blob: ea1eb0b7c41f2111d66901f73ebb26d3c8c50677 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/cast/transport/rtp_sender/packet_storage/packet_storage.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace media {
namespace cast {
namespace transport {
// Limit the max time delay to avoid frame id wrap around; 256 / 60 fps.
const int kMaxAllowedTimeStoredMs = 4000;
typedef PacketMap::iterator PacketMapIterator;
typedef TimeToPacketMap::iterator TimeToPacketIterator;
PacketStorage::PacketStorage(base::TickClock* clock, int max_time_stored_ms)
: clock_(clock) {
max_time_stored_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(max_time_stored_ms);
DCHECK_LE(max_time_stored_ms, kMaxAllowedTimeStoredMs) << "Invalid argument";
PacketStorage::~PacketStorage() {
void PacketStorage::CleanupOldPackets(base::TimeTicks now) {
TimeToPacketIterator time_it = time_to_packet_map_.begin();
// Check max size.
while (time_to_packet_map_.size() >= kMaxStoredPackets) {
PacketMapIterator store_it = stored_packets_.find(time_it->second);
// We should always find the packet.
DCHECK(store_it != stored_packets_.end()) << "Invalid state";
time_it = time_to_packet_map_.begin();
// Time out old packets.
while (time_it != time_to_packet_map_.end()) {
if (now < time_it->first + max_time_stored_) {
// Packet too old.
PacketMapIterator store_it = stored_packets_.find(time_it->second);
// We should always find the packet.
DCHECK(store_it != stored_packets_.end()) << "Invalid state";
time_it = time_to_packet_map_.begin();
void PacketStorage::StorePacket(uint32 frame_id,
uint16 packet_id,
const PacketKey& key,
PacketRef packet) {
base::TimeTicks now = clock_->NowTicks();
// Internally we only use the 8 LSB of the frame id.
uint32 index = ((0xff & frame_id) << 16) + packet_id;
PacketMapIterator it = stored_packets_.find(index);
if (it != stored_packets_.end()) {
// We have already saved this.
DCHECK(false) << "Invalid state";
stored_packets_[index] = std::make_pair(key, packet);
time_to_packet_map_.insert(std::make_pair(now, index));
void PacketStorage::GetPackets(
const MissingFramesAndPacketsMap& missing_frames_and_packets,
SendPacketVector* packets_to_resend) {
// Iterate over all frames in the list.
for (MissingFramesAndPacketsMap::const_iterator it =
it != missing_frames_and_packets.end();
++it) {
uint8 frame_id = it->first;
const PacketIdSet& packets_set = it->second;
bool success = false;
if (packets_set.empty()) {
VLOG(1) << "Missing all packets in frame " << static_cast<int>(frame_id);
uint16 packet_id = 0;
do {
// Get packet from storage.
success = GetPacket(frame_id, packet_id, packets_to_resend);
} while (success);
} else {
// Iterate over all of the packets in the frame.
for (PacketIdSet::const_iterator set_it = packets_set.begin();
set_it != packets_set.end();
++set_it) {
GetPacket(frame_id, *set_it, packets_to_resend);
bool PacketStorage::GetPacket(uint8 frame_id,
uint16 packet_id,
SendPacketVector* packets) {
// Internally we only use the 8 LSB of the frame id.
uint32 index = (static_cast<uint32>(frame_id) << 16) + packet_id;
PacketMapIterator it = stored_packets_.find(index);
if (it == stored_packets_.end()) {
return false;
// Minor trickery, the caller ( really wants a copy of the
// packet so that it can update the sequence number before it sends it to
// the transport. If the packet only has one ref, we can safely let
// have our packet and modify it. If it has more references
// then we must return a copy of it instead. This should really only happen
// when is trying to re-send a packet that is already in the
// queue to sent.
if (it->second.second->HasOneRef()) {
} else {
new base::RefCountedData<Packet>(
return true;
} // namespace transport
} // namespace cast
} // namespace media