except the accelerator and children views.
int standard_width;
// The width of all contained views of the item.
int children_width;
// The amount of space needed to accommodate the subtext.
int minor_text_width;
// The height of the menu item.
int height;
// Constructor for use with the top level menu item. This menu is never
// shown to the user, rather its use as the parent for all menu items.
explicit MenuItemView(MenuDelegate* delegate);
// Overridden from View:
virtual bool GetTooltipText(const gfx::Point& p,
base::string16* tooltip) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void GetAccessibleState(ui::AXViewState* state) OVERRIDE;
// Returns the preferred height of menu items. This is only valid when the
// menu is about to be shown.
static int pref_menu_height() { return pref_menu_height_; }
// X-coordinate of where the label starts.
static int label_start() { return label_start_; }
// Returns if a given |anchor| is a bubble or not.
static bool IsBubble(MenuAnchorPosition anchor);
// Returns the accessible name to be used with screen readers. Mnemonics are
// removed and the menu item accelerator text is appended.
static base::string16 GetAccessibleNameForMenuItem(
const base::string16& item_text, const base::string16& accelerator_text);
// Hides and cancels the menu. This does nothing if the menu is not open.
void Cancel();
// Add an item to the menu at a specified index. ChildrenChanged() should
// called after adding menu items if the menu may be active.
MenuItemView* AddMenuItemAt(int index,
int item_id,
const base::string16& label,
const base::string16& sublabel,
const base::string16& minor_text,
const gfx::ImageSkia& icon,
Type type,
ui::MenuSeparatorType separator_style);
// Remove an item from the menu at a specified index. The removed MenuItemView
// is deleted when ChildrenChanged() is invoked.
void RemoveMenuItemAt(int index);
// Appends an item to this menu.
// item_id The id of the item, used to identify it in delegate callbacks
// or (if delegate is NULL) to identify the command associated
// with this item with the controller specified in the ctor. Note
// that this value should not be 0 as this has a special meaning
// ("NULL command, no item selected")
// label The text label shown.
// type The type of item.
MenuItemView* AppendMenuItem(int item_id,
const base::string16& label,
Type type);
// Append a submenu to this menu.
// The returned pointer is owned by this menu.
MenuItemView* AppendSubMenu(int item_id,
const base::string16& label);
// Append a submenu with an icon to this menu.
// The returned pointer is owned by this menu.
MenuItemView* AppendSubMenuWithIcon(int item_id,
const base::string16& label,
const gfx::ImageSkia& icon);
// This is a convenience for standard text label menu items where the label
// is provided with this call.
MenuItemView* AppendMenuItemWithLabel(int item_id,
const base::string16& label);
// This is a convenience for text label menu items where the label is
// provided by the delegate.
MenuItemView* AppendDelegateMenuItem(int item_id);
// Adds a separator to this menu
void AppendSeparator();
// Appends a menu item with an icon. This is for the menu item which
// needs an icon. Calling this function forces the Menu class to draw
// the menu, instead of relying on Windows.
MenuItemView* AppendMenuItemWithIcon(int item_id,
const base::string16& label,
const gfx::ImageSkia& icon);
// All the AppendXXX methods funnel into this.
MenuItemView* AppendMenuItemImpl(int item_id,
const base::string16& label,
const base::string16& sublabel,
const base::string16& minor_text,
const gfx::ImageSkia& icon,
Type type,
ui::MenuSeparatorType separator_style);
// Returns the view that contains child menu items. If the submenu has
// not been creates, this creates it.
virtual SubmenuView* CreateSubmenu();
// Returns true if this menu item has a submenu.
virtual bool HasSubmenu() const;
// Returns the view containing child menu items.
virtual SubmenuView* GetSubmenu() const;
// Returns the parent menu item.
MenuItemView* GetParentMenuItem() { return parent_menu_item_; }
const MenuItemView* GetParentMenuItem() const { return parent_menu_item_; }
// Sets/Gets the title.
void SetTitle(const base::string16& title);
const base::string16& title() const { return title_; }
// Sets the subtitle.
void SetSubtitle(const base::string16& subtitle);
// Sets the minor text.
void SetMinorText(const base::string16& minor_text);
// Returns the type of this menu.
const Type& GetType() const { return type_; }
// Sets whether this item is selected. This is invoked as the user moves
// the mouse around the menu while open.
void SetSelected(bool selected);
// Returns true if the item is selected.
bool IsSelected() const { return selected_; }
// Sets the |tooltip| for a menu item view with |item_id| identifier.
void SetTooltip(const base::string16& tooltip, int item_id);
// Sets the icon for the descendant identified by item_id.
void SetIcon(const gfx::ImageSkia& icon, int item_id);
// Sets the icon of this menu item.
void SetIcon(const gfx::ImageSkia& icon);
// Sets the view used to render the icon. This clobbers any icon set via
// SetIcon(). MenuItemView takes ownership of |icon_view|.
void SetIconView(View* icon_view);
View* icon_view() { return icon_view_; }
// Sets the command id of this menu item.
void SetCommand(int command) { command_ = command; }
// Returns the command id of this item.
int GetCommand() const { return command_; }
// Paints the menu item.
virtual void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) OVERRIDE;
// Returns the preferred size of this item.
virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() OVERRIDE;
// Return the preferred dimensions of the item in pixel.
const MenuItemDimensions& GetDimensions();
// Returns the object responsible for controlling showing the menu.
MenuController* GetMenuController();
const MenuController* GetMenuController() const;
// Returns the delegate. This returns the delegate of the root menu item.
MenuDelegate* GetDelegate();
const MenuDelegate* GetDelegate() const;
void set_delegate(MenuDelegate* delegate) { delegate_ = delegate; }
// Returns the root parent, or this if this has no parent.
MenuItemView* GetRootMenuItem();
const MenuItemView* GetRootMenuItem() const;
// Returns the mnemonic for this MenuItemView, or 0 if this MenuItemView
// doesn't have a mnemonic.
base::char16 GetMnemonic();
// Do we have icons? This only has effect on the top menu. Turning this on
// makes the menus slightly wider and taller.
void set_has_icons(bool has_icons) {
has_icons_ = has_icons;
bool has_icons() const { return has_icons_; }
// Returns the descendant with the specified command.
MenuItemView* GetMenuItemByID(int id);
// Invoke if you remove/add children to the menu while it's showing. This
// recalculates the bounds.
void ChildrenChanged();
// Sizes any child views.
virtual void Layout() OVERRIDE;
// Returns true if the menu has mnemonics. This only useful on the root menu
// item.
bool has_mnemonics() const { return has_mnemonics_; }
// Set top and bottom margins in pixels. If no margin is set or a
// negative margin is specified then MenuConfig values are used.
void SetMargins(int top_margin, int bottom_margin);
// Suppress the right margin if this is set to false.
void set_use_right_margin(bool use_right_margin) {
use_right_margin_ = use_right_margin;
// Returns a reference to MenuConfig to be used with this menu.
const MenuConfig& GetMenuConfig() const;
// Creates a MenuItemView. This is used by the various AddXXX methods.
MenuItemView(MenuItemView* parent, int command, Type type);
// MenuRunner owns MenuItemView and should be the only one deleting it.
virtual ~MenuItemView();
virtual void ChildPreferredSizeChanged(View* child) OVERRIDE;
virtual const char* GetClassName() const OVERRIDE;
// Returns the preferred size (and padding) of any children.
virtual gfx::Size GetChildPreferredSize();
// Returns the various margins.
int GetTopMargin();
int GetBottomMargin();
friend class internal::MenuRunnerImpl; // For access to ~MenuItemView.
enum PaintButtonMode { PB_NORMAL, PB_FOR_DRAG };
// Calculates all sizes that we can from the OS.
// This is invoked prior to Running a menu.
void UpdateMenuPartSizes();
// Called by the two constructors to initialize this menu item.
void Init(MenuItemView* parent,
int command,
MenuItemView::Type type,
MenuDelegate* delegate);
// The RunXXX methods call into this to set up the necessary state before
// running. |is_first_menu| is true if no menus are currently showing.
void PrepareForRun(bool is_first_menu,
bool has_mnemonics,
bool show_mnemonics);
// Returns the flags passed to DrawStringRect.
int GetDrawStringFlags();
// Returns the font list to use for menu text.
const gfx::FontList& GetFontList();
// If this menu item has no children a child is added showing it has no
// children. Otherwise AddEmtpyMenus is recursively invoked on child menu
// items that have children.
void AddEmptyMenus();
// Undoes the work of AddEmptyMenus.
void RemoveEmptyMenus();
// Given bounds within our View, this helper routine mirrors the bounds if
// necessary.
void AdjustBoundsForRTLUI(gfx::Rect* rect) const;
// Actual paint implementation. If mode is PB_FOR_DRAG, portions of the menu
// are not rendered.
void PaintButton(gfx::Canvas* canvas, PaintButtonMode mode);
// Paints the right-side text.
void PaintMinorText(gfx::Canvas* canvas, bool render_selection);
// Destroys the window used to display this menu and recursively destroys
// the windows used to display all descendants.
void DestroyAllMenuHosts();
// Returns the text that should be displayed on the end (right) of the menu
// item. This will be the accelerator (if one exists), otherwise |subtitle_|.
base::string16 GetMinorText();
// Calculates and returns the MenuItemDimensions.
MenuItemDimensions CalculateDimensions();
// Get the horizontal position at which to draw the menu item's label.
int GetLabelStartForThisItem();
// Used by MenuController to cache the menu position in use by the
// active menu.
MenuPosition actual_menu_position() const { return actual_menu_position_; }
void set_actual_menu_position(MenuPosition actual_menu_position) {
actual_menu_position_ = actual_menu_position;
void set_controller(MenuController* controller) { controller_ = controller; }
// Returns true if this MenuItemView contains a single child
// that is responsible for rendering the content.
bool IsContainer() const;
// Returns number of child views excluding icon_view.
int NonIconChildViewsCount() const;
// Returns the max icon width; recurses over submenus.
int GetMaxIconViewWidth() const;
// Returns true if the menu has items with a checkbox or a radio button.
bool HasChecksOrRadioButtons() const;
void invalidate_dimensions() { dimensions_.height = 0; }
bool is_dimensions_valid() const { return dimensions_.height > 0; }
// The delegate. This is only valid for the root menu item. You shouldn't
// use this directly, instead use GetDelegate() which walks the tree as
// as necessary.
MenuDelegate* delegate_;
// The controller for the run operation, or NULL if the menu isn't showing.
MenuController* controller_;
// Used to detect when Cancel was invoked.
bool canceled_;
// Our parent.
MenuItemView* parent_menu_item_;
// Type of menu. NOTE: MenuItemView doesn't itself represent SEPARATOR,
// that is handled by an entirely different view class.
Type type_;
// Whether we're selected.
bool selected_;
// Command id.
int command_;
// Submenu, created via CreateSubmenu.
SubmenuView* submenu_;
// Title.
base::string16 title_;
// Subtitle/sublabel.
base::string16 subtitle_;
// Minor text.
base::string16 minor_text_;
// Does the title have a mnemonic? Only useful on the root menu item.
bool has_mnemonics_;
// Should we show the mnemonic? Mnemonics are shown if this is true or
// MenuConfig says mnemonics should be shown. Only used on the root menu item.
bool show_mnemonics_;
// Set if menu has icons or icon_views (applies to root menu item only).
bool has_icons_;
// Pointer to a view with a menu icon.
View* icon_view_;
// The tooltip to show on hover for this menu item.
base::string16 tooltip_;
// Width of a menu icon area.
static int icon_area_width_;
// X-coordinate of where the label starts.
static int label_start_;
// Margins between the right of the item and the label.
static int item_right_margin_;
// Preferred height of menu items. Reset every time a menu is run.
static int pref_menu_height_;
// Cached dimensions. This is cached as text sizing calculations are quite
// costly.
MenuItemDimensions dimensions_;
// Removed items to be deleted in ChildrenChanged().
std::vector<View*> removed_items_;
// Margins in pixels.
int top_margin_;
int bottom_margin_;
// Horizontal icon margins in pixels, which can differ between MenuItems.
// These values will be set in the layout process.
int left_icon_margin_;
int right_icon_margin_;
// |menu_position_| is the requested position with respect to the bounds.
// |actual_menu_position_| is used by the controller to cache the
// position of the menu being shown.
MenuPosition requested_menu_position_;
MenuPosition actual_menu_position_;
// If set to false, the right margin will be removed for menu lines
// containing other elements.
bool use_right_margin_;
} // namespace views