blob: 0fbef5d0dc8d1f543640be7c9ddf790c70be9a06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "content/common/media/video_capture.h"
#include "content/renderer/media/media_stream_video_source.h"
namespace content {
// VideoCapturerDelegate is a delegate used by MediaStreamVideoCapturerSource
// for local video capturer. It uses VideoCaptureImplManager to start / stop
// and receive I420 frames from Chrome's video capture implementation.
// This is a render thread only object.
class CONTENT_EXPORT VideoCapturerDelegate
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<VideoCapturerDelegate> {
typedef base::Callback<void(bool running)> StartedCallback;
explicit VideoCapturerDelegate(
const StreamDeviceInfo& device_info);
// Collects the formats that can currently be used.
// |max_requested_height| and |max_requested_width| is used by Tab and Screen
// capture to decide what resolution to generate.
// |callback| is triggered when the formats have been collected.
virtual void GetCurrentSupportedFormats(
int max_requested_width,
int max_requested_height,
const VideoCaptureDeviceFormatsCB& callback);
// Starts capturing frames using the resolution in |params|.
// |new_frame_callback| is triggered when a new video frame is available.
// |started_callback| is triggered before the first video frame is received
// or if the underlying video capturer fails to start.
virtual void StartCapture(
const media::VideoCaptureParams& params,
const VideoCaptureDeliverFrameCB& new_frame_callback,
const StartedCallback& started_callback);
// Stops capturing frames and clears all callbacks including the
// SupportedFormatsCallback callback.
virtual void StopCapture();
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<VideoCapturerDelegate>;
friend class MockVideoCapturerDelegate;
virtual ~VideoCapturerDelegate();
void OnFrameReadyOnRenderThread(
const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& frame,
const media::VideoCaptureFormat& format);
void OnStateUpdateOnRenderThread(VideoCaptureState state);
void OnDeviceFormatsInUseReceived(const media::VideoCaptureFormats& formats);
void OnDeviceSupportedFormatsEnumerated(
const media::VideoCaptureFormats& formats);
// The id identifies which video capture device is used for this video
// capture session.
media::VideoCaptureSessionId session_id_;
base::Closure release_device_cb_;
base::Closure stop_capture_cb_;
bool is_screen_cast_;
bool got_first_frame_;
// |new_frame_callback_| is provided to this class in StartToDeliver and must
// be valid until StopDeliver is called.
VideoCaptureDeliverFrameCB new_frame_callback_;
// |started_callback| is provided to this class in StartToDeliver and must be
// valid until StopDeliver is called.
StartedCallback started_callback_;
VideoCaptureDeviceFormatsCB source_formats_callback_;
// Bound to the render thread.
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
// Owned by WebMediaStreamSource in Blink as a representation of a video
// stream coming from a camera.
// This is a render thread only object. All methods must be called on the
// render thread.
class CONTENT_EXPORT MediaStreamVideoCapturerSource
: public MediaStreamVideoSource {
const StreamDeviceInfo& device_info,
const SourceStoppedCallback& stop_callback,
const scoped_refptr<VideoCapturerDelegate>& delegate);
virtual ~MediaStreamVideoCapturerSource();
// Implements MediaStreamVideoSource.
virtual void GetCurrentSupportedFormats(
int max_requested_width,
int max_requested_height) OVERRIDE;
virtual void StartSourceImpl(
const media::VideoCaptureParams& params) OVERRIDE;
virtual void StopSourceImpl() OVERRIDE;
// The delegate that provides video frames.
scoped_refptr<VideoCapturerDelegate> delegate_;
} // namespace content