blob: 051160b337f7d923a64792b40b3f695d17fdbd04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The <code>chrome.bluetoothLowEnergy</code> API is used to communicate with
// Bluetooth Smart (Low Energy) devices.
namespace bluetoothLowEnergy {
// Values representing the possible properties of a characteristic.
enum CharacteristicProperty {broadcast, read, writeWithoutResponse, write,
notify, indicate, authenticatedSignedWrites,
extendedProperties, reliableWrite,
// Represents a peripheral's Bluetooth GATT Service, a collection of
// characteristics and relationships to other services that encapsulate
// the behavior of part of a device.
dictionary Service {
// The UUID of the service, e.g. 0000180d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb.
DOMString uuid;
// Indicates whether the type of this service is primary or secondary.
boolean isPrimary;
// Indicates whether this service represents a local service hosted by the
// application and available to other peripherals, or a remote service
// hosted and received from a remote peripheral.
boolean isLocal;
// Returns the identifier assigned to this service. Use the instance ID to
// distinguish between services from a peripheral with the same UUID and
// to make function calls that take in a service identifier. Present, if
// this instance represents a remote service.
DOMString? instanceId;
// The device address of the remote peripheral that the GATT service belongs
// to. Present, if this instance represents a remote service.
DOMString? deviceAddress;
// Represents a GATT characteristic, which is a basic data element that
// provides further information about a peripheral's service.
dictionary Characteristic {
// The UUID of the characteristic, e.g.
// 00002a37-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb.
DOMString uuid;
// Indicates whether this characteristic represents a local characteristic
// hosted by the application and available to other peripherals, or a remote
// characteristic hosted and received from a remote peripheral.
boolean isLocal;
// The GATT service this characteristic belongs to.
Service service;
// The properties of this characteristic.
CharacteristicProperty[] properties;
// Returns the identifier assigned to this characteristic. Use the instance
// ID to distinguish between characteristics from a peripheral with the same
// UUID and to make function calls that take in a characteristic identifier.
// Present, if this instance represents a remote characteristic.
DOMString? instanceId;
// The currently cached characteristic value. This value gets updated when
// the value of the characteristic is read, written, or updated via a
// notification or indication. For local characteristics, this is the value
// that will be returned upon requests from remote peripherals by default.
ArrayBuffer? value;
// Represents a GATT characteristic descriptor, which provides further
// information about a characteristic's value.
dictionary Descriptor {
// The UUID of the characteristic descriptor, e.g.
// 00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb.
DOMString uuid;
// Indicates whether this descriptor represents a local descriptor
// hosted by the application and available to other peripherals, or a remote
// descriptor hosted and received from a remote peripheral.
boolean isLocal;
// The GATT characteristic this descriptor belongs to.
Characteristic characteristic;
// Returns the identifier assigned to this descriptor. Use the instance ID
// to distinguish between descriptors from a peripheral with the same UUID
// and to make function calls that take in a descriptor identifier. Present,
// if this instance represents a remote characteristic.
DOMString? instanceId;
// The currently cached descriptor value. This value gets updated when
// the value of the descriptor is read or written. For local descriptors,
// this is the value that will be returned upon requests from remote
// peripherals by default.
ArrayBuffer? value;
callback CharacteristicCallback = void(Characteristic result);
callback CharacteristicsCallback = void(Characteristic[] result);
callback DescriptorCallback = void(Descriptor result);
callback DescriptorsCallback = void(Descriptor[] result);
callback ResultCallback = void();
callback ServiceCallback = void(Service result);
callback ServicesCallback = void(Service[] result);
// These functions all report failures via chrome.runtime.lastError.
interface Functions {
// Get the GATT service with the given instance ID.
// |serviceId| : The instance ID of the requested GATT service.
// |callback| : Called with the requested Service object.
static void getService(DOMString serviceId, ServiceCallback callback);
// Get all the GATT services that were discovered on the remote device with
// the given device address.
// |deviceAddress| : The Bluetooth Address of the remote device whose GATT
// services should be returned.
// |callback| : Called with the list of requested Service objects.
static void getServices(DOMString deviceAddress, ServicesCallback callback);
// Get the GATT characteristic with the given instance ID that belongs to
// the given GATT service, if the characteristic exists.
// |characteristicId| : The instance ID of the requested GATT
// characteristic.
// |callback| : Called with the requested Characteristic object.
static void getCharacteristic(DOMString characteristicId,
CharacteristicCallback callback);
// Get a list of all discovered GATT characteristics that belong to the
// given service.
// |serviceId| : The instance ID of the GATT service whose characteristics
// should be returned.
// |callback| : Called with the list of characteristics that belong to the
// given service.
static void getCharacteristics(DOMString serviceId,
CharacteristicsCallback callback);
// Get a list of GATT services that are included by the given service.
// |serviceId| : The instance ID of the GATT service whose included
// services should be returned.
// |callback| : Called with the list of GATT services included from the
// given service.
static void getIncludedServices(DOMString serviceId,
ServicesCallback callback);
// Get the GATT characteristic descriptor with the given instance ID.
// |descriptorId| : The instance ID of the requested GATT characteristic
// descriptor.
// |callback| : Called with the requested Descriptor object.
static void getDescriptor(DOMString descriptorId,
DescriptorCallback callback);
// Get a list of GATT characteristic descriptors that belong to the given
// characteristic.
// |characteristicId| : The instance ID of the GATT characteristic whose
// descriptors should be returned.
// |callback| : Called with the list of descriptors that belong to the given
// characteristic.
static void getDescriptors(DOMString characteristicId,
DescriptorsCallback callback);
// Retrieve the value of a specified characteristic from a remote
// peripheral. This function will fail if the characteristic is local.
// |characteristicId| : The instance ID of the GATT characteristic whose
// value should be read from the remote device.
// |callback| : Called with the Characteristic object whose value was
// requested. The <code>value</code> field of the returned Characteristic
// object contains the result of the read request.
static void readCharacteristicValue(DOMString characteristicId,
CharacteristicCallback callback);
// Write the value of a specified characteristic from a remote peripheral.
// This function will fail if the characteristic is local.
// |characteristicId| : The instance ID of the GATT characteristic whose
// value should be written to.
// |value| : The value that should be sent to the remote characteristic as
// part of the write request.
// |callback| : Called when the write request has completed.
static void writeCharacteristicValue(DOMString characteristicId,
ArrayBuffer value,
ResultCallback callback);
// Retrieve the value of a specified characteristic descriptor from a remote
// peripheral. This function will fail if the descriptor is local.
// |descriptorId| : The instance ID of the GATT characteristic descriptor
// whose value should be read from the remote device.
// |callback| : Called with the Descriptor object whose value was requested.
// The <code>value</code> field of the returned Descriptor object contains
// the result of the read request.
static void readDescriptorValue(DOMString descriptorId,
DescriptorCallback callback);
// Write the value of a specified characteristic descriptor from a remote
// peripheral. This function will fail if the descriptor is local.
// |descriptorId| : The instance ID of the GATT characteristic descriptor
// whose value should be written to.
// |value| : The value that should be sent to the remote descriptor as part
// of the write request.
// |callback| : Called when the write request has completed.
static void writeDescriptorValue(DOMString descriptorId,
ArrayBuffer value,
ResultCallback callback);
interface Events {
// Fired whan a new GATT service has been discovered on a remote device.
// |service| : The GATT service that was added.
static void onServiceAdded(Service service);
// Fired when the state of a remote GATT service changes. This involves any
// characteristics and/or descriptors that get added or removed from the
// service, as well as "ServiceChanged" notifications from the remote
// device.
// |service| : The GATT service whose state has changed.
static void onServiceChanged(Service service);
// Fired when a GATT service that was previously discovered on a remote
// device has been removed.
// |service| : The GATT service that was removed.
static void onServiceRemoved(Service service);
// Fired when the value of a remote GATT characteristic changes, either as
// a result of a read or write request, or a value change notification or
// indication.
// |characteristic| : The GATT characteristic whose value has changed.
static void onCharacteristicValueChanged(Characteristic characteristic);