blob: e9fd8377f4a64dae8bd43a3ea33846d4d3c725f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "cc/layers/delegated_frame_provider.h"
#include "cc/layers/delegated_frame_resource_collection.h"
#include "cc/resources/single_release_callback.h"
#include "cc/resources/texture_mailbox.h"
#include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_manager.h"
#include "content/browser/compositor/image_transport_factory.h"
#include "content/browser/compositor/owned_mailbox.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/delegated_frame_evictor.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_base.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/cursors/webcursor.h"
#include "content/common/gpu/client/gl_helper.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRegion.h"
#include "ui/aura/client/cursor_client_observer.h"
#include "ui/aura/client/focus_change_observer.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_delegate.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_tree_host_observer.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/text_input_client.h"
#include "ui/compositor/compositor.h"
#include "ui/compositor/compositor_observer.h"
#include "ui/compositor/compositor_vsync_manager.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_owner_delegate.h"
#include "ui/gfx/display_observer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/insets.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
#include "ui/wm/public/activation_change_observer.h"
#include "ui/wm/public/activation_delegate.h"
namespace aura {
class WindowTracker;
namespace client {
class ScopedTooltipDisabler;
namespace cc {
class CopyOutputRequest;
class CopyOutputResult;
class DelegatedFrameData;
namespace gfx {
class Canvas;
class Display;
namespace gpu {
struct Mailbox;
namespace ui {
class CompositorLock;
class CompositorVSyncManager;
class InputMethod;
class LocatedEvent;
class Texture;
namespace content {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
class LegacyRenderWidgetHostHWND;
class RenderFrameHostImpl;
class RenderWidgetHostImpl;
class RenderWidgetHostView;
class ResizeLock;
// RenderWidgetHostView class hierarchy described in render_widget_host_view.h.
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderWidgetHostViewAura
: public RenderWidgetHostViewBase,
public ui::CompositorObserver,
public ui::CompositorVSyncManager::Observer,
public ui::LayerOwnerDelegate,
public ui::TextInputClient,
public gfx::DisplayObserver,
public aura::WindowTreeHostObserver,
public aura::WindowDelegate,
public aura::client::ActivationDelegate,
public aura::client::ActivationChangeObserver,
public aura::client::FocusChangeObserver,
public aura::client::CursorClientObserver,
public ImageTransportFactoryObserver,
public DelegatedFrameEvictorClient,
public base::SupportsWeakPtr<RenderWidgetHostViewAura>,
public cc::DelegatedFrameResourceCollectionClient {
// Displays and controls touch editing elements such as selection handles.
class TouchEditingClient {
TouchEditingClient() {}
// Tells the client to start showing touch editing handles.
virtual void StartTouchEditing() = 0;
// Notifies the client that touch editing is no longer needed. |quick|
// determines whether the handles should fade out quickly or slowly.
virtual void EndTouchEditing(bool quick) = 0;
// Notifies the client that the selection bounds need to be updated.
virtual void OnSelectionOrCursorChanged(const gfx::Rect& anchor,
const gfx::Rect& focus) = 0;
// Notifies the client that the current text input type as changed.
virtual void OnTextInputTypeChanged(ui::TextInputType type) = 0;
// Notifies the client that an input event is about to be sent to the
// renderer. Returns true if the client wants to stop event propagation.
virtual bool HandleInputEvent(const ui::Event* event) = 0;
// Notifies the client that a gesture event ack was received.
virtual void GestureEventAck(int gesture_event_type) = 0;
// This is called when the view is destroyed, so that the client can
// perform any necessary clean-up.
virtual void OnViewDestroyed() = 0;
virtual ~TouchEditingClient() {}
void set_touch_editing_client(TouchEditingClient* client) {
touch_editing_client_ = client;
// RenderWidgetHostView implementation.
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) OVERRIDE;
virtual void InitAsChild(gfx::NativeView parent_view) OVERRIDE;
virtual RenderWidgetHost* GetRenderWidgetHost() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetSize(const gfx::Size& size) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& rect) OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() const OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::NativeViewId GetNativeViewId() const OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetNativeViewAccessible() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasFocus() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsSurfaceAvailableForCopy() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void Show() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Hide() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsShowing() OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Rect GetViewBounds() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetBackground(const SkBitmap& background) OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Size GetVisibleViewportSize() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetInsets(const gfx::Insets& insets) OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from RenderWidgetHostViewPort:
virtual void InitAsPopup(RenderWidgetHostView* parent_host_view,
const gfx::Rect& pos) OVERRIDE;
virtual void InitAsFullscreen(
RenderWidgetHostView* reference_host_view) OVERRIDE;
virtual void WasShown() OVERRIDE;
virtual void WasHidden() OVERRIDE;
virtual void MovePluginWindows(
const std::vector<WebPluginGeometry>& moves) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Focus() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Blur() OVERRIDE;
virtual void UpdateCursor(const WebCursor& cursor) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetIsLoading(bool is_loading) OVERRIDE;
virtual void TextInputTypeChanged(ui::TextInputType type,
ui::TextInputMode input_mode,
bool can_compose_inline) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ImeCancelComposition() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ImeCompositionRangeChanged(
const gfx::Range& range,
const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& character_bounds) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RenderProcessGone(base::TerminationStatus status,
int error_code) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Destroy() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetTooltipText(const base::string16& tooltip_text) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SelectionChanged(const base::string16& text,
size_t offset,
const gfx::Range& range) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SelectionBoundsChanged(
const ViewHostMsg_SelectionBounds_Params& params) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ScrollOffsetChanged() OVERRIDE;
virtual void CopyFromCompositingSurface(
const gfx::Rect& src_subrect,
const gfx::Size& dst_size,
const base::Callback<void(bool, const SkBitmap&)>& callback,
const SkBitmap::Config config) OVERRIDE;
virtual void CopyFromCompositingSurfaceToVideoFrame(
const gfx::Rect& src_subrect,
const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& target,
const base::Callback<void(bool)>& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanCopyToVideoFrame() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanSubscribeFrame() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void BeginFrameSubscription(
scoped_ptr<RenderWidgetHostViewFrameSubscriber> subscriber) OVERRIDE;
virtual void EndFrameSubscription() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnAcceleratedCompositingStateChange() OVERRIDE;
virtual void AcceleratedSurfaceInitialized(int host_id,
int route_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped(
const GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped_Params& params_in_pixel,
int gpu_host_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void AcceleratedSurfacePostSubBuffer(
const GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfacePostSubBuffer_Params& params_in_pixel,
int gpu_host_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void AcceleratedSurfaceSuspend() OVERRIDE;
virtual void AcceleratedSurfaceRelease() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasAcceleratedSurface(const gfx::Size& desired_size) OVERRIDE;
virtual void GetScreenInfo(blink::WebScreenInfo* results) OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Rect GetBoundsInRootWindow() OVERRIDE;
virtual void GestureEventAck(const blink::WebGestureEvent& event,
InputEventAckState ack_result) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ProcessAckedTouchEvent(
const TouchEventWithLatencyInfo& touch,
InputEventAckState ack_result) OVERRIDE;
virtual scoped_ptr<SyntheticGestureTarget> CreateSyntheticGestureTarget()
virtual void SetScrollOffsetPinning(
bool is_pinned_to_left, bool is_pinned_to_right) OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::GLSurfaceHandle GetCompositingSurface() OVERRIDE;
virtual void CreateBrowserAccessibilityManagerIfNeeded() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool LockMouse() OVERRIDE;
virtual void UnlockMouse() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnSwapCompositorFrame(
uint32 output_surface_id,
scoped_ptr<cc::CompositorFrame> frame) OVERRIDE;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
virtual void SetParentNativeViewAccessible(
gfx::NativeViewAccessible accessible_parent) OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::NativeViewId GetParentForWindowlessPlugin() const OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from ui::TextInputClient:
virtual void SetCompositionText(
const ui::CompositionText& composition) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ConfirmCompositionText() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ClearCompositionText() OVERRIDE;
virtual void InsertText(const base::string16& text) OVERRIDE;
virtual void InsertChar(base::char16 ch, int flags) OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::NativeWindow GetAttachedWindow() const OVERRIDE;
virtual ui::TextInputType GetTextInputType() const OVERRIDE;
virtual ui::TextInputMode GetTextInputMode() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanComposeInline() const OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Rect GetCaretBounds() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetCompositionCharacterBounds(uint32 index,
gfx::Rect* rect) const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasCompositionText() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetTextRange(gfx::Range* range) const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetCompositionTextRange(gfx::Range* range) const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetSelectionRange(gfx::Range* range) const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SetSelectionRange(const gfx::Range& range) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool DeleteRange(const gfx::Range& range) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetTextFromRange(const gfx::Range& range,
base::string16* text) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnInputMethodChanged() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ChangeTextDirectionAndLayoutAlignment(
base::i18n::TextDirection direction) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ExtendSelectionAndDelete(size_t before, size_t after) OVERRIDE;
virtual void EnsureCaretInRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnCandidateWindowShown() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnCandidateWindowUpdated() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnCandidateWindowHidden() OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from gfx::DisplayObserver:
virtual void OnDisplayBoundsChanged(const gfx::Display& display) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnDisplayAdded(const gfx::Display& new_display) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnDisplayRemoved(const gfx::Display& old_display) OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from aura::WindowDelegate:
virtual gfx::Size GetMinimumSize() const OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Size GetMaximumSize() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& old_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& new_bounds) OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::NativeCursor GetCursor(const gfx::Point& point) OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetNonClientComponent(const gfx::Point& point) const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ShouldDescendIntoChildForEventHandling(
aura::Window* child,
const gfx::Point& location) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CanFocus() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnCaptureLost() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(float device_scale_factor) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnWindowDestroying(aura::Window* window) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnWindowDestroyed(aura::Window* window) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnWindowTargetVisibilityChanged(bool visible) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool HasHitTestMask() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void GetHitTestMask(gfx::Path* mask) const OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from ui::EventHandler:
virtual void OnKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnScrollEvent(ui::ScrollEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnTouchEvent(ui::TouchEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from aura::client::ActivationDelegate:
virtual bool ShouldActivate() const OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from aura::client::ActivationChangeObserver:
virtual void OnWindowActivated(aura::Window* gained_activation,
aura::Window* lost_activation) OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from aura::client::CursorClientObserver:
virtual void OnCursorVisibilityChanged(bool is_visible) OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from aura::client::FocusChangeObserver:
virtual void OnWindowFocused(aura::Window* gained_focus,
aura::Window* lost_focus) OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from aura::WindowTreeHostObserver:
virtual void OnHostMoved(const aura::WindowTreeHost* host,
const gfx::Point& new_origin) OVERRIDE;
bool CanCopyToBitmap() const;
void OnTextInputStateChanged(const ViewHostMsg_TextInputState_Params& params);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Sets the cutout rects from constrained windows. These are rectangles that
// windowed NPAPI plugins shouldn't paint in. Overwrites any previous cutout
// rects.
void UpdateConstrainedWindowRects(const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& rects);
// Updates the cursor clip region. Used for mouse locking.
void UpdateMouseLockRegion();
// Method to indicate if this instance is shutting down or closing.
// TODO(shrikant): Discuss around to see if it makes sense to add this method
// as part of RenderWidgetHostView.
bool IsClosing() const { return in_shutdown_; }
friend class RenderWidgetHostView;
virtual ~RenderWidgetHostViewAura();
// Should be constructed via RenderWidgetHostView::CreateViewForWidget.
explicit RenderWidgetHostViewAura(RenderWidgetHost* host);
RenderWidgetHostViewFrameSubscriber* frame_subscriber() const {
return frame_subscriber_.get();
virtual bool ShouldCreateResizeLock();
virtual scoped_ptr<ResizeLock> CreateResizeLock(bool defer_compositor_lock);
virtual void RequestCopyOfOutput(scoped_ptr<cc::CopyOutputRequest> request);
// Exposed for tests.
aura::Window* window() { return window_; }
gfx::Size current_frame_size_in_dip() const {
return current_frame_size_in_dip_;
void LockResources();
void UnlockResources();
// Overridden from ui::CompositorObserver:
virtual void OnCompositingDidCommit(ui::Compositor* compositor) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnCompositingStarted(ui::Compositor* compositor,
base::TimeTicks start_time) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnCompositingEnded(ui::Compositor* compositor) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnCompositingAborted(ui::Compositor* compositor) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnCompositingLockStateChanged(
ui::Compositor* compositor) OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from ui::CompositorVSyncManager::Observer:
virtual void OnUpdateVSyncParameters(base::TimeTicks timebase,
base::TimeDelta interval) OVERRIDE;
virtual SkBitmap::Config PreferredReadbackFormat() OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from ui::LayerOwnerObserver:
virtual void OnLayerRecreated(ui::Layer* old_layer,
ui::Layer* new_layer) OVERRIDE;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostViewAuraTest, SetCompositionText);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostViewAuraTest, TouchEventState);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostViewAuraTest, TouchEventSyncAsync);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostViewAuraTest, SwapNotifiesWindow);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostViewAuraTest, OutputSurfaceIdChange);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderWidgetHostViewAuraTest, SoftwareDPIChange);
class WindowObserver;
friend class WindowObserver;
// Overridden from ImageTransportFactoryObserver:
virtual void OnLostResources() OVERRIDE;
void UpdateCursorIfOverSelf();
bool ShouldSkipFrame(gfx::Size size_in_dip) const;
// Set the bounds of the window and handle size changes. Assumes the caller
// has already adjusted the origin of |rect| to conform to whatever coordinate
// space is required by the aura::Window.
void InternalSetBounds(const gfx::Rect& rect);
// Lazily grab a resize lock if the aura window size doesn't match the current
// frame size, to give time to the renderer.
void MaybeCreateResizeLock();
// Checks if the resize lock can be released because we received an new frame.
void CheckResizeLock();
ui::InputMethod* GetInputMethod() const;
// Returns whether the widget needs an input grab to work properly.
bool NeedsInputGrab();
// Confirm existing composition text in the webpage and ask the input method
// to cancel its ongoing composition session.
void FinishImeCompositionSession();
// This method computes movementX/Y and keeps track of mouse location for
// mouse lock on all mouse move events.
void ModifyEventMovementAndCoords(blink::WebMouseEvent* event);
// Sends an IPC to the renderer process to communicate whether or not
// the mouse cursor is visible anywhere on the screen.
void NotifyRendererOfCursorVisibilityState(bool is_visible);
// If |clip| is non-empty and and doesn't contain |rect| or |clip| is empty
// SchedulePaint() is invoked for |rect|.
void SchedulePaintIfNotInClip(const gfx::Rect& rect, const gfx::Rect& clip);
// Helper method to determine if, in mouse locked mode, the cursor should be
// moved to center.
bool ShouldMoveToCenter();
// Run all on compositing commit callbacks.
void RunOnCommitCallbacks();
// Add on compositing commit callback.
void AddOnCommitCallbackAndDisableLocks(const base::Closure& callback);
// Called after |window_| is parented to a WindowEventDispatcher.
void AddedToRootWindow();
// Called prior to removing |window_| from a WindowEventDispatcher.
void RemovingFromRootWindow();
// Called after async thumbnailer task completes. Scales and crops the result
// of the copy.
static void CopyFromCompositingSurfaceHasResult(
const gfx::Size& dst_size_in_pixel,
const SkBitmap::Config config,
const base::Callback<void(bool, const SkBitmap&)>& callback,
scoped_ptr<cc::CopyOutputResult> result);
static void PrepareTextureCopyOutputResult(
const gfx::Size& dst_size_in_pixel,
const SkBitmap::Config config,
const base::Callback<void(bool, const SkBitmap&)>& callback,
scoped_ptr<cc::CopyOutputResult> result);
static void PrepareBitmapCopyOutputResult(
const gfx::Size& dst_size_in_pixel,
const SkBitmap::Config config,
const base::Callback<void(bool, const SkBitmap&)>& callback,
scoped_ptr<cc::CopyOutputResult> result);
static void CopyFromCompositingSurfaceHasResultForVideo(
base::WeakPtr<RenderWidgetHostViewAura> rwhva,
scoped_refptr<OwnedMailbox> subscriber_texture,
scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> video_frame,
const base::Callback<void(bool)>& callback,
scoped_ptr<cc::CopyOutputResult> result);
static void CopyFromCompositingSurfaceFinishedForVideo(
base::WeakPtr<RenderWidgetHostViewAura> rwhva,
const base::Callback<void(bool)>& callback,
scoped_refptr<OwnedMailbox> subscriber_texture,
scoped_ptr<cc::SingleReleaseCallback> release_callback,
bool result);
static void ReturnSubscriberTexture(
base::WeakPtr<RenderWidgetHostViewAura> rwhva,
scoped_refptr<OwnedMailbox> subscriber_texture,
uint32 sync_point);
ui::Compositor* GetCompositor() const;
// Detaches |this| from the input method object.
void DetachFromInputMethod();
// Before calling RenderWidgetHost::ForwardKeyboardEvent(), this method
// calls our keybindings handler against the event and send matched
// edit commands to renderer instead.
void ForwardKeyboardEvent(const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event);
// Dismisses a Web Popup on a mouse or touch press outside the popup and its
// parent.
void ApplyEventFilterForPopupExit(ui::LocatedEvent* event);
// Converts |rect| from window coordinate to screen coordinate.
gfx::Rect ConvertRectToScreen(const gfx::Rect& rect) const;
// Converts |rect| from screen coordinate to window coordinate.
gfx::Rect ConvertRectFromScreen(const gfx::Rect& rect) const;
void SwapDelegatedFrame(
uint32 output_surface_id,
scoped_ptr<cc::DelegatedFrameData> frame_data,
float frame_device_scale_factor,
const std::vector<ui::LatencyInfo>& latency_info);
void SendDelegatedFrameAck(uint32 output_surface_id);
void SendReturnedDelegatedResources(uint32 output_surface_id);
// DelegatedFrameEvictorClient implementation.
virtual void EvictDelegatedFrame() OVERRIDE;
// cc::DelegatedFrameProviderClient implementation.
virtual void UnusedResourcesAreAvailable() OVERRIDE;
void DidReceiveFrameFromRenderer();
// Helper function to set keyboard focus to the main window.
void SetKeyboardFocus();
RenderFrameHostImpl* GetFocusedFrame();
// The model object.
RenderWidgetHostImpl* host_;
aura::Window* window_;
scoped_ptr<WindowObserver> window_observer_;
// Are we in the process of closing? Tracked so fullscreen views can avoid
// sending a second shutdown request to the host when they lose the focus
// after requesting shutdown for another reason (e.g. Escape key).
bool in_shutdown_;
// True if in the process of handling a window bounds changed notification.
bool in_bounds_changed_;
// Is this a fullscreen view?
bool is_fullscreen_;
// Our parent host view, if this is a popup. NULL otherwise.
RenderWidgetHostViewAura* popup_parent_host_view_;
// Our child popup host. NULL if we do not have a child popup.
RenderWidgetHostViewAura* popup_child_host_view_;
class EventFilterForPopupExit;
friend class EventFilterForPopupExit;
scoped_ptr<ui::EventHandler> event_filter_for_popup_exit_;
// True when content is being loaded. Used to show an hourglass cursor.
bool is_loading_;
// The cursor for the page. This is passed up from the renderer.
WebCursor current_cursor_;
// The touch-event. Its touch-points are updated as necessary. A new
// touch-point is added from an ET_TOUCH_PRESSED event, and a touch-point is
// removed from the list on an ET_TOUCH_RELEASED event.
blink::WebTouchEvent touch_event_;
// The current text input type.
ui::TextInputType text_input_type_;
// The current text input mode corresponding to HTML5 inputmode attribute.
ui::TextInputMode text_input_mode_;
bool can_compose_inline_;
// Rectangles for the selection anchor and focus.
gfx::Rect selection_anchor_rect_;
gfx::Rect selection_focus_rect_;
// The current composition character bounds.
std::vector<gfx::Rect> composition_character_bounds_;
// Indicates if there is onging composition text.
bool has_composition_text_;
// Whether return characters should be passed on to the RenderWidgetHostImpl.
bool accept_return_character_;
// Current tooltip text.
base::string16 tooltip_;
std::vector<base::Closure> on_compositing_did_commit_callbacks_;
// The vsync manager we are observing for changes, if any.
scoped_refptr<ui::CompositorVSyncManager> vsync_manager_;
// With delegated renderer, this is the last output surface, used to
// disambiguate resources with the same id coming from different output
// surfaces.
uint32 last_output_surface_id_;
// The number of delegated frame acks that are pending, to delay resource
// returns until the acks are sent.
int pending_delegated_ack_count_;
// True after a delegated frame has been skipped, until a frame is not
// skipped.
bool skipped_frames_;
// Holds delegated resources that have been given to a DelegatedFrameProvider,
// and gives back resources when they are no longer in use for return to the
// renderer.
scoped_refptr<cc::DelegatedFrameResourceCollection> resource_collection_;
// Provides delegated frame updates to the cc::DelegatedRendererLayer.
scoped_refptr<cc::DelegatedFrameProvider> frame_provider_;
// The size and scale of the last software compositing frame that was swapped.
gfx::Size last_swapped_software_frame_size_;
float last_swapped_software_frame_scale_factor_;
// If non-NULL we're in OnPaint() and this is the supplied canvas.
gfx::Canvas* paint_canvas_;
// Used to record the last position of the mouse.
// While the mouse is locked, they store the last known position just as mouse
// lock was entered.
// Relative to the upper-left corner of the view.
gfx::Point unlocked_mouse_position_;
// Relative to the upper-left corner of the screen.
gfx::Point unlocked_global_mouse_position_;
// Last cursor position relative to screen. Used to compute movementX/Y.
gfx::Point global_mouse_position_;
// In mouse locked mode, we syntheticaly move the mouse cursor to the center
// of the window when it reaches the window borders to avoid it going outside.
// This flag is used to differentiate between these synthetic mouse move
// events vs. normal mouse move events.
bool synthetic_move_sent_;
// This lock is the one waiting for a frame of the right size to come back
// from the renderer/GPU process. It is set from the moment the aura window
// got resized, to the moment we committed the renderer frame of the same
// size. It keeps track of the size we expect from the renderer, and locks the
// compositor, as well as the UI for a short time to give a chance to the
// renderer of producing a frame of the right size.
scoped_ptr<ResizeLock> resize_lock_;
// Keeps track of the current frame size.
gfx::Size current_frame_size_in_dip_;
// This lock is for waiting for a front surface to become available to draw.
scoped_refptr<ui::CompositorLock> released_front_lock_;
// Used to track the state of the window we're created from. Only used when
// created fullscreen.
scoped_ptr<aura::WindowTracker> host_tracker_;
enum CanLockCompositorState {
// We locked, so at some point we'll need to kick a frame.
// No. A lock timed out, we need to kick a new frame before locking again.
// No. We've got a frame, but it hasn't been committed.
CanLockCompositorState can_lock_compositor_;
// Used to track the last cursor visibility update that was sent to the
// renderer via NotifyRendererOfCursorVisibilityState().
enum CursorVisibilityState {
CursorVisibilityState cursor_visibility_state_in_renderer_;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// The list of rectangles from constrained windows over this view. Windowed
// NPAPI plugins shouldn't draw over them.
std::vector<gfx::Rect> constrained_rects_;
typedef std::map<HWND, WebPluginGeometry> PluginWindowMoves;
// Contains information about each windowed plugin's clip and cutout rects (
// from the renderer). This is needed because when the transient windoiws
// over this view changes, we need this information in order to create a new
// region for the HWND.
PluginWindowMoves plugin_window_moves_;
base::TimeTicks last_draw_ended_;
// Subscriber that listens to frame presentation events.
scoped_ptr<RenderWidgetHostViewFrameSubscriber> frame_subscriber_;
std::vector<scoped_refptr<OwnedMailbox> > idle_frame_subscriber_textures_;
std::set<OwnedMailbox*> active_frame_subscriber_textures_;
// YUV readback pipeline.
TouchEditingClient* touch_editing_client_;
gfx::Insets insets_;
scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameEvictor> delegated_frame_evictor_;
scoped_ptr<aura::client::ScopedTooltipDisabler> tooltip_disabler_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<RenderWidgetHostViewAura> weak_ptr_factory_;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// The LegacyRenderWidgetHostHWND class provides a dummy HWND which is used
// for accessibility, as the container for windowless plugins like
// Flash/Silverlight, etc and for legacy drivers for trackpoints/trackpads,
// etc.
} // namespace content