blob: 3ac1ee851124a774614ba9a539e637f2508b74f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/r_tree.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace gfx {
class RTreeTest : public ::testing::Test {
// Given a pointer to an RTree, traverse it and verify its internal structure
// is consistent with the RTree semantics.
void ValidateRTree(RTree* rt) {
// If RTree is empty it should have an empty rectangle.
if (!rt->root_->count()) {
EXPECT_EQ(rt->root_->level(), 0);
// Root is allowed to have fewer than min_children_ but never more than
// max_children_.
EXPECT_LE(rt->root_->count(), rt->max_children_);
// The root should never be a record node.
EXPECT_GT(rt->root_->level(), -1);
// The root should never have a parent pointer.
// Bounds must be consistent on the root.
// We traverse root's children ourselves, so we can avoid asserts about
// root's potential inconsistencies.
for (size_t i = 0; i < rt->root_->children_.size(); ++i) {
rt->root_->children_[i], rt->min_children_, rt->max_children_);
// Recursive descent method used by ValidateRTree to check each node within
// the RTree for consistency with RTree semantics.
void ValidateNode(RTree::Node* node,
size_t min_children,
size_t max_children) {
// Record nodes have different requirements, handle up front.
if (node->level() == -1) {
// Record nodes may have no children.
EXPECT_EQ(node->count(), 0U);
// They must have an associated non-NULL key.
// They must always have a parent.
// Non-record node, normal expectations apply.
EXPECT_GE(node->count(), min_children);
EXPECT_LE(node->count(), max_children);
EXPECT_EQ(node->key(), 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->children_.size(); ++i) {
ValidateNode(node->children_[i], min_children, max_children);
// Check bounds are consistent with children bounds, and other checks
// convenient to do while enumerating the children of node.
void CheckBoundsConsistent(RTree::Node* node) {
Rect check_bounds;
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->children_.size(); ++i) {
RTree::Node* child_node = node->children_[i];
EXPECT_EQ(node->level() - 1, child_node->level());
EXPECT_EQ(node, child_node->parent());
EXPECT_EQ(node->rect_, check_bounds);
// Adds count squares stacked around the point (0,0) with key equal to width.
void AddStackedSquares(RTree* rt, int count) {
for (int i = 1; i <= count; ++i) {
rt->Insert(Rect(0, 0, i, i), i);
// Given an unordered list of matching keys, verify that it contains all
// values [1..length] for the length of that list.
void VerifyAllKeys(const base::hash_set<intptr_t>& keys) {
// Verify that the keys are in values [1,count].
for (size_t i = 1; i <= keys.size(); ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(keys.count(i), 1U);
// Given a node and a rectangle, builds an expanded rectangle list where the
// ith element of the rectangle is union of the recangle of the ith child of
// the node and the argument rectangle.
void BuildExpandedRects(RTree::Node* node,
const Rect& rect,
std::vector<Rect>* expanded_rects) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->children_.size(); ++i) {
Rect expanded_rect(rect);
// An empty RTree should never return Query results, and RTrees should be empty
// upon construction.
TEST_F(RTreeTest, QueryEmptyTree) {
RTree rt(2, 10);
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results;
Rect test_rect(25, 25);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 0U);
// Clear should empty the tree, meaning that all queries should not return
// results after.
TEST_F(RTreeTest, ClearEmptiesTreeOfSingleNode) {
RTree rt(2, 5);
rt.Insert(Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), 1);
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results;
Rect test_rect(1, 1);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 0U);
// Even with a complex internal structure, clear should empty the tree, meaning
// that all queries should not return results after.
TEST_F(RTreeTest, ClearEmptiesTreeOfManyNodes) {
RTree rt(2, 5);
AddStackedSquares(&rt, 100);
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results;
Rect test_rect(1, 1);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 0U);
// Duplicate inserts should overwrite previous inserts.
TEST_F(RTreeTest, DuplicateInsertsOverwrite) {
RTree rt(2, 5);
// Add 100 stacked squares, but always with duplicate key of 1.
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {
rt.Insert(Rect(0, 0, i, i), 1);
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results;
Rect test_rect(1, 1);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(results.count(1), 1U);
// Call Remove() once on something that's been inserted repeatedly.
TEST_F(RTreeTest, DuplicateInsertRemove) {
RTree rt(3, 9);
AddStackedSquares(&rt, 25);
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {
rt.Insert(Rect(0, 0, i, i), 26);
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results;
Rect test_rect(1, 1);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 25U);
// Call Remove() repeatedly on something that's been inserted once.
TEST_F(RTreeTest, InsertDuplicateRemove) {
RTree rt(7, 15);
AddStackedSquares(&rt, 101);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results;
Rect test_rect(1, 1);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 100U);
// Stacked rects should meet all matching queries regardless of nesting.
TEST_F(RTreeTest, QueryStackedSquaresNestedHit) {
RTree rt(2, 5);
AddStackedSquares(&rt, 100);
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results;
Rect test_rect(1, 1);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 100U);
// Stacked rects should meet all matching queries when contained completely by
// the query rectangle.
TEST_F(RTreeTest, QueryStackedSquaresContainedHit) {
RTree rt(2, 10);
AddStackedSquares(&rt, 100);
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results;
Rect test_rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 100U);
// Stacked rects should miss a missing query when the query has no intersection
// with the rects.
TEST_F(RTreeTest, QueryStackedSquaresCompleteMiss) {
RTree rt(2, 7);
AddStackedSquares(&rt, 100);
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results;
Rect test_rect(150, 150, 100, 100);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 0U);
// Removing half the nodes after insertion should still result in a valid tree.
TEST_F(RTreeTest, RemoveHalfStackedRects) {
RTree rt(2, 11);
AddStackedSquares(&rt, 200);
for (int i = 101; i <= 200; ++i) {
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results;
Rect test_rect(1, 1);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 100U);
// Add the nodes back in.
for (int i = 101; i <= 200; ++i) {
rt.Insert(Rect(0, 0, i, i), i);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 200U);
TEST_F(RTreeTest, InsertNegativeCoordsRect) {
RTree rt(5, 11);
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {
rt.Insert(Rect(-i, -i, i, i), (i * 2) - 1);
rt.Insert(Rect(0, 0, i, i), i * 2);
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results;
Rect test_rect(-1, -1, 2, 2);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 200U);
TEST_F(RTreeTest, RemoveNegativeCoordsRect) {
RTree rt(7, 21);
// Add 100 positive stacked squares.
AddStackedSquares(&rt, 100);
// Now add 100 negative stacked squares.
for (int i = 101; i <= 200; ++i) {
rt.Insert(Rect(100 - i, 100 - i, i - 100, i - 100), 301 - i);
// Now remove half of the negative squares.
for (int i = 101; i <= 150; ++i) {
rt.Remove(301 - i);
// Queries should return 100 positive and 50 negative stacked squares.
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results;
Rect test_rect(-1, -1, 2, 2);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 150U);
TEST_F(RTreeTest, InsertEmptyRectReplacementRemovesKey) {
RTree rt(10, 31);
AddStackedSquares(&rt, 50);
// Replace last square with empty rect.
rt.Insert(Rect(), 50);
// Now query large area to get all rects in tree.
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results;
Rect test_rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
rt.Query(test_rect, &results);
// Should only be 49 rects in tree.
EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), 49U);
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeRemoveNodesForReinsert) {
// Make a leaf node for testing removal from.
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> test_node(new RTree::Node(0));
// Build 20 record nodes with rectangle centers going from (1,1) to (20,20)
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; ++i) {
test_node->AddChild(new RTree::Node(Rect(i - 1, i - 1, 2, 2), i));
// Quick verification of the node before removing children.
ValidateNode(test_node.get(), 1U, 20U);
// Use a scoped vector to delete all children that get removed from the Node.
ScopedVector<RTree::Node> removals;
test_node->RemoveNodesForReinsert(1, &removals);
// Should have gotten back 1 node pointers.
EXPECT_EQ(removals.size(), 1U);
// There should be 19 left in the test_node.
EXPECT_EQ(test_node->count(), 19U);
// If we fix up the bounds on the test_node, it should verify.
ValidateNode(test_node.get(), 2U, 20U);
// The node we removed should be node 10, as it was exactly in the center.
EXPECT_EQ(removals[0]->key(), 10);
// Now remove the next 2.
test_node->RemoveNodesForReinsert(2, &removals);
EXPECT_EQ(removals.size(), 2U);
EXPECT_EQ(test_node->count(), 17U);
ValidateNode(test_node.get(), 2U, 20U);
// Lastly the 2 nodes we should have gotten back are keys 9 and 11, as their
// centers were the closest to the center of the node bounding box.
base::hash_set<intptr_t> results_hash;
EXPECT_EQ(results_hash.count(9), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(results_hash.count(11), 1U);
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeCompareVertical) {
// One rect with lower y than another should always sort lower than higher y.
RTree::Node low(Rect(0, 1, 10, 10), 1);
RTree::Node middle(Rect(0, 5, 10, 10), 5);
EXPECT_TRUE(RTree::Node::CompareVertical(&low, &middle));
EXPECT_FALSE(RTree::Node::CompareVertical(&middle, &low));
// Try a non-overlapping higher-y rectangle.
RTree::Node high(Rect(-10, 20, 10, 1), 10);
EXPECT_TRUE(RTree::Node::CompareVertical(&low, &high));
EXPECT_FALSE(RTree::Node::CompareVertical(&high, &low));
// Ties are broken by lowest bottom y value.
RTree::Node shorter_tie(Rect(10, 1, 100, 2), 2);
EXPECT_TRUE(RTree::Node::CompareVertical(&shorter_tie, &low));
EXPECT_FALSE(RTree::Node::CompareVertical(&low, &shorter_tie));
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeCompareHorizontal) {
// One rect with lower x than another should always sort lower than higher x.
RTree::Node low(Rect(1, 0, 10, 10), 1);
RTree::Node middle(Rect(5, 0, 10, 10), 5);
EXPECT_TRUE(RTree::Node::CompareHorizontal(&low, &middle));
EXPECT_FALSE(RTree::Node::CompareHorizontal(&middle, &low));
// Try a non-overlapping higher-x rectangle.
RTree::Node high(Rect(20, -10, 1, 10), 10);
EXPECT_TRUE(RTree::Node::CompareHorizontal(&low, &high));
EXPECT_FALSE(RTree::Node::CompareHorizontal(&high, &low));
// Ties are broken by lowest bottom x value.
RTree::Node shorter_tie(Rect(1, 10, 2, 100), 2);
EXPECT_TRUE(RTree::Node::CompareHorizontal(&shorter_tie, &low));
EXPECT_FALSE(RTree::Node::CompareHorizontal(&low, &shorter_tie));
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeCompareCenterDistanceFromParent) {
// Create a test node we can add children to, for distance comparisons.
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> parent(new RTree::Node(0));
// Add three children, one each with centers at (0, 0), (10, 10), (-9, -9),
// around which a bounding box will be centered at (0, 0)
RTree::Node* center_zero = new RTree::Node(Rect(-1, -1, 2, 2), 1);
RTree::Node* center_positive = new RTree::Node(Rect(9, 9, 2, 2), 2);
RTree::Node* center_negative = new RTree::Node(Rect(-10, -10, 2, 2), 3);
ValidateNode(parent.get(), 1U, 5U);
EXPECT_EQ(parent->rect_, Rect(-10, -10, 21, 21));
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeOverlapIncreaseToAdd) {
// Create a test node with three children, for overlap comparisons.
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> parent(new RTree::Node(0));
// Add three children, each 4 wide and tall, at (0, 0), (3, 3), (6, 6) with
// overlapping corners.
Rect top(0, 0, 4, 4);
parent->AddChild(new RTree::Node(top, 1));
Rect middle(3, 3, 4, 4);
parent->AddChild(new RTree::Node(middle, 2));
Rect bottom(6, 6, 4, 4);
parent->AddChild(new RTree::Node(bottom, 3));
ValidateNode(parent.get(), 1U, 5U);
// Test a rect in corner.
Rect corner(0, 0, 1, 1);
Rect expanded = top;
// It should not add any overlap to add this to the first child at (0, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(parent->OverlapIncreaseToAdd(corner, 0, expanded), 0);
expanded = middle;
// Overlap for middle rectangle should increase from 2 pixels at (3, 3) and
// (6, 6) to 17 pixels, as it will now cover 4x4 rectangle top,
// so a change of +15
EXPECT_EQ(parent->OverlapIncreaseToAdd(corner, 1, expanded), 15);
expanded = bottom;
// Overlap for bottom rectangle should increase from 1 pixel at (6, 6) to
// 32 pixels, as it will now cover both 4x4 rectangles top and middle,
// so a change of 31
EXPECT_EQ(parent->OverlapIncreaseToAdd(corner, 2, expanded), 31);
// Test a rect that doesn't overlap with anything, in the far right corner.
Rect far_corner(9, 0, 1, 1);
expanded = top;
// Overlap of top should go from 1 to 4, as it will now cover the entire first
// row of pixels in middle.
EXPECT_EQ(parent->OverlapIncreaseToAdd(far_corner, 0, expanded), 3);
expanded = middle;
// Overlap of middle should go from 2 to 8, as it will cover the rightmost 4
// pixels of top and the top 4 pixles of bottom as it expands.
EXPECT_EQ(parent->OverlapIncreaseToAdd(far_corner, 1, expanded), 6);
expanded = bottom;
// Overlap of bottom should go from 1 to 4, as it will now cover the rightmost
// 4 pixels of middle.
EXPECT_EQ(parent->OverlapIncreaseToAdd(far_corner, 2, expanded), 3);
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeBuildLowBounds) {
ScopedVector<RTree::Node> nodes;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
nodes.push_back(new RTree::Node(Rect(0, 0, i, i), i));
std::vector<Rect> vertical_bounds;
std::vector<Rect> horizontal_bounds;
nodes.get(), nodes.get(), &vertical_bounds, &horizontal_bounds);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(vertical_bounds[i], Rect(0, 0, i + 1, i + 1));
EXPECT_EQ(horizontal_bounds[i], Rect(0, 0, i + 1, i + 1));
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeBuildHighBounds) {
ScopedVector<RTree::Node> nodes;
for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) {
nodes.push_back(new RTree::Node(Rect(i, i, 25 - i, 25 - i), i));
std::vector<Rect> vertical_bounds;
std::vector<Rect> horizontal_bounds;
nodes.get(), nodes.get(), &vertical_bounds, &horizontal_bounds);
for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(vertical_bounds[i], Rect(i, i, 25 - i, 25 - i));
EXPECT_EQ(horizontal_bounds[i], Rect(i, i, 25 - i, 25 - i));
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeChooseSplitAxisAndIndex) {
std::vector<Rect> low_vertical_bounds;
std::vector<Rect> high_vertical_bounds;
std::vector<Rect> low_horizontal_bounds;
std::vector<Rect> high_horizontal_bounds;
// In this test scenario we describe a mirrored, stacked configuration of
// horizontal, 1 pixel high rectangles labeled a-f like this:
// shape: | v sort: | h sort: |
// -------+---------+---------+
// aaaaa | 0 | 0 |
// bbb | 1 | 2 |
// c | 2 | 4 |
// d | 3 | 5 |
// eee | 4 | 3 |
// fffff | 5 | 1 |
// These are already sorted vertically from top to bottom. Bounding rectangles
// of these vertically sorted will be 5 wide, i tall bounding boxes.
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
low_vertical_bounds.push_back(Rect(0, 0, 5, i + 1));
high_vertical_bounds.push_back(Rect(0, i, 5, 6 - i));
// Low bounds of horizontal sort start with bounds of box a and then jump to
// cover everything, as box f is second in horizontal sort.
low_horizontal_bounds.push_back(Rect(0, 0, 5, 1));
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
low_horizontal_bounds.push_back(Rect(0, 0, 5, 6));
// High horizontal bounds are hand-calculated.
high_horizontal_bounds.push_back(Rect(0, 0, 5, 6));
high_horizontal_bounds.push_back(Rect(0, 1, 5, 5));
high_horizontal_bounds.push_back(Rect(1, 1, 3, 4));
high_horizontal_bounds.push_back(Rect(1, 2, 3, 3));
high_horizontal_bounds.push_back(Rect(2, 2, 1, 2));
high_horizontal_bounds.push_back(Rect(2, 3, 1, 1));
// This should split vertically, right down the middle.
2, 5, low_vertical_bounds, high_vertical_bounds));
// We rotate the shape to test horizontal split axis detection:
// +--------+
// | a f |
// | ab ef |
// sort: | abcdef |
// | ab ef |
// | a f |
// |--------+
// v sort: | 024531 |
// h sort: | 012345 |
// +--------+
// Clear out old bounds first.
// Low bounds of vertical sort start with bounds of box a and then jump to
// cover everything, as box f is second in vertical sort.
low_vertical_bounds.push_back(Rect(0, 0, 1, 5));
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
low_vertical_bounds.push_back(Rect(0, 0, 6, 5));
// High vertical bounds are hand-calculated.
high_vertical_bounds.push_back(Rect(0, 0, 6, 5));
high_vertical_bounds.push_back(Rect(1, 0, 5, 5));
high_vertical_bounds.push_back(Rect(1, 1, 4, 3));
high_vertical_bounds.push_back(Rect(2, 1, 3, 3));
high_vertical_bounds.push_back(Rect(2, 2, 2, 1));
high_vertical_bounds.push_back(Rect(3, 2, 1, 1));
// These are already sorted horizontally from left to right. Bounding
// rectangles of these horizontally sorted will be i wide, 5 tall bounding
// boxes.
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
low_horizontal_bounds.push_back(Rect(0, 0, i + 1, 5));
high_horizontal_bounds.push_back(Rect(i, 0, 6 - i, 5));
// This should split horizontally, right down the middle.
2, 5, low_horizontal_bounds, high_horizontal_bounds));
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeDivideChildren) {
// Create a test node to split.
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> test_node(new RTree::Node(0));
std::vector<RTree::Node*> sorted_children;
std::vector<Rect> low_bounds;
std::vector<Rect> high_bounds;
// Insert 10 record nodes, also inserting them into our children array.
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
RTree::Node* node = new RTree::Node(Rect(0, 0, i, i), i);
low_bounds.push_back(Rect(0, 0, i, i));
high_bounds.push_back(Rect(0, 0, 10, 10));
// Split the children in half.
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> split_node(
test_node->DivideChildren(low_bounds, high_bounds, sorted_children, 5));
// Both nodes should be valid.
ValidateNode(test_node.get(), 1U, 10U);
ValidateNode(split_node.get(), 1U, 10U);
// Both nodes should have five children.
EXPECT_EQ(test_node->children_.size(), 5U);
EXPECT_EQ(split_node->children_.size(), 5U);
// Test node should have children 1-5, split node should have children 6-10.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(test_node->children_[i]->key(), i + 1);
EXPECT_EQ(split_node->children_[i]->key(), i + 6);
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeRemoveChildNoOrphans) {
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> test_parent(new RTree::Node(0));
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> child_one(new RTree::Node(Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), 1));
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> child_two(new RTree::Node(Rect(0, 0, 2, 2), 2));
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> child_three(new RTree::Node(Rect(0, 0, 3, 3), 3));
ValidateNode(test_parent.get(), 1U, 5U);
// Remove the middle node.
ScopedVector<RTree::Node> orphans;
EXPECT_EQ(test_parent->RemoveChild(child_two.get(), &orphans), 2U);
EXPECT_EQ(orphans.size(), 0U);
EXPECT_EQ(test_parent->count(), 2U);
ValidateNode(test_parent.get(), 1U, 5U);
// Remove the end node.
EXPECT_EQ(test_parent->RemoveChild(child_three.get(), &orphans), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(orphans.size(), 0U);
EXPECT_EQ(test_parent->count(), 1U);
ValidateNode(test_parent.get(), 1U, 5U);
// Remove the first node.
EXPECT_EQ(test_parent->RemoveChild(child_one.get(), &orphans), 0U);
EXPECT_EQ(orphans.size(), 0U);
EXPECT_EQ(test_parent->count(), 0U);
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeRemoveChildOrphans) {
// Build flattened binary tree of Nodes 4 deep, from the record nodes up.
ScopedVector<RTree::Node> nodes;
// Indicies 7 through 15 are record nodes.
for (int i = 7; i < 15; ++i) {
nodes[i] = new RTree::Node(Rect(0, 0, i, i), i);
// Nodes 3 through 6 are level 0 (leaves) and get 2 record nodes each.
for (int i = 3; i < 7; ++i) {
nodes[i] = new RTree::Node(0);
nodes[i]->AddChild(nodes[(i * 2) + 1]);
nodes[i]->AddChild(nodes[(i * 2) + 2]);
// Nodes 1 and 2 are level 1 and get 2 leaves each.
for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) {
nodes[i] = new RTree::Node(1);
nodes[i]->AddChild(nodes[(i * 2) + 1]);
nodes[i]->AddChild(nodes[(i * 2) + 2]);
// Node 0 is level 2 and gets 2 childen.
nodes[0] = new RTree::Node(2);
// This should now be a valid node structure.
ValidateNode(nodes[0], 2U, 2U);
// Now remove the level 0 nodes, so we get the record nodes as orphans.
ScopedVector<RTree::Node> orphans;
EXPECT_EQ(nodes[1]->RemoveChild(nodes[3], &orphans), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(nodes[1]->RemoveChild(nodes[4], &orphans), 0U);
EXPECT_EQ(nodes[2]->RemoveChild(nodes[5], &orphans), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(nodes[2]->RemoveChild(nodes[6], &orphans), 0U);
// Orphans should be nodes 7 through 15 in order.
EXPECT_EQ(orphans.size(), 8U);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(orphans[i], nodes[i + 7]);
// Now we remove nodes 1 and 2 from the root, expecting no further orphans.
// This prevents a crash due to double-delete on test exit, as no node should
// own any other node right now.
EXPECT_EQ(nodes[0]->RemoveChild(nodes[1], &orphans), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(orphans.size(), 8U);
EXPECT_EQ(nodes[0]->RemoveChild(nodes[2], &orphans), 0U);
EXPECT_EQ(orphans.size(), 8U);
// Prevent double-delete of nodes by both nodes and orphans.
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeRemoveAndReturnLastChild) {
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> test_parent(new RTree::Node(0));
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> child_one(new RTree::Node(Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), 1));
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> child_two(new RTree::Node(Rect(0, 0, 2, 2), 2));
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> child_three(new RTree::Node(Rect(0, 0, 3, 3), 3));
ValidateNode(test_parent.get(), 1U, 5U);
EXPECT_EQ(test_parent->count(), 2U);
ValidateNode(test_parent.get(), 1U, 5U);
EXPECT_EQ(test_parent->RemoveAndReturnLastChild().release(), child_two.get());
EXPECT_EQ(test_parent->count(), 1U);
ValidateNode(test_parent.get(), 1U, 5U);
EXPECT_EQ(test_parent->RemoveAndReturnLastChild().release(), child_one.get());
EXPECT_EQ(test_parent->count(), 0U);
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeLeastOverlapIncrease) {
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> test_parent(new RTree::Node(0));
// Construct 4 nodes with 1x2 retangles spaced horizontally 1 pixel apart, or:
// a b c d
// a b c d
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
test_parent->AddChild(new RTree::Node(Rect(i * 2, 0, 1, 2), i + 1));
ValidateNode(test_parent.get(), 1U, 5U);
// Test rect at (7, 0) should require minimum overlap on the part of the
// fourth rectangle to add:
// a b c dT
// a b c d
Rect test_rect_far(7, 0, 1, 1);
std::vector<Rect> expanded_rects;
BuildExpandedRects(test_parent.get(), test_rect_far, &expanded_rects);
RTree::Node* result =
test_parent->LeastOverlapIncrease(test_rect_far, expanded_rects);
EXPECT_EQ(result->key(), 4);
// Test rect covering the bottom half of all children should be a 4-way tie,
// so LeastOverlapIncrease should return NULL:
// a b c d
Rect test_rect_tie(0, 1, 7, 1);
BuildExpandedRects(test_parent.get(), test_rect_tie, &expanded_rects);
result = test_parent->LeastOverlapIncrease(test_rect_tie, expanded_rects);
EXPECT_TRUE(result == NULL);
// Test rect completely inside c should return the third rectangle:
// a b T d
// a b c d
Rect test_rect_inside(4, 0, 1, 1);
BuildExpandedRects(test_parent.get(), test_rect_inside, &expanded_rects);
result = test_parent->LeastOverlapIncrease(test_rect_inside, expanded_rects);
EXPECT_EQ(result->key(), 3);
// Add a rectangle that overlaps completely with rectangle c, to test
// when there is a tie between two completely contained rectangles:
// a b Ted
// a b eed
test_parent->AddChild(new RTree::Node(Rect(4, 0, 2, 2), 9));
BuildExpandedRects(test_parent.get(), test_rect_inside, &expanded_rects);
result = test_parent->LeastOverlapIncrease(test_rect_inside, expanded_rects);
EXPECT_TRUE(result == NULL);
TEST_F(RTreeTest, NodeLeastAreaEnlargement) {
scoped_ptr<RTree::Node> test_parent(new RTree::Node(0));
// Construct 4 nodes in a cross-hairs style configuration:
// a
// b c
// d
test_parent->AddChild(new RTree::Node(Rect(1, 0, 1, 1), 1));
test_parent->AddChild(new RTree::Node(Rect(0, 1, 1, 1), 2));
test_parent->AddChild(new RTree::Node(Rect(2, 1, 1, 1), 3));
test_parent->AddChild(new RTree::Node(Rect(1, 2, 1, 1), 4));
ValidateNode(test_parent.get(), 1U, 5U);
// Test rect at (1, 3) should require minimum area to add to Node d:
// a
// b c
// d
// T
Rect test_rect_below(1, 3, 1, 1);
std::vector<Rect> expanded_rects;
BuildExpandedRects(test_parent.get(), test_rect_below, &expanded_rects);
RTree::Node* result =
test_parent->LeastAreaEnlargement(test_rect_below, expanded_rects);
EXPECT_EQ(result->key(), 4);
// Test rect completely inside b should require minimum area to add to Node b:
// a
// T c
// d
Rect test_rect_inside(0, 1, 1, 1);
BuildExpandedRects(test_parent.get(), test_rect_inside, &expanded_rects);
result = test_parent->LeastAreaEnlargement(test_rect_inside, expanded_rects);
EXPECT_EQ(result->key(), 2);
// Add e at (0, 1) to overlap b and c, to test tie-breaking:
// a
// eee
// d
test_parent->AddChild(new RTree::Node(Rect(0, 1, 3, 1), 7));
ValidateNode(test_parent.get(), 1U, 5U);
// Test rect at (3, 1) should tie between c and e, but c has smaller area so
// the algorithm should select c:
// a
// eeeT
// d
Rect test_rect_tie_breaker(3, 1, 1, 1);
BuildExpandedRects(test_parent.get(), test_rect_tie_breaker, &expanded_rects);
result =
test_parent->LeastAreaEnlargement(test_rect_tie_breaker, expanded_rects);
EXPECT_EQ(result->key(), 3);
} // namespace gfx