blob: 9290d400f21825a551ab246ebb808b84860a3997 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/port/browser/event_with_latency_info.h"
#include "content/port/common/input_event_ack_state.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebInputEvent.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"
namespace content {
class CoalescedWebTouchEvent;
// Interface with which TouchEventQueue can forward touch events, and dispatch
// touch event responses.
class CONTENT_EXPORT TouchEventQueueClient {
virtual ~TouchEventQueueClient() {}
virtual void SendTouchEventImmediately(
const TouchEventWithLatencyInfo& event) = 0;
virtual void OnTouchEventAck(
const TouchEventWithLatencyInfo& event,
InputEventAckState ack_result) = 0;
// A queue for throttling and coalescing touch-events.
class CONTENT_EXPORT TouchEventQueue {
// Different ways of dealing with touch events during scrolling.
// TODO(rbyers): Remove this once we're confident that touch move absorption
// is OK.
enum TouchScrollingMode {
// Send a touchcancel on scroll start and no further touch events for the
// duration of the scroll. Chrome Android's traditional behavior.
// Send touchmove events throughout a scroll, blocking on each ACK and
// using the disposition to determine whether a scroll update should be
// sent. Mobile Safari's default overflow scroll behavior.
// Send touchmove events throughout a scroll, but throttle sending and
// ignore the ACK as long as scrolling remains possible. Unconsumed scroll
// events return touchmove events to being dispatched synchronously.
// The |client| must outlive the TouchEventQueue. If
// |touchmove_suppression_length_dips| <= 0, touch move suppression is
// disabled.
TouchEventQueue(TouchEventQueueClient* client,
TouchScrollingMode mode,
double touchmove_suppression_length_dips);
// Adds an event to the queue. The event may be coalesced with previously
// queued events (e.g. consecutive touch-move events can be coalesced into a
// single touch-move event). The event may also be immediately forwarded to
// the renderer (e.g. when there are no other queued touch event).
void QueueEvent(const TouchEventWithLatencyInfo& event);
// Notifies the queue that a touch-event has been processed by the renderer.
// At this point, the queue may send one or more gesture events and/or
// additional queued touch-events to the renderer.
void ProcessTouchAck(InputEventAckState ack_result,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency_info);
// When GestureScrollBegin is received, we send a touch cancel to renderer,
// route all the following touch events directly to client, and ignore the
// ack for the touch cancel. When Gesture{ScrollEnd,FlingStart} is received,
// resume the normal flow of sending touch events to the renderer.
void OnGestureScrollEvent(const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
void OnGestureEventAck(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& event,
InputEventAckState ack_result);
// Notifies the queue whether the renderer has at least one touch handler.
void OnHasTouchEventHandlers(bool has_handlers);
// Returns whether the currently pending touch event (waiting ACK) is for
// a touch start event.
bool IsPendingAckTouchStart() const;
// Sets whether a delayed touch ack will cancel and flush the current
// touch sequence. Note that, if the timeout was previously disabled, enabling
// it will take effect only for the following touch sequence.
void SetAckTimeoutEnabled(bool enabled, base::TimeDelta ack_timeout_delay);
bool empty() const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
return touch_queue_.empty();
size_t size() const {
return touch_queue_.size();
bool ack_timeout_enabled() const {
return ack_timeout_enabled_;
bool has_handlers() const {
return touch_filtering_state_ != DROP_ALL_TOUCHES;
class TouchTimeoutHandler;
class TouchMoveSlopSuppressor;
friend class TouchTimeoutHandler;
friend class TouchEventQueueTest;
bool HasPendingAsyncTouchMoveForTesting() const;
bool IsTimeoutRunningForTesting() const;
const TouchEventWithLatencyInfo& GetLatestEventForTesting() const;
// Empties the queue of touch events. This may result in any number of gesture
// events being sent to the renderer.
void FlushQueue();
// Walks the queue, checking each event with |FilterBeforeForwarding()|.
// If allowed, forwards the touch event and stops processing further events.
// Otherwise, acks the event with |INPUT_EVENT_ACK_STATE_NO_CONSUMER_EXISTS|.
void TryForwardNextEventToRenderer();
// Forwards the event at the head of the queue to the renderer.
void ForwardNextEventToRenderer();
// Pops the touch-event from the head of the queue and acks it to the client.
void PopTouchEventToClient(InputEventAckState ack_result);
// Pops the touch-event from the top of the queue and acks it to the client,
// updating the event with |renderer_latency_info|.
void PopTouchEventToClient(InputEventAckState ack_result,
const ui::LatencyInfo& renderer_latency_info);
// Ack all coalesced events in |acked_event| to the client with |ack_result|.
void AckTouchEventToClient(InputEventAckState ack_result,
scoped_ptr<CoalescedWebTouchEvent> acked_event);
// Safely pop the head of the queue.
scoped_ptr<CoalescedWebTouchEvent> PopTouchEvent();
// Dispatch |touch| to the client.
void SendTouchEventImmediately(const TouchEventWithLatencyInfo& touch);
enum PreFilterResult {
// Filter touches prior to forwarding to the renderer, e.g., if the renderer
// has no touch handler.
PreFilterResult FilterBeforeForwarding(const blink::WebTouchEvent& event);
void ForwardToRenderer(const TouchEventWithLatencyInfo& event);
void UpdateTouchAckStates(const blink::WebTouchEvent& event,
InputEventAckState ack_result);
bool AllTouchAckStatesHaveState(InputEventAckState ack_state) const;
// Handles touch event forwarding and ack'ed event dispatch.
TouchEventQueueClient* client_;
typedef std::deque<CoalescedWebTouchEvent*> TouchQueue;
TouchQueue touch_queue_;
// Maintain the ACK status for each touch point.
typedef std::map<int, InputEventAckState> TouchPointAckStates;
TouchPointAckStates touch_ack_states_;
// Position of the first touch in the most recent sequence forwarded to the
// client.
gfx::PointF touch_sequence_start_position_;
// Used to defer touch forwarding when ack dispatch triggers |QueueEvent()|.
// If not NULL, |dispatching_touch_ack_| is the touch event of which the ack
// is being dispatched.
const CoalescedWebTouchEvent* dispatching_touch_ack_;
// Used to prevent touch timeout scheduling if we receive a synchronous
// ack after forwarding a touch event to the client.
bool dispatching_touch_;
enum TouchFilteringState {
FORWARD_ALL_TOUCHES, // Don't filter at all - the default.
FORWARD_TOUCHES_UNTIL_TIMEOUT, // Don't filter unless we get an ACK timeout.
DROP_TOUCHES_IN_SEQUENCE, // Filter all events until a new touch
// sequence is received.
DROP_ALL_TOUCHES, // Filter all events, e.g., no touch handler.
TouchFilteringState touch_filtering_state_;
// Optional handler for timed-out touch event acks, disabled by default.
bool ack_timeout_enabled_;
scoped_ptr<TouchTimeoutHandler> timeout_handler_;
// Suppression of TouchMove's within a slop region when a sequence has not yet
// been preventDefaulted.
scoped_ptr<TouchMoveSlopSuppressor> touchmove_slop_suppressor_;
// Whether touch events should remain buffered and dispatched asynchronously
// while a scroll sequence is active. In this mode, touchmove's are throttled
// and ack'ed immediately, but remain buffered in |pending_async_touch_move_|
// until a sufficient time period has elapsed since the last sent touch event.
// For details see the design doc at
bool send_touch_events_async_;
bool needs_async_touch_move_for_outer_slop_region_;
scoped_ptr<TouchEventWithLatencyInfo> pending_async_touch_move_;
double last_sent_touch_timestamp_sec_;
// How touch events are handled during scrolling. For now this is a global
// setting for experimentation, but we may evolve it into an app-controlled
// mode.
const TouchScrollingMode touch_scrolling_mode_;
} // namespace content