blob: 173fa3190b90667fcebf3d63d913bd37d0ce2ea7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module {
struct INode {
uint32 parent_id;
uint32 node_id;
uint32 view_id;
// Functions that mutate the hierarchy take a |change_id|. |change_id| is an
// arbitrary value assigned by the client originating the change. It may be
// used by the client originating the change to later identify the change in
// an OnNodeHierarchyChanged callback. |change_id| is only passed to the client
// that originated the change; all other clients get a value of 0.
// Nodes are identified by a uint32. The upper 16 bits are the connection id,
// and the lower 16 the id assigned by the client. CreateNode() only takes a
// uint16 as the connection id of the originating connection is used.
// The root node is identified with a connection id of 0, and value of 1.
interface IViewManager {
// Creates a new node with the specified id. It is up to the client to ensure
// the id is unique to the connection (the id need not be globally unique).
CreateNode(uint16 node_id) => (bool success);
// Deletes a node. This does not recurse. Children are removed from the node
// before it is destroyed.
DeleteNode(uint32 node_id, uint32 change_id) => (bool success);
// Reparents a node. See description above class for details of |change_id|.
AddNode(uint32 parent, uint32 child, uint32 change_id) => (bool success);
// Removes a view from its current parent. See description above class for
// details of |change_id|.
RemoveNodeFromParent(uint32 node_id, uint32 change_id) => (bool success);
// Returns the nodes comprising the tree starting at |node_id|. |node_id| is
// the first result in the return value, unless |node_id| is invalid, in which
// case an empty vector is returned. The nodes are visited using a depth first
// search (pre-order).
GetNodeTree(uint32 node_id) => (INode[] nodes);
// Creates a new view with the specified id. It is up to the client to ensure
// the id is unique to the connection (the id need not be globally unique).
CreateView(uint16 view_id) => (bool success);
// Deletes the view with the specified id.
DeleteView(uint32 view_id, uint32 change_id) => (bool success);
// Sets the view a node is showing.
SetView(uint32 node_id, uint32 view_id, uint32 change_id) => (bool success);
interface IViewManagerClient {
// Invoked once the connection has been established. |connection_id| is the id
// used to uniquely identify the connection.
OnConnectionEstablished(uint16 connection_id);
// Invoked when a change is done to the hierarchy. A value of 0 is used to
// identify a null node. For example, if the old_parent is NULL, 0 is
// supplied. See description above ViewManager for details on |change_id|.
OnNodeHierarchyChanged(uint32 node,
uint32 new_parent,
uint32 old_parent,
uint32 change_id);
// Invoked when the view associated with a node is replaced by another view.
// 0 is used to identify a null view.
OnNodeViewReplaced(uint32 node,
uint32 new_view_id,
uint32 old_view_id,
uint32 change_id);